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Summer Trailblazers - 2012 DELTA Rx Interns

This summer marks the fourth year in which The DELTA Rx Institute has organized a prestigious Entrepreneurial Leadership Internship Program for pharmacy students. The program provides opportunities for students to gain experience working in a community pharmacy developing their entrepreneurial leadership skills through the completion of the program. The objectives of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Internship Program include:

1) Involve students in a program that will allow them to witness and develop entrepreneurial leadership in the community pharmacy sector.

2) Prepare student pharmacists for future entrepreneurial leadership positions within the community practice environment.

3) Provide participating community pharmacies with exposure to and opportunity for potential recruitment of emerging entrepreneurs.

The pharmacies in the program provide the leadership and expertise  while the students provide fresh insight and assist in the development of an entrepreneurial program for the site. If you are interested in becoming a possible internship site for summer 2013, please contact the DELTA Rx Team at

The following sites will be hosting and mentoring students during this summer’s program:

Medicap GRX Holdings, operating 14 stores in Iowa, will have two student interns, Holly Thurauf, P1, and Rachel Herr, P1. The students will have an opportunity to visit with and observe pharmacy owners and managers.  The students will learn about running an independent pharmacy by looking at inventory, expense management, working with the marketing department, participating in community events, and incorporating clinical services. Interns are encouraged to find problems and seek and report on possible solutions. The interns will have a variety of projects that enhance their learning experience and potentially expose them to new ideas in pharmacy. The interns are encouraged to pick projects that compliment their areas of interest in pharmacy as well as challenge their current skills and knowledge.  Some of the previous interns’ projects have included areas in asthma care, developing clinical relationships with physicians, compliance, and working on marketing a new store.

Drilling Pharmacy in Sioux City, Iowa will be hosting Toral Soni, P2, this summer. The mission of Drilling Pharmacy and staff is to “provide the community we serve with the best overall pharmacy care products and services, to every customer, everyday. Through developing a common sense of urgency and attention to detail to all aspects of our work, we raise the confidence of our patients to a level high above our competitors’ capabilities. We eliminate patient concerns about dispensing accuracy, insurance billing, health and drug information, genetic drug formulations, and many issues that arise about Medicare benefits and coverage. We are measured by the actions of every owner, manager and employee and how we communicate and treat one another and our patients, to ensure that all of us feel and believe that we are part of the extended family at Drilling Pharmacy.”

Clear Lake/Clarion Pharmacy has also been selected as an internship site for its innovative practice and entrepreneurial spirit. Rockford Anderson, PharmD and Drake graduate, serves as the student mentor and supervisor. Sam Miller, P3, will be the student intern at the site. This internship will provide the opportunity for the student to become involved in every aspect of the business, including obtaining the contracts needed and negotiating for pricing and services. From day to day, students will be involved with the various issues of owning a pharmacy while being able to influence customer’s health concerns, as well as helping keep pharmacy local in the communities we service.   

The DELTA Rx Institute’s internship program was promoted through a variety of resources, including the Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA), Drake’s Experiential Education newsletter, and the DELTA Rx newsletter and website. The program is made possible through funding by McKesson Corporation and Pharmacist Mutual Insurance Company.