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Student Trips and Off-Campus Experiences

Drake University has approval and risk mitigation processes applicable to both international and domestic trips, as well as off-campus learning and experiential activities. 

I. Domestic Travel and Off-Campus Experiences

The Student Domestic Travel Policy governs domestic travel and off-campus experiences. The following summarizes the key provisions applicable to trip registration, release waivers, emergency contacts and driver approval. 

Types of Trips

  • Course Required Trip -- Any trip that is required to take for the class you are enrolled in
  • Voluntary Trip -- Any trip that is NOT required for a course (student organization, mock trial, moot court, club sport, etc.)

Below is a list of required forms for various types of travel.

Form NameWho Fills OutType of Trip
Risk Mitigation & Trip Travel Form* Faculty/Staff Member or Student Required & Voluntary
Release of Liability Waiver and Emergency Contact Information Participant Voluntary
Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) and Personal Vehicle Release Anyone driving other participants or a Drake-owned vehicles Required & Voluntary
Additional Participants (More than 30)* Faculty/Staff member or Student Required & Voluntary
Incident Report Faculty/Staff member Required & Voluntary
*A spreadsheet with list of participants can be emailed to instead of entering names in these two forms.      

Risk Mitigation and Trip Travel Form needs to be submitted 10 business days before trip is scheduled to depart from campus. The Risk and Insurance Office will communicate with departmental contacts regarding trip approvals. 

The deadline for submitting the Release of Liability Waiver and Emergency Contact Information and the Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) and Personal Vehicle Release is 3 business days prior to the event. 

Be sure you have enough approved drivers so that you meet our guidelines which states that drivers are required to limit the number of driving hours at one sitting to 4 hours with a minimum 30-minute rest before driving again. 

Emergency contact information will be maintained by the department and sent to Public Safety. In the event of an emergency, the Office of Public Safety will assist in coordination and communication with travel participants. 

II. Domestic Study Away

Domestic Study Away form should be submitted by the student as soon as they have been approved to study at another institution. The Risk and Insurance Office will communicate with departmental contacts and Public Safety once the form is submitted.

III. International Travel

International Trips -- Any travel that is out of the continental United States of America is planned and coordinated through Drake University Global Engagement.

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February 28, 2025