What is Economics?

"An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations."
--Adam Smith (1776)
"A study of mankind in the ordinary business of life."
--Alfred Marshall (1890)
"The study of how society manages its scarce resources."
--Gregory Mankiw (2013)
What is special about Zimpleman's Economics program?
- Small classes, great faculty: Most introductory classes have 30-40 students, and most advanced classes have 15-30 students. Several professors have won Zimpleman College of Business undergraduate teaching awards.
- Business option: If you want a career in business, you can choose Zimpleman's BSBA degree. This degree includes introductory courses in all business subjects to hit the ground running at your first job.
- Mathematics option: If you want to go to graduate school in Economics or a related field like finance or public policy, you can choose Drake's Quantitative Economics Major. This option includes the mathematics and statistics courses that graduate schools require.
- Research experience: All Zimpleman economics majors learn data analysis methods and write a capstone research paper.
- Open to all: All Drake students can take Economics courses. Students in any Drake college or school can add a major in Economics, a major in Quantitative Economics, or a minor in Economics. Recent graduates have combined Economics with Actuarial Science, Environmental Sustainability, Finance, International Relations, Mathematics, Political Science, and Music.