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Pharmacy Student Registration Information

Professional pharmacy students register according to their rising class regardless of the total credits completed. Pharmacy students will register at the following days/times:

  • Rising P3 students will register on Tuesday, Apr. 8 @ 7 am
  • Rising P2 students will register on Tuesday, Apr. 8 @ 7:30 am
  • Rising P1 students will register on Wednesday, Apr. 9 @ 7 am

It is your responsibility to track your degree progress and follow the registration policies and procedures. Prior to registration you should review your curriculum requirements and degree evaluation to determine the courses you need to complete next semester.

Reminder: All curriculum requirements must be competed by the end of your P3 year with no "In Progress" grades. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact Sydni Jennings at to discuss your options.

Planning to Register for more than 18 credits?  If you need to register for more than 18 credit hours during registration, please complete the Credit Overload Request Form in the CPHS Forms Library prior to your registration day and time. If your curriculum requires over 18 credit hours, you do not need to complete this form. Your maximum credit hours will already be adjusted at the time of registration.

Planning to repeat a course, but do not need to repeat the co-requisite (i.e. lab or discussion section)?  Please contact Sydni Jennings ( at least 24 hours prior to your registration day/time to obtain approval and the appropriate override, allowing you to register for the lecture or lab without the co-requisite during your scheduled registration time. Please include your Drake ID along with your request.

Registration for Labs/Discussions: Students may only register for one lab/discussion section. If a student registers for more than one lab/discussion section or registers for one lab/discussion section and waitlists in another, the student will be removed from BOTH lab sections. If all discussion or lab sections are full, please contact listing all discussion and/or lab sections in order of preference. If you have a course schedule conflict, please share that information within the email.

To search for Professional Pharmacy Electives, log in to Self Service, click "Registration and Schedules" on the Registration card, and select appropriate term. From the subject menu, select Health Sciences and Pharmacy. Approved Pharmacy Professional Electives are noted in the Attribute column on the far right of the results screen.

All PharmD Students

Please generate a new degree evaluation in Self Service to review the following items prior to registration:

  • What P1/P2/P3 required courses do you have left to complete?
  • What AOI's do you have left to complete?
  • How many General Electives do you have left to complete? 26 credits required for students entering Fall 2023 and after - this includes your ART, GLOB, and HISF AOI's.
  • How many Pharmacy Professional Electives do you have left to complete? 5 credits required. Professional electives are designated with the P-EL attribute in Self Service.

Immediately following registration, generate a new degree evaluation to confirm that you have registered for the correct courses. 

Visit the CPHS Advising Page for your curriculum requirements and additional advising resources!

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