The Honors Senior Thesis serves as a culminating academic experience for students in the Drake University Honors Program. It provides an opportunity to delve deeply into a question of personal interest, potentially extending beyond one's major field of study, demonstrate the interdisciplinary learning fostered by the Honors Program, and showcase advanced research and critical thinking skills.
This capstone project offers students a specially designed time and structure to develop ideas prompted by coursework or those that have grown out of other learning experiences. It is an opportunity to do reading and pursue interests outside the structure of the classroom. The directed research involves a project that results in a product, such as a research paper, scientific experiment, or creative work. The interdisciplinary project, which is typically outside the student's academic concentration, is coordinated with the Honors Program and completed in conjunction with a Drake faculty adviser from outside of their major.
The thesis must be an original work, culminate in a tangible deliverable that adheres to professional standards of the chosen field(s), and be the result of work with a faculty mentor knowledgeable in the chosen field(s). Successful Theses address a question or issue that benefits from the integration of multiple disciplines (interdisciplinary) and demonstrate a level of intellectual intensity exceeding typical undergraduate work.
Honors Senior Thesis students who fulfill all of the Honors Track requirements, maintain a minimum GPA of 3.2 by the end of their graduating year, and successfully complete Honors Senior Thesis earning a grade of "B" or higher are eligible to graduate with University Honors.