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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

2024-25 Meeting Dates and Deadlines

All materials must be received one (1) week prior to a meeting for review at that meeting.

Meeting Dates Deadline Dates (Full Protocol Submissions)
September 9th, 3:30-4:30 PM September 2nd, 2024
October 21st, 3:30-4:30 PM October 14th, 2024
November 18th, 3:30-4:30 PM November 11th, 2024
December 2nd, 3:30-4:30 PM November 25th, 2024


Guidance for Investigators

Drake Investigators' Manual for the Care and Use of Animals in Research

Disaster Plan for Animal Facilities

Training Information

IACUC AALAS Learning Course


IACUC Proposal Form
This form is for the initial submission of proposed animal use in research or teaching labs. This form should also be used for a project continuing after 3 years of initial approval (i.e. initial approval, followed by two years of annual continuing review approval using the form below). Submit a completed form and any associated documents to

Breeding Protocol Form
This form is for the initial submission of a proposed breeding colony. This form should also be used for a project continuing after 3 years of initial approval (i.e. initial approval, followed by two years of annual continuing review approval using the form below). Submit a completed form and any associated documents to

Field Study Form
This form is for the initial submission of a proposed field study. This form should also be used for a project continuing after 3 years of initial approval (i.e. initial approval, followed by two years of annual continuing review approval using the form below). Submit a completed form and any associated documents to

Animal Transfer Form
Regulatory agencies require that animals are identifiable to a specific IACUC protocol.  Therefore, if animals are transferred to a different protocol from that for which they were originally assigned, it is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to complete and submit an online Animal Transfer Form and obtain approval from IACUC prior to transfer. 

‌Annual Continuing Review Form
This link is for the annual review of an ongoing project after year 1 and again after year 2. After the 3rd year you will need to resubmit the project for a full review using the standard IACUC Proposal Form. Submit a completed form and any associated documents to

Three Year Termination Form
Protocols are valid from the approval date for a maximum of three years. IACUC requires acknowledgement that a protocol has been terminated from both the Principal Investigator and the vivarian. The Principal Investigator must complete an online termination form.

Amendment Forms for Previously Approved Projects

Some types of amendments to previously approved projects can be submitted and approved using this online link. If you do not see the type of amendment you are requesting, you should follow the process noted below.

Process for Amendments other than Minor Amendments:
If your proposed amendment is not listed, you must submit a memo noting the desired amendment in detail. Memos, other relevant information or questions for the chair about the process can be submitted to

Helpful Information

Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
This guide contains general Office of Lab Animal Welfare (OLAW) guidelines for IACUC and animal care and use activities for any animal activity that is funded by Public Health Service. These policies also apply to projects funded by NIH, HHS, USDA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, NSF, NASA, and any other federal granting agency. Drake applies these policies to any research or teaching activity using vertebrate animals.

Office of Lab Animal Welfare Guide
This link provides a the newly published Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, eighth edition (2011).  The intent of this Guide is to "assist investigators in fulfilling their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments in accord with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles" (Guide, p. xiii).

NIH Worksheet for Alternatives Literature Searches
This link to information from the NIH will assist in conducting the mandatory literature searches for less painful alternatives, non-animal models, or other alternatives for research.

If you have any questions or need to report concerns about the care and use of animals, please contact IACUC at

2022-2023 IACUC Members

  1. Kim Huey (Chair)
  2. Deb Christensen
  3. Muir Eaton
  4. Bill Klipec
  5. Shankar Munusamy
  6. Jeff Karnicky
  7. Eric Emmons
  8. Kevin Cmelik (Community Representative)
  9. Lisa Takes (Veterinarian)
  10. Donna Tuttle (Vivarium Manager)
  11. Lori Byrd (Provost Designee, Research Compliance Director)
  12. Preston Miller (Staff Administrator)

For questions, contact IACUC at

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025