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Written Communication

Drake students will learn to read with discrimination and understanding and to write persuasively.

Drake students will learn to shape their writing according to subject, purpose, medium, context and intended audience.

This area of inquiry may be satisfied by a single course, provided that writing is a significant component of the course, significant attention is directed towards the teaching of writing, and a significant portion of the student's grade focuses on the quality of writing, independent of the subject matter.

Approved Course List:

BUS 098 Professional Communications
ENG 038 Literary Study
ENG 039 Writing Seminar
ENG 042 Approaches to American Literature (before 1900)
ENG 044 Approaches to British Literature (before 1900)
ENG 056 The Classic Then and Now
ENG 058 Reading Shakespeare
ENG 061 Approaches to American Literature (after 1900)
ENG 062 Approaches to British Literature (after1900)
ENG 080 Topics in Writing
ENG 086 Reading & Writing Sexuality
ENG 088 Reading and Writing about Class
ENG 090 Reading & Writing Drama
ENG 091 Reading & Writing Poetry
ENG 092 Reading & Writing the Short Story
ENG 093 Reading & Writing Non-Fiction
ENG 094 Business & Admin. Communication
ENG 109 Prose Stylistics
ENG 111 Reading & Writing the Personal Essay
ENG 112 Autobiography and Memoir
ENG 118 Reading and Creating Comics
ENG 119 Community Writing
ENG 120 Topics in Writing


ENG 119 Community Writing
ENG 199 Internship in Writing
HIST 100 Doing History: The Historian’s Craft
INTD 121 Framing Race: Repair and Reparations
JMC 054 Reporting & Writing Principles
JMC 091 Magazine Article Writing
JMC 123 Public Relations Writing
JMC 124 Advertising Copywriting
POLS 192 Senior Seminar on International Relations Theory
PSY012 Writing in Psychology
REL 053 Life and Teachings of Jesus
SCSR124 Texts-Images-Audience
SCSS042: Sociological Inquiry
THEA 006: Playwriting I
AP - English Lit
AP - Composition

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