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Student Complaint & Appeal Procedures & Resources

Each of the resources below provide an opportunity for a student to file an appeal to a College or University policy, or to bring forward an issue for discussion.

  • Honor Code - Academic dishonesty and professionalism charges may be appealed using the process outlined in the Honor Code.
  • Grade Appeal - Students who wish to appeal the final grade in a course may do so as outlined in the Grade Appeal Policy.
  • Exception to Program Policy Form -Current students who wish to request a waiver of any university or college policy may complete the Exception to Program Policy Form. Requests will be considered by the academic advisor and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs with a response emailed back to the sender.
  • ACPE Standards- The Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the pharmacy program accreditation agency, is required by the U.S. Secretary of Education to require its pharmacy programs to record and handle student complaints regarding a school's adherence to the ACPE Standards. This link will provide additional information about the ACPE Standards as well as a comment form for students to file a complaint about Drake's College of Pharmacy's actions regarding those standards.
  • ACOTE Standards - The Accreditation Council on Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE), the occupational therapy program accreditation agency, requires that the program have published policies and procedures for processing student grievances. This link will provide additional information about the ACOTE Standards as well as a comment form for students to file a complaint about Drake's Occupational Therapy Doctorate program's actions regarding those standards.
  • Student Governance Association (SGA) ( Students are encouraged to bring forward issues that are of concern to their class representatives.  Issues may be forwarded to the individual representatives or to the SGA at
  • Other issues not covered by the above policies and forms:  Discuss the matter with the staff or faculty member with whom the conflict originated. If the issue is not resolved the next contact would be the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to investigate the allegations and refer the individual to the appropriate supervisor or give an outcome. If the matter is still unresolved or the student chooses to take the matter forward for a final decision, the student should contact the Dean for the College. Students choosing to take their concern to the Dean need to submit in writing their name, college, contact information and a brief description of the circumstances including who has been involved and the current outcome.  This request will be considered an “official documentation” and must be submitted within 30 days of the issue in question.  Email or hardcopy will be accepted.  The student should expect communication or a meeting regarding the concern within 7 working days of the document being submitted.  If the conflict is with one of the final decision makers, the student should refer to the Drake University Student Complaint and Appeal Resources and Procedures.
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