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Curriculum Vitae

Academic/Professional Experience Abroad:

1962:  Bandboy, Benny Goodman Orchestra, Cultural Exchange Tour of U.S.S.R. (7 weeks)

1967: Cooperative Russian Language Program at Leningrad State University (10 weeks)

1970-71: Graduate Student/Young Faculty Exchange (International Research & Exchanges Board), Moscow State University (10 months)

1972: Director, Tufts University Tour of U.S.S.R. (3 weeks)

1976: Consultation & Lecturing, Institute of World Literature, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, (3 weeks)

1977: Consultation on Collaborative Research Project, Institute of World Literature, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (2 weeks)

1981; 1982;1985(2);1986(2);1987(2)1988(2);1989(2);1990: Negotiations with Leningrad State University, Kalinin State University, The Plekhanov Institute of the National Economy, The Leningrad Mining Institute, The Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, The Gerzen Pedagogical Institute, and the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education of the U.S.S.R. on behalf of the Cooperative Russian Language Program (CIEE)

1992: Independent visit to Moscow and St. Petersburg; hosted by the Deputy Director of the Institute of World Literature (Moscow), and the Rektors of St. Petersburg Mining Institute and St. Petersburg University

1995: Invited lecture: Language Learning and Technology, Conference on Distance Learning, Association of American Colleges & Universities/Russian Association of Universities & Institutes, Moscow

1995: Presenter, International Language Policy Conference, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

1996: Consultations on language issues as guest of Korea Foundation, Seoul, Korea

2003: Negotiations for bilateral educational exchange relationships; Shiajiazhuang, Hebei Province, China

2004: Negotiations/discussions for bilateral educational exchange relationships, Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen, Germany

2005:  Negotiations/discussions for bilateral educational exchange relationships: Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Southwest University of Politics and Law, Chongqing, China

2005: Invited participant, Independent Universities in the Muslim World: A New Approach, sponsored by the Hollings Center; Istanbul, Turkey

2006: Invited participant, Transatlantic Dialogue on Higher Education, sponsored by the American Council on Education, the European University Association and the Association of Colleges and Universities of Canada; Barcelona, Spain

2011:  Accompanied Drake University football team to Tanzania; engaged in service projects and summited Mt. Kilimanjaro

2011:  Invited Participant, Council of Europe Conference on the Role of the University in Civil Society, Oslo, Norway

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University News
February 28, 2025