Meet Alayna McCalley. Alayna is a third-year student in Drake's Occupational Therpay Doctorate (OTD) program and will graduate in 2022! In her last year of the OTD program, Alayna has had the opportunity to complete a doctoral capstone experience at the National Sports Center for the Disabled in Winter Park, Colorado.
Every day on site I would be an instructor for an adaptive ski lesson, whether that's a stand ski, ski bike, slider, or sit ski. I worked primarily on my capstone project during the weekends.
Getting to meet all my participants, meeting all my wonderful co-instructors, and getting to experience something so unique!
The location, a new program, and contracts with so many placements outside of Iowa.
No, I still would love to be a neuro occupational therapist!
Providing diverse clinical and capstone experiences.
Don't sweat the small stuff and take time for yourself.