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Sascha Crasnow

Sascha Crasnow
Assistant Professor of Art History
Office Location: 339 Fine Arts Center

Sascha Crasnow (she/her) received her PhD in Art History, Theory, and Criticism from the University of California San Diego in 2018 with a specialization in contemporary art from South West Asia and North Africa (SWANA), especially Palestine. She writes on global contemporary art practices, with a particular focus on SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa), race, socio-politics, gender, and sexuality. Her writing has appeared in publications such as Art Journal, the Journal of Visual Culture and Lateral, as well as in a number of edited volumes. Her book project, “The Age of Disillusionment: Palestinian Art After the Intifadas,” is under review with Duke University Press. She is also co-editor of the forthcoming publication Queer Contemporary Art of Southwest Asia and North Africa with Anne Marie Butler from Intellect Press out in October 2024.

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