Drake students will learn to participate effectively in democratic processes.
Democracy relies upon the participation of an engaged, knowledgeable and responsible citizenry. As preparation for active participation in public debate, Drake students learn to evaluate the mix of diverse values and interests that influence democratic decision-making. In a sophomore level course, students have the opportunity to bring diverse disciplines to bear in further developing the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that will lead them to be active stewards working for the common good of local, national and global communities.
This requirement will be fulfilled through coursework that challenges students to critically reflect upon the social, economic or political institutions and issues that shape the choices they will face as citizens. Instructors will provide students with opportunities to model democratic practices or public engagement through participatory activities organized in the classroom and/or community.
Courses that achieve this AOI will engage students to achieve at least two of the following four outcomes:
In order to take an Engaged Citizen AOI course, students must have 30 or more credit hours (sophomore standing).
Approved Course List:
ART 112 Race, Personhood and Citizenship: Building an Exhibition
ART 145 Contemporary Textiles and Fibers
BIO 108 Emerging Infectious Diseases
BUS 067/HIST 067 Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (summer term)
ECON 108/ENSS 108 – Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ECON 109 Public Economics
ECON 115 Labor Economics
ECON 120 Regulation & Antitrust Policy
EDUC 140 Speech and the Classroom Teacher
EDUC 185 Ethical Tensions in Global Urbanization
EDUC 199 Education Opportunities for Children in a Developing Country
EDUC 199 Global Engagement: Service Learning in Belize
EDUC 199/299: Global Issues in Inclusive Education and the Role of Service-Learning
ENG 083 English in America: Language, the Citizen, and National Identity
ENG 199: Writing Internships
ENSP 50 Species Conservation and Economic Development
ENSP 50 Poverty, Development, and the Environment
ENSP 051/PHSC 051 Energy and the Environment
ENSP 055 Tropical Ecology
ENSS 50: Sustainable Food Systems in Southern Spain
HIST 168 U.S. Interventionism
HIST 170 The United States and Vietnam, 1945-1975: War, Dissent, and American Society
HIST 188 Urban Environmental History
HONR 140/REL 155 Liberation and Feminist Theologies
HSCI 106: Culture Care and Health Literacy
INTD 050: Vote Smart Internship
INTD 075 Community Dialogue and Development
INTD 085 Developing Democracy: Critical Issues in Creating Democratic Engagement
INTD 085 Explorations of Urban Poverty in Des Moines and New York
INTD 087 Disease, Dialogue, and Democracy
INTD 150 Leading With Emotional Intelligence
JMC 066 Media Responsibility Over Time
JMC 084 Brand Media Principles
JMC 085 Public Relations Principles
LIBR 085 Science and Democracy: Empower, Collaborate & Advance
LIB 099 Copyright Issues in the United States
LEAD 100 Influence and Change
LPS 100 Law and Social Change
LPS 135 Contemporary American Indian Law and Politics
LPS 135 Intergroup Dialogue on Race and Ethnicity
LPS 138 Reproductive Law and Politics in the U.S.: Dissent and the Possibility of Dialogue
MUS 119 Music and Politics
PHIL 124 Health and Social Justice
PHIL 151 Science, Values, and Democracy (topic specific)
POLS 075 World Politics
POLS 109 Case Studies in Comparative & Transnational Human Rights
POLS 109 Coronavirus Governmental Responses Across the World
POLS 113 The American Electoral Process
POLS 114 Public Opinion
POLS 115 President Nomination Process
POLS 116 Media and Modern Politics
POLS 121 The United Nations and Global Security
POLS 124 Revisiting the Vietnam War
POLS 125 Peacebuilding and Post-Conflict Justice
POLS 126 Economy of Globalization
POLS 127 Pols Global Public Health and World Politics
POLS 128 Nationalism and Politics in Eastern Europe
POLS 129 Transitions to Democracy
POLS 139 Comparitive Asian Politics
POLS 151 The American Presidency
POLS 152 Congress and the Legislative Process
POLS 153 Judicial Politics
POLS 155 American Public Policy
POLS 156 Environmental Politics and Policy
POLS 157 Crime Politics and Policy in the US
POLS 160 Modern European Political Systems
POLS 162 Government and Politics of China
POLS 163 Government and Politics of Japan
POLS 165 Government & Politics of Developing Nations
POLS 166 Comparative Political Parties and Interest Groups
POLS 167 Supreme Courts and Elections
POLS 168 Politics and Parliaments
POLS 170 International Law
POLS 171 Political Integration of Europe
POLS 173 Human Rights and World Politics
POLS 174 Global Migration
POLS 176 Gender and World Politics
POLS 179 American Foreign Policy
POLS 183 American Liberalism and Conservatism
POLS 185 American Political Theory
POLS 186 Politics and Religion
POLS 190 Seminar in Constitutional Law
PSY 134 Ethno political Conflict and Peacemaking
REL 120 Black Christianity and Prophetic Politics
SCSR 055/ENSP 050 Environmental Communication
SCSR 073: Public Speaking
SCSR155/HONR136: Rhetorics of Space and Place
SCSR 128 Argumentation and Advocacy
SCSR 142 Rhetoric and Politics
SCSS 071/ENSP 071:Environmentalism in the U.S.
SCSS 074 Debating Marriage in the Contemporary United States
SCSS 076 Making Families Public
SCSS 077 Art of the Interview
SCSS 080 Social Problems
SCSS 145 Food and Society
SCSS 150: Political Sociology in Two Contexts
SCSS 150 Digital Storytelling
SCSS 160: Jobs, Organizations and Inequality
SCSS 163/ENSS 163: Sustainable Communities
SCSS 175 Social Stratification
SCSS179: Sociology of Education
STAT 198 Using Statistics to Shape Health Policy
TESL 104 Strats Teach Eng/Lang Learners
WLC150: Learning about Immigrants
WS 075/ENG 75/SCSS 75 Introduction to Women's Studies