Athletic Training students will register according to their rising class regardless of the total credits completed. Students will register at the following days/times:
It is your responsibility to track your degree progress and follow the registration policies and procedures. Prior to registration you should review your curriculum requirements and degree evaluation to determine the courses you need to complete during the upcoming semester. If you have questions or concerns, please contact
Required Professional Electives (A2 students):
A1 and A2 fall contains an optional 3 credit hour professional elective. As a reminder, professional electives are any courses numbered 100 or above and most often come from HSCI, PHAR, or a science course subject.
Please discuss elective coursework and opportunities with your faculty mentor to ensure that it would not interfere with your experiential requirements.
Immediately following registration, generate a new degree evaluation to confirm that you have registered for the correct coursework.
Visit the CPHS Advising Page for your curriculum requirements and additional advising resources!