In This Section:
Title: Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
Rank: Associate Professor
Began at Drake: 2023
Education: Faculty of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences, National University of Litoral; Ph.D. Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program, Nova Southeastern University
Associate Professor. Nova Southeastern University, Health Professions Division. College of Health Care Sciences. Department of Occupational Therapy-Tampa, Florida. (2013 - 2023)
Director and Co-Owner: Advance Therapy Systems (ATS). Private Practice Clinic. Ireland. (2007 - 2015)
Senior Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Therapy West, Inc. Los Angeles, California. United States (USA). (2013 - 2014)
Invited Professor. Occupational Therapy Master’s Program Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitao. Alcoitao, Alcabideche. Portugal. (July 2011 - November 2011)
Senior Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Health Service Executive (HSE). Primary Continuing Community Care (PCCC); Pediatric Services. Dundalk, Co. Louth. Ireland. (2006 - 2009)
Pediatric Occupational Therapist, full-time. Position Title: Administrator of Clinical Services. Therapy West, Inc. Los Angeles, California. United States (USA). (2002 - 2006)
Therapeutic Service Systems (TSS). Course Instructor: Continuing education courses in sensory integration treatment. Different teaching locations throughout the United States (USA). (2004 - 2006)
Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Full Time. MP Rehabilitation Services, Inc. Davie, Florida. United States (USA). This company became Physiotherapy Associates in May 2001. (May 2001 - December 2001)
Pediatric Occupational Therapist, full time. Therapy West, Inc. Los Angeles, California. United States (USA). (2000 - 2002)
Teaching Assistant. Data Collection and Assessment I. Masters in Occupational Therapy Program. Occupational Therapy Department, Health Professions Division, Nova Southeastern University, (NSU). Fort Lauderdale, Florida. United States (USA). (June 1999 - Sept. 1999)
Teaching Assistant. Human Occupations across the Life Span. Masters in Occupational Therapy Program. Occupational therapy program. Occupational Therapy Department, Health Professions Division, Nova Southeastern University, (NSU). Fort Lauderdale, Florida. United States (USA). (June 1999 - Sept. 1999)
Technology Trainer Coordinator. Information Technology, Applications Training. Nova Southeastern University, (NSU). Fort Lauderdale, Florida. United States (USA). (March 1999 - May 1999)
Technology Trainer. Information Technology, Applications Training. Nova Southeastern University, (NSU). Fort Lauderdale, Florida. United States (USA). (Jan. 1999 - March 1999)
Pediatric Occupational therapist, Private Practice. Provision of therapeutic Services to children and adolescents with various conditions such as developmental delays, learning disabilities, and genetic, physical, cognitive, and orthopedic conditions. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (1995 - 1996)
Professional Translator. Hopkins, H.L. and Smith H.D. (Eds). Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy. 8th Edition. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Editorial Medica Panamericana. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (1995 - 1996)
Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Rehabilitation Institute CREER. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (1995 - 1996)
Clinical Instructor. Occupational Therapy Program. National University of Quilmes (UNQUI). Qualitative and Quantitative Research Courses. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (1995 - 1996)
Teaching Assistant. Faculty of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences. National University of Litoral. Santa Fe, Argentina. (1992 - 1995)
Peer Reviewed:
Dhas, B. N., Carrasco R. C., Reinoso, G., & Backman, C. (2022,
accepted). Occupational balance among parents of typically developing children and parents of children with disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Reinoso, G., Ricciardi Lima, F., Alvarado, D., Applewhite, C.B., Collins, G., Brownlie, T., Marshall, C. & Kangaloo, J. (2022, accepted). Development of the PER2 Pre-Writing Assessment in children 5-8 years of age. Argentine Journal of Occupational Therapy
Reinoso, G., Plata Redondo, R., Eisele, M., Kowalske, T., Taylor, T., Joseph, A., Townsend, J., & Velázquez De Jesús, M. (2022, accepted). Sensory Response in Children Diagnosed with Autism and Typically Developing Children. Argentine Journal of Occupational Therapy
Rzepkowski, T., Abrams, S.C., Bell, F.P., Orkwis, A., Radin, H., & Reinoso, G., (2021). Optimal Walker Height and Baseline Positioning for Functional Mobility: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 28 (11): 1759- 1769-1763.
Reinoso, G., Plata, R., Carrasco, R., Wall, R., Damitz, K., Harden, M.,
& Rasmussen, K. (2020). Specific correlations between domains of the fourth edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC-IV) and the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) in children diagnosed with mental health disorders in the Basque Country (Spain): A pilot study. Revista Argentina de Terapia Ocupacional, 6(1), 3–12.
Reinoso, G., Bryce, C., Weldon, S., Jordan, P., Nicole, B. (2018). Food Selectivity and Sensitivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. To appear in New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Reinoso, G. (2016). The development of a parental questionnaire to measure sensory responsivity in children with a diagnosis of autism (QMSR). Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(1), 69-88. doi:10.5354/0717-5346.2016.41945
Blanche, E.I., Reinoso, G., Blanche Kiefer, D., & Barros, A. (2016). The performance of typical children between 5 and 7.11 years in a selection of clinical observations: Preliminary data and psychometric properties in a Chilean sample. Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(1), 17-26. doi:10.5354/0717-5346.2016.41941
Reinoso, G., Parhar, J., Pignon, A., Taylor, S., Walker, Y., and Whitworth, B. (2015). The effects of constraint induced movement therapy in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review. The Argentine Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1(1), 5-14. Retrieved from http//
Blanche, E.I., Bodison, S., Chang, M.C and Reinoso, G. (2012). Development of the comprehensive observations of proprioception (COP): Validity, reliability and factor analysis. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(6): 691-698. doi. 10.5014/ajot.2012.003608
Blanche, E.I., Reinoso, G., Chang, M.C and Bodison, S. (2012). Proprioceptive processing difficulties among children with autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(5): 621-624. doi 10.5014/ajot.2012.004234
Reinoso, G., Cernat, S. (2011). Efficacy of reduced-intensity Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) in improving upper extremity function in children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review Argentine Journal of Occupational Therapy, 3, 2.
Reinoso, G., Decker, T., Urwin, R., Sampsonidis, A. (2010). Sensory Integration. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(10): 495-496.
Imperatore Blanche, E., & Reinoso, G. (2007). Literature review: sensory processing deficits in the autism spectrum. Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy, 0 (7) , Pág. 59 - 68. doi:10.5354/0717-5346.2007.79
Blanche, E.I and Reinoso, G. Attention Deficit Disorder. Year 2004 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Evidence Based Literature Review Projects. Bethesda, Maryland. United States. (USA).
Blanche, E.I and Reinoso, G.A Cerebral Palsy. Year 2004 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Evidence Based Literature Review Projects. Bethesda, Maryland. United States. (USA).
Other Publications:
Reinoso, G., Kula, L., & Imperatore Blanche, E. (2022). Incorporating nature in the context of sensory integration treatment. An Evidence-Based Guide to Combining Interventions with Sensory Integration in Pediatric Practice. Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group.
Flanagan, J., Reinoso, G., Imperatore Blanche, E. (2022). Combining Approaches: Autism Spectrum Disorders. An Evidence-Based Guide to Combining Interventions with Sensory Integration in Pediatric Practice.
Decker, T. J., Reinoso, G., (2022). In S.B. Dunbar & K. Winston (Ed.), Occupational Perspective in Leadership: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions. S.B. Dunbar & K. Winston, 2nd edition (eds.). Slack, Inc.
Blanche, E. I., Reinoso, G., & Blanche Kiefer, D. (2021). The Structured Observations of Sensory Integration - Motor Administration Manual. Novato, CA: Academic Therapy Publications.
Blanche, E.I., Reinoso, G, & Kiefer, D. (2020). Clinical Observations as an Important Component in the Evaluation Process. In Bundy, A. and Lane, S. (Editors). Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice (3rd Edition). Pp. 222- 242. F.A. Davis
Reinoso, G. (2017). I am interested in research in sensory integration: What do I do next? (Summer 2017 ed., pp. 6). Florida: FOCUS Florida Occupational Therapy Association’s Quarterly Newsletter.
Reinoso, G. (2016). In Colegio de Profesionales de Terapia Ocupacional de Puerto Rico (Ed.), An interpretation of the role of the brain stem in intersensory integration (5th ed., vol. 5, pp. 16-22). San Juan, Puerto Rico: Conexio.
Reinoso, G., & Decker, T. (2015). Toward a different understanding of leadership: A personal journey. In S.B. Dunbar & K. Winston (Eds.). An Occupational Perspective on Leadership, theoretical and practical dimensions (2nd edition). Thorofare, NJ: Slack, Inc.
Blanche, E., Reinoso, G. & Blanche Kiefer, (2014). Observaciones Clínicas Sensorio- Motoras. Evaluación y Aplicación Clínica en Niños con Dificultades en el Desarrollo y Procesamiento Sensorial. Los Angeles, CA: Sensory Metrics, Inc.
Majnemer, A. (Ed.). Measures for Children with Developmental Disabilities: An ICF- CY Approach (2012). Blanche, E.I., Mailloux, Z., and Reinoso, G. Sensory Function: General. Mac Keith Press. London.
Blanche, E.I. and Reinoso, G. (2012). Clinical Observations in sensory integration: An important component of the clinical reasoning process. Article for the South African Institute for Sensory Integration. South Africa. Available at
Blanche, E. I. and Reinoso, G. The use of clinical observations to evaluate proprioceptive and vestibular functions. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Continuing Education Article (AOTA, 2008. CEU). The American Occupational Therapy Association, OT Practice.
Reinoso, G. and Decker, T. (2008). “Designing Theoretically Driven, Motivating, and Safe Sensory Integration Intervention Environments” SensorNet magazine; Sensory Integration Network, United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland.
Book Chapter: Chapter 8: Blanche, E.I. and Reinoso, G. (2006) “Algunos enfoques de intervencion de terapia ocupacional con niños” Editorial Medica Panamericana. España. (Chapter 8 “Different approaches of Occupational therapy intervention with children”.) Spain.
Hopkins, H.L and Smith, H.D. (Eds.) (1997). Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy. 8th edition. Philadephia: J.B. Limpicott. Editorial Medica Panamericana. Gustavo Reinoso, G. Translator. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Occupational therapy Program in Icelandby Palmadottir, G. in Cuadernos de Terapia Occupacional (1996, Translator). Occupational Therapy Journal, National University of Quilmes. Gustavo Reinoso, G. Translator. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
How to meet the educational needs of clinical supervisors by Sinclair, K. In cuadernos de Terapia Ocupacional. (1996, Translator). Occupational Therapy Journal, National University of Quilmes. Gustavo Reinoso, G. Translator. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Since 2015:
2021, Reinoso, G., Flanagan, J. E. (April 14, 2021). SIS Developmental Disabilities and Sensory Integration, "Evidence-based practice in sensory processing and integration: SIS Session-Sensory Integration & Dev. Disabilities," FOTA, Virtual.
2020, Reinoso, G. STAR Sensory Symposium "Beyond the Surface: Reshaping challenging behaviors": Measuring the sensory integration and processing construct: Looking Beyond the Problems.
2018, Carrasco, R. C. (Author & Presenter), Reinoso, G. (Author & Presenter) (2018). FOTA Annual Conference, "Understanding deep work, attention residue and optimal occupational performance," Florida Occupational Therapy Association, Orlando, FL.
2016, May 27-July 3. Reinoso, G. Course Instructor: Advanced Hands-on Sensory Integration Practicum. Therapy West, Inc. & pLAy Studio. Los Angeles, CA.
2016, April 14-17. Reinoso, G., Course Instructor: Praxis Deficits: Early detection, assessment and intervention in children and adolescents. Corporación Chilena de Integración Sensorial. Santiago, Chile.
2016, April 9-13: Reinoso, G., Course Instructor: Assessment and clinical reasoning: Using clinical observations in sensory integration. Corporación Chilena de Integración Sensorial. Santiago, Chile.
2016, April 11-15: Reinoso, G., Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course III: From Interpretation to Intervention. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2016, April 8. D’Amico, M., Carrasco, R., Reinoso, G., and Whaley, M. Evidence of Application of Mindfulness in Occupational Therapy. Poster Presentation (Poster #3062) at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo (AOTA). Chicago, IL.
2016, March 16-20. Reinoso, G Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course III: From Interpretation to Intervention. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2016, January 12-15. Reinoso, G Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course III: From Interpretation to Intervention. Madrid, Spain.
2016, Reinoso, G. (Author & Presenter), Shriners Hospitals for Children: Professional rounds, "Sensory Integration: Current views in measurement and therapeutic intervention," Shriners Hospitals for Children — Tampa 12502 USF Pine Drive Tampa, FL 33612-9411, Tampa. (October 26, 2016).
2016, Reinoso, G. (Author & Presenter), Bellare, N. (Author & Presenter), Grampp, K. (Author & Presenter), Imwalle, R. (Author & Presenter), Workshop: Argentine Occupational Therapy Association, "The Content and Scope of a Scientific Publication," Argentine Occupational Therapy Association & Ideas Argentinas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (October 6, 2016).
2016, D'Amico, M., Carrasco, R. C., Reinoso, G., Whaley, M. M., AOTA National Conference, "Evidence and Application of Mindfulness in Occupational Therapy," AOTA, Chicago IL. (April 8, 2016).
2015, November 5: Reinoso, G.Two-hour short course: Designing Safe, Playful and Fidelity Based Sensory Integration Environments. Presentation at the Annual Conference Meeting of the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA), Orlando, FL.
2015, November 5: D’Amico, M., Carrasco, R., Reinoso, G., and Whaley, M.: Three- hour short course: Evidence & Applications: Mindfulness in Occupational Therapy. Presentation at the Annual Conference Meeting of the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA), Orlando, FL.
2015, October 29-31. Reinoso, G One-hour presentation: Assessment and Intervention on the Sensory Processing Problems of Children with a Diagnosis of Autism: Latin- American Confederation of Occupational Therapists (CLATO), XI Latin-American Congress of Occupational Therapy and III National Congress of Occupational Therapy.
2015, October 29-31. Reinoso, G One-hour presentation: Advances in the Assessment of Proprioceptive Problems in Children with Difficulties in the Integration and Processing of Sensations. Latin-American Confederation of Occupational Therapists (CLATO), XI Latin-American Congress of Occupational Therapy and III National Congress of Occupational Therapy. San José, Costa Rica.
2015, October 29-31. Reinoso, G Nine-hour workshop: Clinical Observations of Sensory-Motor performance. Latin-American Confederation of Occupational Therapists (CLATO), XI Latin-American Congress of Occupational Therapy and III National Congress of Occupational Therapy. San José, Costa Rica.
2015, October 12: Reinoso, G., Keynote Speaker: “Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration” XV Occupational Therapy Congress “Citizenship and Human Rights: From Finances to Practice”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2015, October 12: Reinoso, G. Two-hour short course: “Sensory integration in individuals with diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder” XV Occupational Therapy Congress “Citizenship and Human Rights: From Finances to Practice”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2015, November 5: Two hour short course: Reinoso, G., and Saa, P.: Family based intervention for Children with Sensory Processing Disorders: We Play Too!. Presentation at the Annual Conference Meeting of the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA), Orlando, FL.
2015, November 6: One-hour presentation: Reinoso, G., and Decker, T., Today’s fieldwork students and Fieldwork educators: The impact of Generational Cohorts in Contemporaneous Practice. Presentation at the Annual Conference Meeting of the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA), Orlando, FL.
2015, September 9-12: One-hour presentation: Reinoso, G., and Lamas, L. The Evolution of Sensory Integration Theory within Occupational Therapy in the Argentine Republic. Presentation at the IX Occupational Therapy Argentine Congress. Paraná, Argentina.
2015, September 9-12: four-hour workshop: Reinoso, G., and Lamas, L. Sensory Processing Problems in Children with Diagnosis of Autism: Measurement and Intervention Historical Perspectives in Occupational Therapy Using a Sensory Integration Approach. IX Occupational Therapy Argentine Congress. Paraná, Argentina.
2015, September 9-12: One-hour presentation: Reinoso, G. Advances in the Measurement and Intervention of proprioceptive based problems in children with sensory integration dysfunctions: An evidenced-based approach. Presentation at the IX Occupational Therapy Argentine Congress. Paraná, Argentina.
2015, September 29-October 3. Reinoso, G. Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course IV: Therapeutic Intervention. Dublin, Ireland.
2015, August 8-9. Reinoso, G. Course Instructor: Clinical observations in Sensory Integration. Pediatric Advanced Therapy. Mooresville, NC
2015, July 22-26. Reinoso, G. Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course III: Specialized Measurement Techniques in Sensory Integration. Goa, India
2015, June 23-28. Reinoso, G. Advanced Hands on Practicum in Sensory Integration. Therapy West, Inc. Los Angeles, CA.
2015, May 18-21. Reinoso, G. Course Instructor: Clinical observations in Sensory Integration. Ideas Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015, April 8-10 Reinoso, G. Course Instructor: Clinical observations in Sensory Integration. Chilean Corporation of Sensory Integration. Santiago de Chile, Chile.
2015, April 11-13. Reinoso, G., Course Instructor: Praxis Problems in Children and Adolescents. Chilean Corporation of Sensory Integration. Santiago de Chile, Chile.
2015, March 14-20. Reinoso, G., Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course IV: Therapeutic Intervention. Special Invitation to the Institute of Occupational Therapy, only master’s program in Occupational Therapy in Mexico.
2015, February 11-15. Reinoso, G., Course Instructor: The University of Southern California (USC) and Western Psychological Services (WPS): Certification Program in Sensory Integration, Course IV: Therapeutic Intervention. Madrid, Spain
2015, February 16-18: Reinoso, G.,Course Instructor: Clinical observations in sensory integration. Aytona. Madrid, Spain.
2015, January 24. Reinoso, G., Presentation at Nova Southeastern University’s Institute for Educational Research in the Health Professions (HPERS): “Teaching Graduate Students a Relationship-Oriented Model of Leadership while Reaching for National and International Learning Experiences”. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
As the primary investigator:
2022. Reinoso, G., Rodriguez, P., Cook, A., Bradley, J., Sliger, M., Ricciardi-Lima, F. Validity of the PER2 Prewriting & Handwriting Scales & The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI): A Pilot Study
2021. Reinoso, G., Alvarado, D., Applewhite, C., Brownlie, T., Kangaloo, J., Marshall, C., Ricciardi-Lima, F. Assessing handwriting performance in typical children: A pilot study.
2021. Reinoso, G., Brooks, R., Joseph, A., Townsend, J., Taylor, T., Kowalske, T., Eisele, M. A Parental Questionnaire to Measure Sensory Responsivity (QMSR/CMRS) for Children with a Diagnosis of Autism and their typical counterparts: Data from Mexico samples
2019. Reinoso, G., Shabat, D. Haptic strategies during fine motor manipulation: A Pilot Study
2019. Reinoso, G., Cupano, K., Dingus, T., Schneider, J., Watkins, A., Yun, M., Farris, M., Rzepkowski, T. Optimal cane positioning to determine upper extremity energy cost while performing activities of daily living reaching tasks.
2019. Reinoso, G., Do Patterns of Sensory Processing and Adult Temperament Predict Success in Occupational Therapy Clinical Education?
2018. Reinoso, G., Reinoso, G., Brooks, R., Joseph, A., Townsend, J., Taylor, T., Kowalske, T., Eisele, M. Parental Questionnaire to Measure Sensory Responsivity (QMSR/CMSR) for Children with a Diagnosis of Autism and their typical counterparts: Data from Argentina, Brazil, and United States samples
2018. Reinoso, G., Wall, R. A quick measure of usability of Playgrounds: Examining accessibility and sensory features of community playgrounds utilizing a Playground Accessibility Scale.
2018. Reinoso, G., Rodin, H., Orkwis, A., Bell, F., Rzepkowski, T. Abrams, S. C. Optimal walker positioning for functional mobility and participation: A pilot study
2017. Reinoso, G., Rasmussen, K., Damitz, K., Harden, M., Wall, R., Carrasco, R. Determining domain correlations between the Weschler Intelligence Scale for children (WISC IV) and the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT). -
2016. Reinoso, G., Brooks, R., Joseph, A., Townsend, J., Taylor, T., Kowalske, T., Eisele, M. A Parental Questionnaire to Measure Sensory Responsivity (QMSR) for Children with a Diagnosis of Autism and their typical counterparts: A pilot study
2016. Reinoso, G., Lynch, A., Thornton, J., Llana, Y.M., Zagoria, A., Routt, A., Klink, C. Angelo, C. The Development of a Parental Questionnaire to Measure Sensory
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