Email & Development Archives
Email communication that has been sent to the university is archived here, along with the archives of various development sessions.
CTE Communication Archives
- January 27, 2021 Spring Break Edition
- Virtual Teaching and Learning for the first two weeks of class
- New Faculty Mentors Needed
- LMS Upgrade to Blackboard Learn Ultra Continues
- Supporting our Students this Spring
- Title IX Reporting and Confidentiality
- Class Notes: Creating Community in Virtual Classes (insights from Prof. Jennifer Harvey)
- Fall 2020 Wrap-up Email
- August 24, 2020 Virtual Office Hours
- August 21, 2020 Securing Zoom Meetings
- August 14, 2020 Student Cameras Revisited
- August 7, 2020 Sample Syllabus Statements
- August 4, 2020 Preparing for Synchronous
- July 17, 2020
Student Learning Outcomes: Closing the Confidence Gap
- July 10, 2020
Effective Use of Limited Class Time in a Blended-Learning Format
- June 23, 2020
Begin Planning the Distance Version of Your Courses Now
- June 2, 2020
- May 21, 2020
- May 15, 2020
- April 27, 2020
- April 16, 2020
- March 12, 2020
Development Archives
- Revealing Hidden Labor in Annual Review Materials: In this December 2020 session, Center for Teaching Excellence Director, Craig Owens, discusses ways faculty can make “hidden” labor more visible in the way they represent their work and accomplishments in the materials they put forward for review. While doing so is no substitute for systemic change in the way we value such labor and measure its impact, revealing hidden work is one step toward earning appropriate recognition and raising awareness among senior colleagues and administrators about where the gaps in our evaluation and reward structures are.
Writing about Teaching as Aspirational, Ethical, and Reflective Praxis: This presentation, originally given on 10/31/20, highlights some considerations pertaining to writing effectively and reflectively about pedagogy and classroom practice. It focuses on reflective writing in the context of annual or periodic reviews and performance evaluations and includes clickable narrations for each slide.
- Integrating Community Engagement Into Courses In this conversation, Director of Community Engaged Learning, Renee Sedlacek Lee explores a variety of pedagogical ideas for integrating experiential community components into courses.
Session Recording
Questions? Please contact
- Equity and Access in the Virtual Classroom In this conversation, Associate Provost for Campus Equity and Inclusion, Erin Lain, focuses on strategies for addressing and accounting for difference in virtual teaching-and-learning environments, including how to engage students in discussions of topics that require care or may evoke emotional responses.
Online Equity Rubric
Questions? Email
- Mindfulness and Ethical Leadership in Uncertain Times: In this session, Renée Cramer, Herb and Karen Baum Chair for Ethics in the Professions discusses strategies for engaging students in thinking about their personal and professional development and their roles as ethical leaders, especially given the challenges and opportunities posed by current uncertainties.
Questions? Please contact
- Global Learning in Virtual Spaces In this session, Annique Kiel, Executive Director, Drake International, discusses how can we maintain our commitment to global citizenship in a travel-restricted context? This discussion also guides participants in developing virtual learning experiences that foster a global mindset among their students.
Questions? Please contact