To Report a Safety Concern please click here
To Report an Injury please click here
Drake University believes that all of its faculty, staff, and students share responsibility in maintaining an environment that is safe for learning and work.
Providing an open line of communication to report concerns is a vital component to fostering that environment. Reporting environmental health and safety concerns to the proper individuals is the first step in the process. Follow the reporting steps described on this page to begin the resolution of environmental health and safety concerns that you have observed at the University.
While the University encourages following the lines of communication described here to cultivate and sustain open dialogue between employees or students and their supervisors, you are always entitled to contact Environmental Health and Safety directly at any time. Upon your request, Environmental Health and Safety will hold your identity confidential.
When an environmental health and safety concern is observed, determine whether you are capable of resolving it by either correcting the issue yourself or by notifying the correct party (e.g., submitting a work request to Facilities Services). If you are not able to resolve the concern, seek departmental help (proceed to Step 2).
Examples of environmental health and safety concerns include:
Please note: Emergencies must be reported directly to Drake Public Safety at 515-271-2222
Report the environmental health and safety concern to your supervisor or administrator in your department, and they shall initiate the resolution process within the department. Contact Environmental Health and Safety if your department cannot resolve the concern (proceed to Step 3).
You and/or your supervisor can contact Environmental Health and Safety for further assistance if the concern cannot be resolved at the department level. You may fill out the REPORT A SAFETY CONCERN form. Environmental Health and Safety can be contacted via email at or by telephone at 515-271-3804.
If further action is required, then Environmental Health and Safety will escalate the resolution of the concern as follows:
Drake Public Safety, - Des Moines police, fire, ambulance, |