Information Systems

College of Business & Public Administration
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Student Organizations

Drake Association of Technology Advancement (DATA)

DATA club allows students interested in all areas of information technology to connect with other students and industry professionals. Regular meetings facilitate student, faculty, and professional networking. To find out more information, contact Professor Danielle Edwards.

Women in Math & Computer Science (WiMACS)

WiMaCS is committed to connecting Drake students interested in and/or majoring in Math, Computer Science, or a related field such as Data Analytics. Meetings facilitate networking between members and faculty. The group aims to share its passion with younger girls in STEM through volunteering. WiMaCS hosts guest speakers related to employment, internships, and research experience. For more information, contact Professor Meredith Moore.

Additional Student Organizations

All Zimpleman College of Business students can join any of the four professional fraternities:

  • Alpha Kappa Psi
  • Delta Sigma Pi
  • Gamma Iota Sigma
  • Phi Chi Theta

Additionally, Zimpleman students have access to many other clubs and organizations on Drake's campus.

Zimpleman News