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Rev Up the Revolution: Your Middle School Physical Education Game Plan (EDMA 278)

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Course Overview

Technology Requirements:
For this course you will need access to:

  • Adobe Acrobat or similiar pdf reader
  • Microsoft Word

Students will receive a link to download course documents in a confirmation email sent via our registration system after paying for the course. Please look for this email.

3 Semester Hours of Graduate Credit
You have up to one year to complete the course!

A comprehensive school physical activity program is focused on promoting physical activity in schools through five key components: quality physical education, before & after school, during school, staff involvement, and family/community involvement. Quality physical education is the foundation of this program. All children, from prekindergarten through grade 12, should participate in quality physical education classes every school day. Physical education helps students develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills, behaviors, and confidence needed to be physically active for life, while providing an opportunity for students to be active during the school day.

This course will provide you with the motivation and tools you need to join other leading professionals in the field of physical education that have already developed a new kind of physical education that is fundamentally different from the stereotypical “roll out the balls and play” classes of decades past that featured little meaningful instruction and lots of humiliation for students who were not athletically coordinated. Professional associations, academic experts, and many teachers across the country are promoting and implementing quality physical education programs that emphasize participation in lifelong physical activity among all students.


*PLEASE NOTE: One of the textbooks for this course - Teaching Middle School Education: A Standards Based Approach for Grades 5 - 8 is only available in an electronic format. This is included in the welcome email.

Textbook to be purchased by student:

  • PE4life with Ken Reed. (2011), Game Changer:  Phil Lawler’s Crusade to Help Children by Improving Physical Education. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics.

These materials are included:

  • *There is a link in welcome email to download this book: Mohnsen, Bonnie S. (2008), Teaching Middle School Physical Education: A Standards-Based Approach for Grades 5-8 (3rd Edition). Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • This brochure will be included in the shipment with your DVD's: National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2009), Appropriate Instructional Practice Guidelines for Middle School Physical Education (3rd Edition).  Reston, VA: NASPE Publications

Goals and Objectives 

The goal of this course if for each class participant to acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to develop and effectively implement a quality middle school physical education program that contributes to the improved fitness, social behavior, and learning readiness of students.

The objectives of this course are that each class participant will:

  • Determine why there is a need for change in physical education.
  • Identify the unique characteristics of middle schools (students, staff, structure, and programming).
  • Recognize the critical role a quality PE learning environment plays in educating the whole child at the middle school level.
  • Explain the importance of offering a variety of activities along with choices to their middle school students is key to a successful middle school physical education program.
  • Review the curriculum development process along with the components of effective unit plans and lesson plans.
  • Examine several effective instructional strategies and apply some of the methods and management techniques in their own teaching situation.
  • Demonstrate that when quality assessments are utilized in an effective manner, they provide credibility to a PE program’s learning environment.
  • Express how the knowledge, skills, and confidence acquired in physical education by students is applied beyond the gymnasium walls to achieve the most benefits.
  • Indicate the role advocacy and professional development plays in advancing quality physical education.
  • Design and action plan for implementing a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program with quality PE as its foundation.

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