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The Zimpleman College of Business expects intellectual integrity on the part of undergraduate and graduate students who participate in the professional preparation offered by Drake University.

Academic Integrity Policy

A violation of academic integrity involves any activity that seeks to gain credit for work one has not done or to deliberately damage or destroy the work of others. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Plagiarism—the misrepresentation, either by intent or negligence, of another’s ideas, phrases, discourse, or works as one’s own.
  • Cheating—the act, or attempted act, of giving or obtaining aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting academic requirements, including examinations.
  • Fabrication—intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic sense in any academic exercise.

The following linked document contains the full Zimpleman College of Business Academic Integrity Policy statement, guidelines, and remediation procedures.

Zimpleman College of Business Academic Integrity Policy

Grade Appeals

Students must initiate a grade appeal within ten (10) business days following the final grade submission due date published by the Registrar. The appeal is initiated by first seeking a resolution with the instructor.

Students may appeal a final grade for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Procedural or clerical error by the instructor that had a negative impact on the
    student’s grade.
  2. The grading being arbitrary, capricious, or outside accepted norms with a resultant negative impact on the student’s grade. Possible examples: work is graded differently than stated in the rubric; final grades are calculated with a different method than stated on the syllabus, etc.
  3. The evaluation was of a different standard than that required of other students in the class, resulting in a negative impact on the student’s grade. Possible examples: some students were permitted to submit late work without penalty, and others were not; extra credit opportunities were provided to some, but not all students, etc.

The following linked document contains the full Zimpleman College of Business grade appeals policy statement, guidelines, and procedures.

Zimpleman College of Business Grade Appeals Policy

Sexual and Other Discriminatory Harassment Policy

Drake University Sexual Harassment Policy

Drake University Non-Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy (non-sex-based)


A full list of Drake's academic policies can be found in the University Policy Library.


Other Zimpleman Policies and Guidelines

Zimpleman College of Business Artificial Intelligence Guidelines

Zimpleman College of Business Course Syllabus Recommendations

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