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University Curriculum Committee

The University Curriculum Committee (UCC), a subcommittee of the Faculty Senate, governs educational policy for the University's campus-wide curriculum requirements. Individual colleges and schools retain authority over their own curricula and programs.

  • The UCC will approve individual courses for the categories of the general education program.
  • The UCC will approve individual courses with interdisciplinary designations such as INTD.
  • The UCC will make recommendations to the Faculty Senate, as appropriate, for revision of the general education curriculum.
  • The UCC will forward all committee actions to the Faculty Senate for inclusion in a provisional agenda. The Faculty Senate may, at its discretion, review these actions. All UCC decisions will proceed as directed by the UCC unless a subsequent action by the Faculty Senate directs otherwise.
  • The UCC will have faculty representation from each of the divisions of the College of Arts and Sciences, Cowles Library, and each of the professional schools, except for the Law School. One administrative representative from the Council of Academic and Administrative Departments (CAAD), on representative from the Registrar's Office, and the Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs (or an associate provost serving at the Provost's designation on behalf of the Drake Curriculum) will serve on the committee in an ex-officio capacity. Members serve three-year terms.

The committee elects its chair and vice-chair. Both must be faculty members of the committee. The chair must be a tenured faculty member. The vice-chair, or a designated member of the committee, serves as a liaison to the Drake Curriculum Analysis Committee (DCAC). The vice-chair, if tenured, will serve as chair the following academic year. (revised December 2022)


Name Unit Term of Service Expires
Marc Busch A&S–Natural Sciences May 2026  
Elizabeth Talbert A&S-Social Sciences May 2026  
Todd Hodgkinson SOE May 2026  
Kelly Bruhn SJMC May 2026  
Sean Severe Zimpleman May 2026  
  A&S-Fine Arts May 2027  
Carrie Dunham-LaGree Cowles May 2027  
Beth Younger A&S-Humanities May 2025 Chair
Cassity Gutierrez CPHS May 2025  
Jenny Tran-Johnson CAAD ex-officio  
Jimmy Senteza   ex-officio Deputy Provost
Ryan Trump   ex-officio Registrar's office


Upcoming Meetings 

Note: Regular Faculty Senate meetings will be held via Zoom for academic year 2024 – 2025.

Meeting passcode will be provided with the agenda for each meeting.