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Parents & Families

We get it. Sending your student to study in a country thousands of miles away takes a lot of courage.

Rest assured—as part of the Bulldog family, your student will choose among programs with a reputation for safety and academic excellence, all the while offering the experience of a lifetime. 

Study abroad is one of the best ways students can grow as individuals and as adults. They’ll gain greater independence, maturity, self-confidence, the flexibility to adapt quickly and creatively to unexpected developments, and the ability to interact effectively with people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds.  

All these skills will help them throughout their personal and professional lives. In our increasingly global economy, leaders in business, government, and academia are recognizing the importance of U.S. students gaining international experience and becoming globally competent citizens and employees. Study abroad is not only fun and exciting—it is an excellent investment, both short-term and long-term, in your child’s future.  

You no doubt have questions. Check out the Parent's Version of the Study Abroad Handbook, which covers several topics including: insurance, communication tips, packing, and safety. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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February 28, 2025