In This Section:
Our faculty are committed to on-going scholarship to advance the legal profession and enhance classroom teaching.
Drake Law faculty are experts in a wide range of legal topics. Our professors have published books, articles, and reviews in addition to presenting at conferences and serving on panels.
Here is a highlight of Drake Law School faculty's recent achievements:
Allan Vestal, Contact Drafting: A Project Approach (with J. William Callison) (forthcoming 2023, Carolina Academic Press).
John Edwards, Karen Wallace & Melissa Weresh, Iowa Legal Research (3rd ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2022).
Keith Miller, The Law of Gambling and Regulated Gaming (3d ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2021) (co-author).
Matthew Doré, Iowa Practice Series, Vol. 5 and 6: Business Organizations (annual editions, Thomson West, 2018-2021).
Danielle Shelton, Karen Wallace and Melissa Weresh, Legal Analysis and Writing: An Active-Learning Approach and accompanying teacher’s manual (Wolters Kluwer, 2020).
John Edwards, Basic Legal Research Workbook (Rev. 5th ed., Wolters Kluwer 2020) (co-author).
Keith Miller, The Law of Regulated Gambling: A Practical Guide for Business Lawyers, Editor and contributing author (American Bar Association, Gaming Law Committee of Business Law Section, 2020).
Laurie K. Doré, Iowa Practice Series, Vol. 7: Evidence (annual editions, Thomson West, 2016-2020).
Robert Rigg, Iowa Practice Series, Vol. 4: Criminal Law (annual editions, Thomson West, 2016-2020).
Andrew Jurs, Expert Evidence (Carolina Academic Press 2019).
Jerry Anderson, Property Law: Practice, Problems and Perspectives (2d ed., Wolters Kluwer 2019) (co-author) (3d ed. forthcoming 2024).
Keith Miller, Sports Wagering in America: Policies, Economics, and Regulation (UNLV Gaming Press 2018) (co-author).
Jerry Anderson, Environmental Law Practice: Problems and Exercises for Skills Development (4th ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2018) (co-author).
Miguel Schor, Comparative Constitutional Theory (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018) (co-editor).
Jeremy Kidd, Mastering Sales (Carolina Press, 2018).
John Edwards, Karen Wallace & Melissa Weresh, Iowa Legal Research (2d ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2016).
John Edwards, Karen Wallace & Melissa Weresh, Iowa Legal Research, Teacher's Manual (2d ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2016).
John Edwards, Basic Legal Research Workbook (5th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2016) (co-author).
Keith Miller, The Law of Gambling and Regulated Gaming (2d ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2016) (co-author).
John Edwards, Basic Legal Research Workbook (Rev. 4th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2015) (co-author).
Mark Kende, Comparative Constitutional Law: South African Cases and Materials in a Global Context (Carolina Academic Press, 2015).
Karen Wallace & Melissa Weresh, Legal Research Supplement: Exercises on Lexis Advance (4th eBook ed., Lexis/Nexis, 2015).
Jerry Anderson, Environmental Penalties: Discretion and Disparity, 42 Stanford Env. Law Journal 1 (2023) (with A. Vaughan).
Natalie Lynner, Death in a Pandemic: Funeral Practices and Industry Disruption, 70 UCLA L. Rev. 1322 (2023).
Melissa Weresh, Legal [Writing] Scholarship: Why It Counts, 2 Unending Conversation Leg. Writing Scholarship (2023) (with Kristen Tiscione).
Anthony Gaughan, Redistricting in the Political Thicket: The Ghosts of Colegrove v. Green, 111 Kentucky Law Journal (2023) (symposium).
Andrew Jurs, A Return to Rationality: Restoring the Rule of Law After Daubert’s Disastrous U-Turn, 54 N.M. L. Rev. _____ (2023) (with Scott DeVito).
Jeremy Kidd, No Perfect Solutions for Market Imperfections, 26 U. Penn. J. Bus. L. _____(2023).
Jeremy Kidd, Market Failure and Censorship in the Marketplace of Ideas, Okla. L. Rev. _____ (2023) (with John Anderson).
Mark Kende, The U.S. Supreme Court’s Impractical Opinion in Dobbs, Drake L. Rev. _____ (2023) (symposium).
Allan Vestal, Compulsion, Indoctrination, and Retribution in State Pledge of Allegiance Statutes, 67 St. Louis U. L.J. _____ (2023).
Karen Wallace, Expanding the Drake Journal of Agricultural Law: The Green Issue, 1 Drake Journal of Agricultural Law: The Green Issue 114 _____ (2023)(with Madeline Hartley, & Cheyanne Lepird).
Melissa Weresh, Rethinking Rhetoric in the Asylum Context: Lessons from #MeToo, 30 UCLA Journal of Gender & Law _____ (2023).
Jerry Anderson, Sailing the Stormy Seas: What I Learned About Deaning from Captain Aubrey, 51 U. Toledo L. Rev. 251 (2022).
Anthony Gaughan, The Influence of Partisanship on Supreme Court Election Law Rulings, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 36 (2022): 553-634 (symposium).
Anthony Gaughan, The Dynamics of Democratic Breakdown: A Case Study of the American Civil War, British Journal of American Legal Studies 11 (2022): 113-151 (peer reviewed).
Jeremy Kidd, Social Media, Securities Markets, and the Phenomenon of Expressive Trading, 25 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 1223 (2022) (with John Anderson and George Mocsary.)
Jeremy Kidd, Expressive Trading, Hypermateriality, and Insider Trading, 23 Tenn. J. Bus. L. 443 (2022) (with John Anderson and George Mocsary).
Rebecca Lutkenhaus and Karen Wallace, Measuring Scholarly Impact in Law, 28 Widener L. Rev. 145 (2022).
Rebecca Lutkenhaus, Karen Wallace, and David Hanson, Assessing HeinOnline as a Source of Scholarly Impact Metrics, 114 Law Library Journal 395 (2022).
Miguel Schor, A Progressive Constitution for the United States, Democracy: a Journal of Ideas (2022) (co-author).
Danielle Shelton, Accommodating Victims with Mental Disabilities, 127 Dick. L. Rev. 163 (2022).
Julia M. Steggerda-Corey, Altering the Legal Adoption Framework to Serve Historically-Underserved Transracial Adoptees, Texas Tech Law Review (2022).
Allan Vestal, Were the Tax Protesters Right About Ohio Statehood?, 83 U. Pitt. L.R. 731 (2022).
Melissa Weresh, Deconstructing the Curse: Menstrual Education and the Stigma of Shame, 43 Women's Rights Law Reporter (2022).
Jennifer Zwagerman, Agriculture & Data Privacy: I Want A Hipaa(Potamus) For Christmas . . . Maybe, 8 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 685 (2021).
Keith Miller, Sports Betting Integrity at Risk: The Role of the Wire Act, 61 Santa Clara L. Rev. 247 (2021).
Miguel Schor, Trumpism and the Continuing Challenges to Three Political-Constitutionalist Orthodoxies, 7 Constitutional Studies 93 (2021).
Andrew Jurs, Disruption to Disaster: The Case Study of For-Profit Legal Education in Riaz Tejani’s Law Mart, 94 St, John's L. Rev. 439 (2021) (book review).
Mark Kende, Constitutional Pragmatism and Abortion, 69 Drake L. Rev. 799 (2021) (symposium).
Melissa Weresh, Sharing the Baton: Intergenerational Advances in the Legal Writing Community, 25 Leg. Writing: the J. of the Leg. Writing Inst. (2021).
Melissa Weresh, Building Bridges Across Curricular and Status Lines: Gender Inequity throughout the Legal Academy, J. Leg. Ed. (2021) (co-authored).
Melissa Weresh, Legal Writing Scholarship: Moving Not Toward a Definition, But Toward a Cohesive Understanding, 2 Proceedings 26 (2021).
Jerry Anderson, Devil in the Details: Structural Racism in Administrative Hearings, Yale J. on Reg., Symposium on Racism in Administrative Law (July 2020) (online).
Anthony Gaughan, James Madison, Citizens United, and the Constitutional Problem of Corruption, American University Law Review 69 (2020): 1485-1539 (symposium).
Anthony Gaughan, American Democracy Is Healthier Than It Appears, Boston University Law Review Online 100 (2020): 249-267 (symposium).
Anthony Gaughan, The Close Margins Problem: How Abolishing the Electoral College Could Create a Future Election Crisis, Idaho Law Review 56 (2020): 183-191 (symposium).
Mark Bennett, “Earwitnesses”: Dangerous Misidentification Lurks in Fed. R. Evid. 901(b)(5) and Supreme Court Precedent in Light of Empirical Social Science, 44 Law & Psychol. Rev. 1 (2020).
Mark Bennett, Federal Sentencing: A Judge’s Personal Sentencing Journey Told Through the Voices of Offenders He Sentenced, 26 Wash. & Lee J. Civil Rts. & Soc. Just. 461 (2020).
Erin Lain, I think I can: How self-efficacy and self-regulation impacts Black and Latinx bar examinees, Indiana Journal of Law & Society Equality (2020).
Keith Miller, Moving Faster than the Speed of Regulation: Can State-Authorized Sports Wagering Dodge a Game-Fixing Bullet without the Help of the Feds?, 30 Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 85 (2020) (co-author).
Miguel Schor, Democracy and Scholarly Fashions, 68 Drake Law Review (2020).
Miguel Schor, Foreword: Is It Time to Amend the Constitution?, 68 Drake Law Review (2020).
Allen Vestal, Faithfully Enforcing the Religious Liberty Guarantees of the Northwest Territory States, 34 Brigham Young J. Pub. L. 403 (2020).
Melissa Weresh, Structural Barriers to Gender Integration and Equality in the Legal Academy, 65 Villanova L. Rev. 1155 (2020) (with Ruth Anne Robbins and Kristen Tiscione).
Melissa Weresh, Ethos in the Intersection: Classical Insights for Contemporary Application, 20 Nevada L. J. (2020).
Mark Kende, Digital Platforms, the First Amendment, and Democratic Dysfunction, 68 Drake L. Rev. (2020).
Melissa Weresh, The History of American Bar Association Standard 405(d): One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, 24 Leg. Writing: The J. of the Leg. Writing Inst. 125 (2020).
Melissa Weresh, Treating Professionals Professionally: Requiring Security of Position for All Skills-Focused Faculty Under ABA Accreditation Standard 405(c) and Eliminating 405(d), 98 Oregon L. Rev. 1 (2020) (co-author).
Jerry Anderson, Neil Hamilton, Aldo Leopold, and the Ethics of Conservation, 24 Drake J. Agric. L. 199 (2019).
Natalie Lynner, Digital Asset Planning for Minors, Probate & Property, Jan.-Feb. 2019, at 44.
Natalie Lynner, Electronic Wills and Digital Assets: Reassessing Formality in the Digital Age, 71 Baylor Law Review 547 (2019).
Natalie Lynner, Minors and Digital Asset Succession, 104 Iowa Law Review 1699 (2019).
Mark Bennett, A Judge’s Attempt at Sentencing Inconsistency After Booker, 41 Cardozo L. Rev. 243 (2019).
Matt Doré, Lifting the Veil on Iowa Piercing Jurisprudence and Suggestions for Reform, 67 Drake L. Rev. 619 (2019).
Anthony Gaughan, Chester Arthur's Ghost: A Cautionary Tale of Campaign Finance Reform, 71 Mercer Law Review (2019) (symposium).
Anthony Gaughan, Notice, Due Process, and Voter Registration Purges, 67 Cleveland State Law Review 485 (2019).
Anthony Gaughan, Putin's Revenge: The Foreign Threat to American Campaign Finance Law, 62 Howard Law Journal 855 (2019) (symposium).
Anthony Gaughan, Was the Democratic Nomination Rigged? A Reexamination of the Clinton-Sanders Presidential Race, 29 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 309 (2019).
Andrew Jurs, Disruption to Disaster: The Case Study of For-Profit Legal Education in Riaz Tejani's Law Mart, 94 St. John's L. Rev. (2019) (book review).
David McCord, A Statistical Analysis of Predictors Associated With the Dramatic Decline in Death Sentences in the United States in the Last Two Decades, 3 Journal of Criminal Justice & Law 1-20 (2019) (co-author).
David McCord, Differentiating Higher-Level Homicides: An Empirical Analysis of the Impacts of Legal Definitions in the Real World, Plus an Illumination of the Under-studied Crime of Second-Degree Murder, 67 Drake L. Rev. 679 (2019) (with co-author).
Keith Miller, Point/Counterpoint: Sports Leagues’ Rights to be Compensated for Sports Wagering, 23 Gaming L. Rev. 154 (2019).
Keith Miller, State Lotteries and Their Customers, 9 UNLV Gaming L.J. 177 (2019).
Robert Rigg, Patient One: An Exploration of Criminal Justice and Mental Health, 16 Ind. Health L. Rev. 67 (2019).
Danielle Shelton, Discovery of Expert Witnesses: Amending Rule 26(b)(4)E to Limit Expert Fee Shifting and Reduce Litigation Abuses, 49 Seton Hall L. Rev. 475 (2019).
Allan Vestal, “No person . . . shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments . . .”: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and Strader v. Graham, 102 Marq. L. Rev. 1087 (2019).
Allan Vestal, Vindication: Varnum v. Brien at Ten Years, 67 Drake L.R. 463 (2019).
Melissa Weresh, Assessment, Collaboration, and Empowerment: Team-Based Learning, 68 J. Legal Educ. 303 (2019).
Melissa Weresh, Two Sides of the Coin–Exploring Dyadic Emotions in Immigration and Alienage Jurisprudence, 54 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1197 (2019).
Jennifer Zwagerman, Beyond the Law: What I Learned about Agricultural Law, Mentoring, Teaching, and Success from Professor Neil Hamilton, 24 Drake J. Agric. L. 287 (2019).
Jennifer Zwagerman, Navigating the Maize of Biotech Regulation in the Food Industry, SciTech Lawyer, Vol. 15, Issue 2 (Winter 2019), pp. 4-9.
Mark Bennett, Addicted to Incarceration: A Federal Judge Reveals Shocking Truths About Federal Sentencing, 87 U.M.K.C. L. Rev. 3 (2018).
Mark Bennett, Getting Clamorous About The Silence Penalty, 103 Iowa L. Rev. Online 1 (2018) (Commentary on Jeffery Bellin, The Silence Penalty, 103 Iowa L. Rev. 395 (2018)).
Mark Bennett, Looking Criminal and the Presumption of Dangerousness: Afrocentric Facial Features, Skin Tone, and Criminal Justice, 51 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 745 (2018) (co-author).
Mark Bennett, Slumping: The Eighth Circuit’s Supreme Court Batting Average in Federal-Sentencing Cases, 19 J. App. Prac. & Process 53 (2018).
Anthony Gaughan, Compassion and Common Sense: A Judicial Biography of Ronald Longstaff, 66 Drake Law Review 585 (2018).
Andrew Jurs, A Tale of Two Dauberts: Discriminatory Effects of Scientific Reliability Screening, 79 Ohio State Law Journal 1107 (2018) (co-author).
Mark Kende, Obscenity and Free Speech Issues in Hong Kong, with a Comparative U.S. Perspective, 46 Georgia J. Int'l & Comp. L. 317 (2018) (co-author).
Erin Lain, Racialized Interactions in the Law School Classroom: Pedagogical Approaches to Creating a Safe Learning Environment, 67 Journal of Legal Education 780 (2018).
Keith Miller, Regulatory Models for Sports Wagering: The Debate between Federal and State Oversight, 8 UNLV Gaming L.J. 153 (2018).
Julia Steggerda-Corey, Note, Sharia Law in American Courts: A Necessary Measure to Protect Muslim Women, 66 Drake L. Rev. 733 (2018).
Allan Vestal, “In the name of Heaven, don’t force men to hear prayers”: Religious Liberty and the Constitutions of Iowa, 65 Drake L.R. 355 (2018).
Allan Vestal, Religious State Constitution Preambles, 123 Penn St. L. Rev. 151 (2018).
Allan Vestal, Removing State Constitution Badges of Inferiority, 22 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 1151 (2018).
Melissa Weresh, Gauzy Allegory and the Construction of Gender, 25 William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice 7 (2018).
Melissa Weresh, Wait, What?: Harnessing the Power of Redirection in Persuasion, 15 Legal Comm. & Rhetoric: JALWD 81 (2018).
Jennifer Zwagerman, Proactive Policies: Building the Farm Bill of the Future Through New Collaborations and Perspectives, 14 Journal of Food Law & Policy 72 (2018).
David McCord, Lethal Rejection: An Empirical Analysis of the Astonishing Plunge in Death Sentences in the United States from their Post-Furman Peak, 81 Albany Law Review 1 (2018) (co-author).
Mark Kende, Two Decades of Obscenity and Free Speech Issues in Hong Kong, With a U.S. Comparative Perspective, 46 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 317 (2018) (co-author).
Natalie Banta, Property Interests in Digital Assets: The Rise of Digital Feudalism, 38 Cardozo Law Review 1099 (2017).
Anthony Gaughan, Illiberal Democracy: The Toxic Mix of Fake News, Hyperpolarization, and Partisan Election Administration, 12 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy 57 (2017).
Anthony Gaughan, Trump, Twitter, and the Russians: The Growing Obsolescence of Federal Campaign Finance Law, 27 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 79 (2017).
Mark Kende, The Unmasking of Balancing and Proportionality Review in U.S. Constitutional Law, 25 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 417 (2017).
Melissa Weresh, Best Practices for Protecting Security of Position for ABA Accreditation Standard 405(c) Faculty, 66. J. Leg. Educ. 538 (2017), Position Paper Adopted by the Legal Writing Institute (July 2016), the Association of Legal Writing Directors (Oct. 2015), and Society of American Law Teachers (Oct. 2016).
Jennifer Zwagerman, Recognizing Challenges and Opportunities in The Quest to End Hunger, 4 Texas A&M Law Review 315 (2017).
Natalie Banta, Death and Privacy in the Digital Age, 94 North Carolina Law Review 927 (2016).
Andrea Charlow, The Future of Law Review Platforms, 32 Touro Law Review 259 (2016).
Anthony Gaughan, The 40-Year War on Money in Politics: Watergate, FECA, and the Future of Campaign Finance Reform, 77 Ohio State Law Journal 791 (2016).
Anthony Gaughan, Ramshackle Federalism: America’s Archaic and Dysfunctional Presidential Election System, 85 Fordham Law Review 1021 (2016).
Andrew Jurs, Expert Prevalence, Persuasion and Price: What Trial Participants Really Think About Experts, 91 Indiana Law Journal 353 (2016).
Mark Kende, Corruption Cases and Separation of Powers in South African and U.S. Supreme Court Cases, 60 New York Law School Law Review 183 (2016).
Erin Lain, Experiences of Academically Dismissed Black and Latino/a Law Students: Stereotype Threat, Fight or Flight Coping Mechanisms, Isolation and Feelings of Systemic Betrayal, 45 Journal of Law & Education 279 (2016).
Maura Strassberg, Can We Still Criminalize Polygamy: Strict Scrutiny of Polygamy Laws Under State Religious Freedom Restoration Acts After Hobby Lobby, 2016 University of Illinois Law Review 1605 (2016).
Allan Vestal, The Other Lawyer in the Courtroom: The Prosecutor in To Kill a Mockingbird, 86 Mississippi Law Journal 167 (2016).
Melissa Weresh, Stars upon Thars: Evaluating the Discriminatory Impact of ABA Standard 405(c) "Tenure-Like" Security of Position, 34 Law & Inequality 137 (2016).
Melissa Weresh, What the Best Law Teachers Do, 12 Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD 293 (2015).
Jerry Anderson, The Divergent Evolution of English Property Law, Probate & Property, Sept.-Oct. 2015, at 50.
Andrea Charlow, There's No Place Like Home: Temporary Absences in the UCCJEA Home State, 28 Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 25 (2015).
Laurie K. Doré, If You Build It, Will They Come? Designing Iowa’s New Expedited Civil Action Rule and Related Civil Justice Reforms, 63 Drake Law Review 401 (2015).
Anthony Gaughan, A Delicate Balance: Liberty and Security in the Age of Terrorism, 63 Drake Law Review 1015 (2015).
Anthony Gaughan, Collateral Damage and the Laws of War: D-Day as a Case Study, 55 American Journal of Legal History 229 (2015).
Anthony Gaughan, In Defense of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, 24 Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 221 (2015).
Andrew Jurs, An Overreaction to a Nonexistent Problem: Empirical Analysis of Tort Reform from the 1980s to 2000s, 3 Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation 62 (2015) (co-author).
Andrew Jurs, The Gatekeeper’s Toolbox: A Survey on Judicial Handling of Expert Reliability Motions, 51 Court Review 8 (2015).
Keith Miller, The Utility and Limits of Self-Exclusion Programs, 6 UNLV Gaming Law Journal (2015).
Miguel Schor, The Other Path of Constitutionalism, 50 Tulsa Law Review 469 (2015).
Maura Strassberg, Scrutinizing Polygamy: Utah’s Brown v. Buhman and British Columbia’s Reference Re: Section 293, 64 Emory Law Journal 1815 (2015).
Allan Vestal, Disenthralling Ourselves…Notes from My Final Year as Dean, 46 University of Toledo Law Review 407 (2015).
Allan Vestal, The Lingering Bigotry of State Constitution Religious Tests, 15 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 55 (2015).
Karen Wallace & Rebecca Lutkenhaus, Assessing the Effectiveness of Single-Session Legal Research Skill Instruction Through Pre- and Post-Testing: A Case Study, 107 Law Library Journal 57 (2015).
Karen Wallace, Does the Past Predict the Future?: An Empirical Analysis of Recent Iowa Supreme Court Use of Legislative History as a Window into Statutory Construction in Iowa, 63 Drake Law Review 239 (2015).
Melissa Weresh, Uncommon Results: The Power of Team-Based Learning in the Legal Writing Classroom, 19 J. Leg. Writing Inst. 49 (2015).
Melissa Weresh, Rectifying Renda: Amending the Iowa Administrative Procedure Act to Remove the Legal Fiction of Legislative Delegation of Interpretive Authority, 63 Drake L. Rev. 591 (2015) (with Aaron Aherendsen).
Anthony Gaughan. Voting in Colonial and Revolutionary America, in Eugene Mazo, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Election Law (Oxford University Press, forthcoming in 2024).
Miguel Schor, Constitutional Exceptionalism and American Democracy in Deciphering the Genome of Constitutionalism: Essays on Constitutional Identity in Honor of Gary Jacobsohn (Ran Hirschl and Yaniv Roznai, eds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023).
Melissa Weresh, Writing Transitions Between Academic and Professional Settings in Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing (Center for Engaged Learning Open Access Book Series 2022) (co-authored).
Melissa Weresh, Team-Based Learning in an Online Environment in Law Teaching Strategies for a New Era: Beyond the Physical Classroom (Carolina Academic Press, 2021) (coauthored).
Melissa Weresh, Beyond the University: Towards Transfer in Emerging Issues in Educational Development IV (Edin, 2021) (co-authored).
Jennifer Zwagerman, Agroecology in Food Transparency: Labels and Certifications, in Food System Transparency (ed. Adam Friedlander and Gabrielle Steier) (CRC Press, 2021).
Anthony Gaughan, The Influence of Technology on Presidential Primary Campaigns, in The Best Candidate: Presidential Nomination in Polarized Times (Eugene Mazo and Michael Dimino, eds.,) (Cambridge University Press, 2020), 309-29.
Melissa Weresh, ABA Sourcebook on Legal Writing (contributing author) (3rd ed. 2020).
Suzan Pritchett, Rewritten Judicial Opinion: Matter of A-B-, 27 I&N Dec. 316 (A.G. 2018), in Feminist Judgments: Re-written Family Law Opinions (Feminist Judgment Series)(Rachel Rebouche, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Jerry Anderson, United States Forests in Definitions of Forests in Law: Global Perspectives (2019)(co-author).
Miguel Schor, Introduction and Constitutional Dialogue and Judicial Supremacy, in Comparative Constitutional Theory (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018).
Maura Strassberg, Scrutinizing Polygamy Under Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, in The Contested Place of Religion in Family Law (Robin Fretwell Wilson ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Development Toward Professionalism and the Formation of an Ethical Professional Identity to Become an Effective Lawyer, in Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and The Legal Profession (Hornbook Series, West Academic, 2018) (with Neil W. Hamilton).
Mark Kende, The U.S. Supreme Court’s First Amendment Refusal to Protect Children Regarding Sexually Explicit Speech on the Internet, in Digitation and the Law, (Eric Hilgendorf, ed.) Germany (Dec. 2017).
Mark W. Bennett, Manifestations of Implicit Bias in the Courts in Enhancing Justice: Reducing Bias (ABA, 2017).
Maura Strassberg, Distinguishing Polygyny and Polyfidelity Under the Criminal Law, in The Polygamy Question (Utah State Press, 2016).
Maura Strassberg, Scrutinizing Polygamy: Utah’s Brown v. Buhman and British Columbia’s Reference Re: Section 293, in Beyond Same Sex Marriage: Perspectives on Marital Possibilities (ed. Ronald C. Den Otter, Lexington Books, 2016).
Jeremy Kidd, Update on the Debate Over Third Party Litigation Finances, panelist, Law & Economics Center, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va. (June 16, 2023).
Danielle Shelton, Julia Steggerda-Corey, and Melissa Weresh, Encouraging A Dialogue: Creating Opportunities for Scholarship, Advocacy, and
Advancement in the Legal Community for Underrepresented Students, Lone Star Legal Writing Conference, Lubbock, Texas (April 2023).
Julia Steggerda-Corey, DEI and Implicit Bias: Strategies for Companies and Law Firms, multiple presentations (July 2021-July 2023).
Nickole Miller, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Juvenile Court, Public Defenders Association of Iowa Conference, Des Moines, Iowa (June 22, 2023).
Nickole Miller, Using an Interpreter in Juvenile and Family Law Proceedings, 2023 Iowa State Bar Association Annual Meeting, Ankeny, Iowa (June 22, 2023).
John Edwards, Elevating Civility in Local Elections, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa (May 30, 2023).
Mark Kende, The U.S. Supreme Court’s Impractical Opinion in Dobbs, Drake Law Symposium, Des Moines, Iowa (April 2023).
Nickole Miller, Resiliency Workshop for Vicarious Trauma & Burnout, 2023 AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education, San Francisco, Calif. (April 28, 2023).
Julia Steggerda-Corey, Creating a Compliance and Risk Management Program, Iowa Paralegal Association Annual Conference (April 2023; Sept. 2019).
Melissa Weresh, Making the Legal Profession Accessible to the Entire Population, University of Alabama Law School Symposium: Our History, Our Future, Tuscaloosa, Ala. (February 2023).
Melissa Weresh, Balancing Predictive Analysis with Critical Inquiry, LWI One-Day Workshop, Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Conner College of Law (online) (Dec. 2022).
Jeremy Kidd, Regulating Away from Innovation, Antonin Scalia Law School Faculty Seminar Series (Nov. 15, 2022).
Allan Vestal, Compulsion, Indoctrination, and Retribution in State Pledge of Allegiance Statutes, Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Iowa (Nov. 9, 2022).
Natalie Lynner, The Future of Estate Planning Documents, Iowa Academy of Trusts and Estates, Des Moines, Iowa (Nov. 2022).
Nickole Miller, Integration of Equity with Court Partners, Iowa Dept. of Health and Human Services’ Annual Learning Session on Reducing Disproportionality & Disparate Outcomes for Children & Families of
Color (Nov. 3, 2022).
Anthony Gaughan, Redistricting in the Political Thicket, Kentucky Law Journal Symposium, University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, Ky. (Oct. 14,
John Edwards, Doing More With Less, Moderator and Speaker, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries, virtual conference (Oct. 14, 2022).
Natalie Lynner, Ethics in Trusts and Estates, Probate Seminar, University of Iowa College of Law and the Iowa State Bar Association, Des Moines, Iowa (Sept. 2022).
Anthony Gaughan, Voting in Colonial America, Election Law Panel, Oxford Handbook of American Election Law, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools, Destin, Fla. (Aug. 1, 2022).
Jeremy Kidd, Insider Trading: There is no Safe Harbor, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting (Aug. 1, 2022).
Jeremy Kidd, Corporate Political Activism is Just Rent-Seeking, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting (July 30, 2022).
Melissa Weresh, Paper Presentation: Rhetorical Analysis of #MeToo and Implications for Asylum, Law and Society Association 2022 Annual Meeting
Lisbon, Portugal (online) (July 2022).
Nickole Miller, Cultural Humility, 2022 Iowa Magistrate Conference (June 16, 2022).
Jeremy Kidd, Consumers, Industry, or Government: Three Imperfect Options for Solving Market Problems, George Mason University Law & Economics Center Forum on Industry Self-Regulation (May 8, 2022).
John Edwards, A Decent Home, [film screening], Moderator, Polk County Housing Trust Fund and Drake Law School, Des Moines, Iowa (April 26, 2022).
Natalie Lynner, The Tiny House Movement: The Advantages, Challenges, and Future of Tiny Houses in Iowa, Real Estate Transactions Seminar, Drake Law School Continuing Legal Education Program, Des Moines, Iowa (April 2022).
Nickole Miller, Immigration Red Flags and Remedies for Non-Citizen Youth, Model Court and the Office of the State Public Defender (March 2022).
Natalie Lynner, Death and Privacy in the Digital Age, Thompson Center on Public Leadership by the University of Wisconsin, Data Deluge: Privacy in a Connected World, Madison, Wis. (March 2022).
Anthony Gaughan, The Constitution as Partisan Battleground, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy Annual Symposium, University of Notre Dame Law School, South Bend, Ind. (Feb. 11, 2022).
Natalie Lynner, Teaching Tools and Questions of Inequality in the Wills and Trusts Classroom, AALS Trusts and Estates Section, San Diego, Calif. (Jan. 2022).
Allan Vestal, Were the Tax Protesters Right About Ohio Statehood?, University of Missouri School of Law, Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 3, 2022) and Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Iowa (Jan. 26, 2022).
Erin Lain, Danielle Shelton, and Melissa Weresh, Infusing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into the Law School Curriculum, Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting (online) (Jan. 2022).
Natalie Lynner, Trusts and Estates in Society, Association of American Law Schools Trusts and Estates Section (online) (Jan. 2022).
Melissa Weresh, Equality, Intersectionality, and Status in the Legal Academy, Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, D.C. (online) (Jan. 2022).
Ellen Yee, Using Historical Context Across the Law School Curriculum in Response to January 6th, 2021 – Panelist, Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting: Freedom, Equality, and the Common Good (Jan. 2022).
Miguel Schor, Trumpism and the Continuing Challenges to Three Political-Constitutionalist Orthodoxies, New York University School of Law (Feb. 1, 2022), Northern Illinois College of Law (Sept. 9, 2021), and Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference (July 30, 2021).
Mark Kende, The Tomorrow Doctrine: How Emergent Technologies and Other Trends Will Result in New Constitutional Thought, Chapman University Law Review Symposium, virtual panel (Jan. 28, 2022).
Nickole Miller, Moderator, Iowa Supreme Court Juvenile Justice Task Force Summit (Jan. 26, 2022).
Danielle Shelton and Melissa Weresh, Activating Student Engagement in an Online Environment with Team-Based Learning, (with Joy E. Herr-Cardillo) LWI One-Day Workshop, University of South Dakota (online) (Dec. 2021).
Melissa Weresh, Comprehensive Assessment: The Readiness Assurance Process, LWI One-Day Workshop, Stetson University College of Law (online) (Dec. 2021).
Melissa Weresh, Rethinking Leadership: An LRW Perspective on Institutional Hierarchies (Plenary panel), LWI One-Day Workshop, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law (online) (Dec. 2021).
Natalie Lynner, Ethics for Practitioners in a Digital World, Iowa Academy of Trusts and Estates, Des Moines, Iowa (Nov. 2021).
Karen Wallace, Breaking the Ice, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Virtual Meeting (Nov. 4, 2021) (with M. Sara Lowe).
Nickole Miller, Immigration Issues, 4 Our Kids Conference (Oct. 2021).
Danielle Shelton and Melissa Weresh, Efficacy and Efficiency – Making Writing Feedback Stick, Central States Legal Writing Conference,
University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. (Oct. 2021).
Karen Wallace, Keeping Track: Citation Counts and Scholarly Impact, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Virtual Meeting (Oct. 28, 2021) (with Benjamin Keele and Margaret Kiel-Morse).
Alexa Perez, Co-moderator and Organizer, Hispanic Heritage Roundtable, Sidley Austin LLP, Chicago, Ill. (Oct. 2021 and 2020).
Nickole Miller, LGBTQ Youth in Juvenile Court, Office of the Iowa State Public Defender and the Polk County Model Court (Sept. 2021).
Melissa Weresh, Discussion Group Presentations: Cultural Self Awareness and Professional Identity and Discipline Building: Scholarship and Status
in the Legal Academy, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, Washington and Lee University (online) (July 2021).
Melissa Weresh, Is Storytelling a Threshold Concept in Law? (panel presentation) and Reconstructing the Curse: Revising the Narrative on
Menstruation, Eighth Biennial Conference on Applied Legal Storytelling,
Mercer University (online) (July 2021).
Melissa Weresh, Towards Trustworthiness in Writing Beyond the University, Elon University Center for Engaged Learning 2021 Conference on Engaged Learning (online) (July 2021).
Alexa Perez, Tools to Succeed as JIOP Intern, panelist, ABA Judicial Internship Opportunity Program (JIOP) (Summer 2021 and 2020).
Melissa Weresh, Steering the Future of the Discipline: Articulating the
Threshold Concepts of Legal Writing, Association of Legal Writing Directors Biennial Conference, University of Michigan Law School (online) (June 2021).
Julia Steggerda-Corey, The #MeToo Movement and Black Feminism: How the Mainstream White Feminist Movement Failed Black Women, Just the Beginning, ConnectED Program (June 2021 and June 2020) and Drake Law School CLE (Sept. 2020).
Julia Steggerda-Corey, Race and Policing, Engaging Equity (June 2021).
Miguel Schor, Does Biden’s agenda provide an antidote to Trumpism?, Law and Society Conference (May 28, 2021).
Natalie Lynner, Death in a Pandemic, Faculty Exchange, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. (March 2021).
Julia Steggerda-Corey, The CROWN Act and Race Discrimination Based on Natural Hair, Iowa State Bar Association CLE (May 2021) and Polk County Women Attorneys Luncheon (March 2021).
Anthony Gaughan, The Dynamics of Democratic Breakdown, Faculty Exchange Workshop, University of Kansas Law School, Lawrence, Kan. (Feb. 23, 2021) (via Zoom).
Alexa Perez, Co-moderator and Organizer, Social Justice Movements: Legal and Practical Considerations for Corporations, Sidley Austin LLP, Chicago, Ill. (Feb. 2021).
Alexa Perez, Clerking on the Northern District of Illinois and Seventh Circuit, Panel, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Feb. 2021 and 2020).
Mark Kende, Comparative Law, AALS Annual Meeting, virtual panel (Jan. 6, 2021).
Mark W. Bennett, Getting Explicit about Implicit Bias and Afrocentric Facial Feature Bias in the Courtroom, The Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College, Columbus, Ohio (Nov. 12, 2020).
Karen Wallace, Work in the Time of COVID-19: Shift Happens, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Virtual Meeting (Oct. 15, 2020) (with Sandy Placzek, Allison Reeve Davis, and Sarah Kammer).
Anthony Gaughan, The Small Margins Problem and the Electoral College, Idaho Law Review Annual Symposium, University of Idaho Law School, Boise, Idaho (Oct. 27, 2020) (via Zoom).
Anthony Gaughan, Fear Itself: American Democracy’s Crisis of Confidence, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wis. (Sept. 24, 2020) (via Zoom).
Anthony Gaughan, Misinformation, the First Amendment, and the American Revolution, Center for International & Comparative Law, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. (Sept. 11, 2020) (via Zoom).
Mark Kende, The Value of Comparative Law, Texas A&M Law School, virtual seminar (Aug. 2020).
Miguel Schor, The Trump Presidency and the American Constitutional Order, Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, virtual conference (May 29, 2020).
Mark Kende, African Constitutionalism: Pragmatism and Constitutions, Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, virtual conference (May 29, 2020).
Mark W. Bennett, Jury Management and Implicit Bias, National Judicial Conference on Judging the Book by More Than Its Cover: A Symposium on Juries, Implicit Bias, and the Justice System’s Response, D.C. (March 12, 2020).
Anthony Gaughan, James Madison, Citizens United, and the Constitutional Problem of Corruption, American University Law Review Annual Symposium, American University Law School, D.C. (Jan. 31, 2020).
Natalie Lynner, Minors and Digital Asset Succession, AALS New Perspectives in Trusts and Estates, Washington, D.C. (January 2020).
Melissa Weresh, Discussion Group: Time-Turning, Invisibility, and Other Magic Mentoring Tricks and Discussion Group: The Multi-Generational Teaching of Legal Writing, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Jan. 2020).
Mark Kende, Comparative Perspectives on Controversial Public Monuments, AALS Annual Meeting, D.C. (Jan. 5, 2020).
Mark W. Bennett, Update on Implicit Bias, Employment Law Roundtable, New Jersey Bar Association, New Brunswick, N.J. (Dec. 10, 2019).
Mark W. Bennett, Judicial Discretion, Individualizations, and Dignity in the Courtroom, The Washington & Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice’s 2019 Annual Symposium on Issues in Federal Sentencing: Privilege, Disparity and a Way Forward, Lexington, Va (Nov. 14-15, 2019).
Allan Vestal, God or Caesar? State-Employee Prison Chaplains and State Constitution Compulsion and Preference Guarantees, Drake University Law School (Oct. 8, 2019).
Andrew Jurs, The Proper Role of the Judge in Evaluating Expert Testimony, George Mason University Symposium on the Law & Economics of Consumer Protection, Arlington, Va. (Oct. 2019).
Anthony Gaughan, Chester Arthur’s Ghost: A Cautionary Tale of Campaign Finance Reform, Mercer Law Review Annual Symposium, Mercer University Law School, Macon, Ga. (Sept. 27, 2019).
Mark W. Bennett, Deconstructing the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Twenty-Eighth Annual National Seminar on Federal Sentencing, St. Petersburg, Fla. (Aug. 28-30, 2019).
Karen Wallace, Answering the Call for Wellness in the Legal Profession, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. (July 14, 2019).
Mark W. Bennett, White Collar Fraud in Federal Court, National Association of Criminal Defense Counsel, Los Angeles, Calif. (June 21, 2019).
Melissa Weresh, Developing Leadership Skills and Enhancing Inclusivity with Team-Based Learning, Association of Legal Writing Directors Biennial Conference, Co-Chari, Leadership Academy, Boston, Mass. (May 2019).
Natalie Lynner, Digital Assets and Digital Wills, Faculty Exchange, University of Kansas Law School, Lawrence, Kan. (April 2019).
Alexa Perez, Pro Bono in Big Law, panelist, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Spring 2019).
Alexa Perez, Succeeding as a Big Law Associate, panelist, The University of Chicago Latino Law Student’s Association, Chicago, Ill. (Spring 2019).
Ellen Yee, Food Insecurity, Waste & Recovery, Guest Lecturer, Food And Society, Prof. Michael Haedicke, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa (Spring 2019).
Melissa Weresh, Gauzy Allegory and the Construction of Gender, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law Visiting Lecture
Sacramento, Calif. (March 2019).
Melissa Weresh, Fostering Professional Identity Development with Team-Based Learning, 19th Annual Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference
Las Vegas, Nev. (March 2019).
Anthony Gaughan, Foreign Intervention, Political Polarization, and Federal Campaign Finance Law, National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, American University Law School, D.C. (March 23, 2019).
Melissa Weresh, Two Sides of the Coin–Exploring Dyadic Emotions in
Immigration and Alienage Jurisprudence, Wake Forest University Law School Law & Emotions Symposium, Winston Salem, N.C. (Feb. 2019).
Miguel Schor, The Trump Presidency, The Future of Liberal Democracy, University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Tex. (Feb. 21, 2019).
Mark W. Bennett, Implicit Bias for ABA Leaders, ABA TIPS Leadership Academy, Las Vegas, Nev. (Jan. 25, 2019).
Melissa Weresh, Building Bridges Across Curricular and Status Lines: Gender Inequity throughout the Legal Academy, Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting New Orleans, La., (Jan. 2019).
Allan Vestal, Two Tenets of Religious Liberty in the Constitutions of Iowa, Judge James Grant Iowa Constitution Lecture, Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Iowa (Nov. 15, 2018).
Natalie Lynner, Reassessing What Will Formality Means in the Digital Age, Chicagoland Junior Scholars Works in Progress Conference, Chicago, Ill. (Oct. 2018).
Rebecca Lutkenhaus, Winning Strategies for Tech Tool Success, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tenn. (Oct. 13, 2018)(with Leslie Behroozi, Sarah Kammer, Courtney Segota, and Susan Urban).
Karen Wallace, Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Using Empirical Research to Help Yourself and Others, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tenn. (Oct. 13, 2018) (with Stefanie Pearlman).
Karen Wallace, Strategically Responding to the Call to Improve Mental Health in the Legal Profession, Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tenn. (Oct. 12, 2018).
Anthony Gaughan, The Foreign Threat to American Campaign Finance Law, Wiley A. Branton/Howard Law Journal Symposium on We the People? Internal and External Challenges to the American Electoral Process, Howard University Law School, D.C. (Oct. 11, 2018).
Allan Vestal, “No person . . . shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments . . .”: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and Strader v. Graham, University of South Dakota School of Law, Vermillion, S.D. (Oct. 3, 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Discussion Group: Connecting Through Scholarship and Connecting Teaching and Learning: Maximizing Formative Assessment and Discussion Group: Connecting to the Future -- What’s Ahead for Writing and
Law?, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (Aug. 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Converting to Tenure: Stories of Success and Group Wise: The Power of Teams and Protecting and Improving LRW Status on Law School Faculties, Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference, Milwaukee, Wis. (July 2018).
Ellen Yee, Intercultural Negotiations Workshop: Strategies and Tactics for Effective Negotiations and Communications in Global Business, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City campuses, Vietnam (July 2018).
Anthony Gaughan, D-Day, Collateral Damage, and the 1923 Hague Draft Rules of Aerial Warfare, Amsterdam Center for International Law Conference on Contingency in the Course of International Law, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (June 16, 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Threshold Concepts in Legal Education, Threshold Concepts Biennial Conference, Oxford, Ohio (June 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Paper Presentation: Gauzy Allegory and the Construction of Gender, Gender Sidelining Symposium, San Diego, Calif. (CA, April 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Team-Based Learning, Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference, Denver, Colo. (March 2018).
Natalie Lynner, Redefining Minors’ Property Interests in Digital Assets, Visiting Scholars Exchange, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wis. (Feb. 2018).
Ellen Yee, School Food: Procurement, Labor, and Education, 5th Annual Yale Food Systems Symposium, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT (Feb. 23, 2018).
Ellen Yee, Next Course: An Academic and Service-Learning Approach to Campus Food Waste & Recovery, 5th Annual Yale Food Systems Symposium: Centering Resilience, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, New Haven, Conn. (Feb. 2018).
Melissa Weresh, Team-Based Learning 101: Application Exercises, The Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, Calif. (Jan. 6, 2018).
Andrew Jurs, Daubert After 25 Years: A Prospective Look at the Next Great Challenges in Expert Reliability, The Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, Calif. (Jan. 6, 2018).
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Drake University Law School is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738. Drake Law School is also a charter member of the American Association of Law Schools and a member of the Order of the Coif.
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