Pre-Pharmacy Registration Information
It is your responsibility to track your degree progress and follow the registration policies and procedures. Prior to registration, review your curriculum requirements and degree evaluation to ensure you are registering for the appropriate classes.
- CPHS Student Organization Block: If possible, plan your schedule around the CPHS Student Organization Block on Thursday's from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. This time is set aside for CPHS student organizations to hold meetings, guest speakers, events, etc.
- Planning to repeat a course, but not the lab? Students planning to repeat a lecture section ONLY of CHEM 001, 002, 097, 108, BIO 012, and/or HSCI 141, may register for the lecture section without the lab via Self Service. For assistance with any other repeat course registration-related issues, please contact Sydni Jennings at and include your Drake ID along with your request.
- Registration for Labs: Students may only register for one lab section. If a student registers for more than one lab section or registers for one lab section and waitlists in another, the student will be removed from BOTH lab sections.
- Want a refresher on how to perform a class search or register for classes?
Self Service registration-related pages have NEW features. The Registrar's Office created a variety of Knowledge Base Articles to help navigate the new screens.
- PharmD Admissions Policies:
- Drake pre-pharmacy students are recommended to have 3.0 or higher in either their Drake overall GPA or their PharmCAS GPA - whichever is more beneficial to the student.
- There is no limit to the number of times Drake pre-pharmacy students may repeat a prerequisite course.
- Drake pre-pharmacy students may complete their math/science prerequisite courses at any institution.
If you have any questions regarding your degree evaluation, curriculum requirements, or class schedule, please contact Sydni Jennings at
First and Second Year Pre-Pharmacy Students
When interpreting your degree evaluation in Self Service - Student Records - Student Profile, please check the following items:
- What Pre-Pharmacy Math/Science courses do you have left to complete?
- What Other Pre-Pharmacy Requirements do you have left to complete? (i.e. CAPS, Written Communication AOI, Public Voices)
- What AOI's do you have left to complete?
- How many General Electives do you have left to complete? (26 credits required) - this includes your Artistic Literacy, Historical Foundations, and Global and Cultural Understanding AOI's)
**Please Note: We do NOT recommend pre-pharmacy students enroll in summer Organic Chemistry, unless you are studying abroad during the academic year. As a foundational class for the professional program curriculum, the knowledge you gain from Organic will be used in Biochemistry, Intro to Pharm Sci, and many other professional program courses. In the past, students have found it challenging to have a full year between Organic and the P1 Fall semester classes. In addition, because the summer courses are compacted into 8 weeks, students have found they were not able to retain the level of information needed, putting them at a disadvantage in the program.
In order to be on track for the professional program, you should have approximately 63 earned credit hours by the end of your sophomore year. All required math/science courses, WRIT AOI, ENG 052: Public Voices, and CAPS I-IV must be completed by the end of the summer prior to P1 year.
Visit the CPHS Advising Page for your curriculum requirements and additional advising resources!
For questions or assistance, please contact Sydni Jennings at