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Driver Approval and Transportation

Vehicle Use and Driver Approval

The use of vehicles is necessary to many programs at Drake University. The University Driver Approval and Vehicle Operation Policy applies to all University owned licensed and unlicensed vehicles including cars, trucks, golf carts, vans, buses and utility vehicles such as a Kubota or gator used for University business. The University's primary concern is to avoid injuries and property damage by promoting the safe operation of vehicles used for University business.

Driver Approval

Drivers must comply with the Drake University's University Driver Approval and Vehicle Operation Policy and Transportation Policy. The following are required processes for determining driver authorization:

Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) & Personal Vehicle Release Form -- Any driver that will be driving either a Drake-owned vehicle or a rental vehicle on Drake business must fill out this form. Any driver with one or more passengers in their personal vehicle must also complete this form. 

Point System Criteria -- The University requires that certain criteria must be met in order to qualify for driving on University business. The MVR eligibility verification system assists to determine driver eligibility.

Driving Video Course -- All drivers are required to complete a distracted and defensive driving video course and comprehension test over the video content annually. Login information is below.
     Please use: Distracted & Defensive Driving Video
     Access code: 4BQW8WQX
After receiving the Final Quiz Results, click on FINISH. It will ask for first and last name. This information must be filled out as it is our notification for successful completion of the course.

Notification -- The Risk and Insurance Office determines driver eligibility and will notify those seeking driving approval or their manager of their eligibility and approval status. Deadline for driver approval is 3 business days prior to the date of the event or the trip departure date.

Personal Vehicles

The owner or driver of a personal vehicle will be responsible for the way in which the vehicle is driven and any damage that occurs as a result. Insurance coverage, tickets and any other problems associated with driving a personal vehicle while on official University business will remain the responsibility of the driver or owner of the vehicle and not the University.

Golf Carts and Utility Vehicles

Golf carts/utility vehicles owned by Drake University or rented by Drake University may only be used for official department/University business and by approved employees, students, and volunteers.  Golf carts/utility vehicles may not be used for personal business. Knowledge of and compliance with applicable state laws, rules, regulations, and policies are the responsibility of the driver. Requirements for operation of golf carts/utility vehicles are discussed in Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle Safety Program

All drivers are required to complete a one-time in personal training and a golf cart safety video course annually. Email to get signed up for the in-person training. Login information for video course is below.
     Please use: Golf Cart Safety Video
     Access code: F6WH7JR5
After receiving the Final Quiz relsults, click on FINISH.  It will ask for first and last name. This information must be filled out as it is our notification for successful completion of the course.

Before renting a golf cart or utility vehicle, please fill out the Golf Cart Rental form.  This will need to be approved by the Risk and Insurance Office prior to operation on campus.

Vehicle Operator Responsibility

As an approved driver, you have the responsibility to report all traffic citations/incidents, including accidents, received while on University business to your manager. If you receive a fine or vehicle violation associated with the use of a Drake vehicle, you personally assume that responsibility. 

Trailer Operations

Requirements for trailer operations are discussed in the University’s Trailer Operation Guidelines.

Approved Drivers

As part of the University’s approval process, drivers must agree to and abide by the safety rules and practices as set out in the University Driver Approval and Vehicle Operation Policy, the University’s Transportation Policy and all other Drake University policies and procedures.

Special Driving Requirements -- Large Vehicles

Large Passenger Motor Vehicle Operations Guidelines

Drivers are required to limit the number of driving hours at one sitting to 4 hours with a minimum 30-minute rest before driving again. If travel is more than 525 miles than there must be a break every 3 hours. If driving time occurs after 9:00pm, you will need a second driver to relieve driver duties.

16 Passenger Vehicles and Over

Student Approved Drivers

See Student Trips and Off-Campus Experiences webpage for information related to student drivers approval process.


The Transportation Policy establishes safe and efficient driver and vehicle requirements that faculty, staff, students and Drake volunteers must satisfy in order to travel on behalf of the University or as part of a University-sponsored event. The Transportation Policy includes the requirements for the following modes of transportation: professional drivers, leased or rented vehicles, buses, air transportation, charter aircraft and aviation charter.

Group Travel

University employees must have prior approval of the Finance and Administration office for group travel arrangements. Normal day-to-day business travel by an individual employee does not require advance approval. All private aircraft usage, charter agreements, contracts with travel agents, and other arrangements for group travel must be reviewed by Risk and Insurance office prior to commitment. When traveling on Drake University business faculty and staff are prohibited from sharing hotel rooms or bedrooms with a student or a group of students, including graduate, undergraduate and students from other insitutions. Budgetary considerations do not take precedence.



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February 28, 2025