Registration Timeline
Registration Resources |
Curriculum-Specific Registration Information |
Campus Resources |
Registration FAQ's
**Additional registration information is available from Drake's Office of the Registrar. |
Important Forms |
Common Registration Error Messages and Solutions
**Additional Registration Error Message Information is available from Drake's Office of the Registrar. |
How do I make changes to my schedule?
New features have been launched in the Self Service registration-related pages! The Registrar's Office has created a variety of Knowledge Base Articles to help navigate the new screens.
Beginning on Monday of Phase II, field-of-study restrictions will be removed and you may attempt to register for a formerly restricted course, provided you have met all other prerequisites and requirements for the course. If a course is full, you may place yourself on the course waitlist; not all courses will utilize an electronic waitlist. Students may wait-list for only ONE section of a course. You cannot waitlist yourself for multiple sections of the same course or register for one section and wait-list for a different section of the same course. If you are in violation of the wait list policy, you will be removed from all course wait lists. Wait list notification will begin after Phase I of Registration. You have 24 hours from the time the notification email is sent to log into Self Service and add the course. If you do not act upon the notification, you will be removed from the waitlist. It is your responsibility to check your email regularly if you are on a waitlist. Placing yourself on a wait list DOES NOT guarantee you a seat in the course. Seats in some courses will be held for entering first-year students until after the end of summer orientation. Seats in some courses will not become available.
How do I repeat a course, but not the lab/discussion section (i.e. Chem 001)?
Students planning to repeat a lecture section ONLY may register for the lecture section without the lab via Self Service. For assistance with any other repeat course registration-related issues, please contact your Advising Specialist ( or and include your Drake ID along with your request.
How do I register for Band or Chorus if it conflicts with a course but I have received approval from my Music instructor to leave practice early?
Contact your Advising Specialist ( or at least 24 hours prior to your registration day/time to obtain approval and the appropriate override. Be sure to include your ID and the CRNs, subject code and course number along with the course title! Upon approval, you will be able to register for both classes.
How do I change/add a major, minor, or concentration?
The Change of Record Request form is available in myDrake under the Student Records section. Students should use this form to request adding or removing a major, minor, or concentration, changing a degree, or updating their graduation date.
How do I cross-enroll with DMACC or Grand View?
The cross-enrollment program provides full-time Drake students the opportunity to take a 3 credit course through DMACC or Grand View during the Fall or Spring semesters. No more than 100 Drake students may cross-enroll at each institution per semester. Cross-enrollment is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must follow the proper procedures to secure cross-enrollment status for the semester they would like to cross-enroll.
How do I take a course at another institution?
If you are interested in taking a course at another institution, please complete the Transfer Credit Request Form to ensure your class will transfer to Drake BEFORE you sign up for the course. Follow the steps below to have your course pre-approved:
How do I sign up for an independent study?
If you are interested in creating an independent study, complete the steps below:
How do I take the language placement exam prior to registering for a language course?
Prior to registering for a language course you would need to complete the language placement exam. To make arrangements to take the exam, please contact
Message: "CLASS RESTRICTION: Your class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate, P3, P4, etc.) does not satisfy the class restriction associated with this section."
Note: When computing a student's class for registration purposes, the systems consider only earned primary level credits. This does not include classes you are currently enrolled in or graduate classes for join degree students.
What To Do: Find a different class/section that does not have a class restriction.
There are multiple CLOSED SECTION messages:
Note: If it appears that there are seats remaining (in the Status column on the Browse Classes screen), but you receive a closed section message, the course may be cross listed (indicated in the Cross Listed courses tab within the Course Title). If there are not any seats remaining in the Status column, then the courses is, in fact, closed. Only some (not all) courses employ an electronic waitlist. Do not wait list yourself for multiple sections of the same course or for a section of a course for which you are already registered. If you do, you may be removed from all wait lists. Additional wait list information can be found in the Registration FAQ's.
What To Do: Find a different section that has available seats. If there is not another section with remaining seats, add yourself to the wait list if the course has one. If the course does not have a wait list, you will need to find a different course for which to register. You should also check course availability again later during the registration period. There may be some classes that open up once field of study restriction are lifted during Phase II of registration and/or as other students continuing making changes to their schedule during each registration phase, after finals grades are reported and prior to the start of the next semester.
Message: "PREREQUISITE ERROR: You have not satisfied the prerequisite(s) associated with this section."
Note: Prerequisites can be viewed by clicking on the Prerequisites tab within the Course Title on the Browse Classes screen.
What To Do: Find a different course that does not have prerequisites or for which you satisfy the prerequisites.
Message: "LINKED SECTION ERROR: This course has a lecture, lab, and/or discussion components, all with the same subject and course number. You must register at the same time for one of each of the components."
Note: Classes that are linked must be registered for at the same time. An example of a linked set of classes is PHY 011 (lecture), PHY 011 (lab), and PHY 011 (discussion).
What To Do: Determine all CRN’s involved in the linked set. Ensure that seats are available in all of your desired sections of the course, and ensure that you have met all prerequisites and other registration restrictions. Then, try registering for all sections at the same time.
Message: "MAX HOURS EXCEEDED: You have attempted to register for more hours than you are allowed. Contact your dean's office if you have questions."
Note: Undergraduates may not register for more than 18 hours unless they receive prior approval from the CPHS Office of Student Affairs.
What To Do: Reduce your hours by dropping a different class so you can add a new one. You can request a credit limit increase by completing the 18 Hours or More Request Form on the CPHS Forms website.