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Branches of Service

There are 18 branches (job specialties) available for the active service of the Army.

Your branch assignment takes into consideration the needs of the Army along with your personal qualifications and desires.

JAG Corps

As an Officer in the JAG Corps and a practicing attorney or judge, your responsibilities will cover a wide-range of practices that includes military law and criminal prosecution to international law and legal assistance - both in the U.S. and abroad. Officers are leaders, and being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities such as self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence.

Combat Arms

Those branches directly involved in the actual conduct of fighting.


Armor Officers are responsible for tank and cavalry/forward reconnaissance operations on the battlefield. The role of an Armor Officer is to be a leader in operations specific to the Armor Branch and to lead others in many areas of combat operations.

Aviation Corps

An Officer within the Aviation Branch is first an expert aviator, but is also responsible for the coordination of Aviation operations from maintenance to control tower operations to tactical field missions. From providing quick-strike and long-range target engagement during combat operations to hauling troops and supplies, Army helicopter units play a critical role in getting the job done in many situations.

Engineer Corps

An Officer in the Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for providing support in a full spectrum of engineering duties. Engineer Officers help the Army and the Nation in building structures, developing civil works programs, working with natural resources as well as providing combat support on the battlefield.

Field Artillery

The Army's Field Artillery Branch is responsible for neutralizing or suppressing the enemy by cannon, rocket and missile fire and to help integrate all fire support assets into combined arms operations. The role of a Field Artillery Officer is to be a leader in operations specific to the Field Artillery Branch and to be an expert in the tactics, techniques and procedures for the employment of fire support systems.


An Infantry Officer is responsible for leading and controlling the Infantry and combined armed forces during land combat. They are also involved in coordinating employment of Infantry Soldiers at all levels of command, from platoon to battalion and higher, in U.S. and multi-national operations. Officers are leaders, and being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities such as self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence.

Combat Support

Those branches that provide operational assistance to the combat arms to include combat missions as necessary. They also have responsibility to provide operational and administrative support to the Army in its entirety.

Chemical Corps

The Chemical Officer advises the commander on issues regarding nuclear, biological and radiological warfare, defense and homeland protection. Chemical Officers also employ Chemical units in combat support with chemical, smoke and flame weapons, technology and management. Officers are leaders, and being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities such as self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence.

Military Intelligence Corps

Military Intelligence (MI) Officers are always out front, providing essential intelligence and in many courses of action and act to counter or neutralize identified intelligence threats. The MI Officer also uses intelligence systems and data to reduce uncertainty of enemy, terrain and weather conditions for a commander.

Military Police Corps

Military Police Officers are utilized in direct combat and during peacetime to lead other Military Police Soldiers while they serve five main functions: 1) Maneuver and mobility support operations, 2) Area security operations, 3) Law and order operations, 4) Internment and resettlement operations, and 5) Police intelligence operations

Signal Corps

A Signal Corps Officer must be an expert in planning, installing, integrating, operating and maintaining the Army's voice, data and information systems, services and resources. Signal Officers must be highly intelligent, forward-thinking and have a complete knowledge of communications and data management technologies.

Combat Service Support

Those branches whose officers are concerned with providing logistical and administrative support to the Army. Normally, personnel assigned to these branches are not directly involved in combat operations.

Chaplain Corps

As a Chaplain Officer, you will lead a Unit Ministry Team (UMT), which consists of you and a trained Chaplain Assistant. As an Army Chaplain you will have the responsibility of caring for the spiritual well-being of Soldiers and their families. Army Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of the Army and they perform religious ceremonies from births and baptisms, to confirmations and marriage, to illness and last rites.

Finance Corps

The Army's Finance Corps is responsible for sustaining operations through purchasing and acquiring supplies and services. Officers in the Finance Corps make sure commercial vendors are paid, contractual payments are met, balancing and projecting budgets, paying Soldiers for their service and other financial matters associated with keeping the Army running.

Medical Service Corps

Medical Service Corps Officers are essential in treating and helping the overall health of Soldiers and their families. They are also responsible for much of the medical research that takes place in the Army. From medical fields such as optometry and podiatry to laboratory sciences to behavioral sciences, the Army Medical Service Corps includes many areas of specialty.

Nurse Corps

Army Nurse Corps Officers lead diverse nursing teams in a variety of settings and provide holistic multi-disciplinary care for Soldiers and their families. Officers are leaders. All Army leaders require self-discipline, initiative, confidence, the ability to problem solve and make timely decisions.

Ordnance Corps

Ordnance Officers are responsible for ensuring that weapons systems, vehicles, and equipment are ready and available - and in perfect working order - at all times. Thus, Ordnance Officers and the Soldiers they lead are a critical component in the Army's success. Ordnance Officers also oversee the developing, testing, fielding, handling, storage and disposal of munitions.

Adjutant General Corps

An Adjutant General Officer is responsible for helping Soldiers with the tasks that affect their overall welfare and well being, while assisting commanders by keeping Soldiers combat-ready. In many cases, the duties of an Adjutant General Officer are very similar to the function of a high-level human resources executive in the civilian world. Officers are leaders, and being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities such as self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence.

Quartermaster Corps

Quartermaster Officers are responsible for making sure equipment, materials and systems are available and functioning for missions. More specifically, the Quartermaster Officer provides supply support for Soldiers and units in field services, aerial delivery and material and distribution management. Officers are leaders, and being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities such as self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence.

Transportation Corps

Transportation Officers are experts in the systems, vehicles and procedures in moving troops and supplies in the Army. Transportation Officers are responsible for commanding and controlling Transportation operations and combined armed forces during land combat. Officers are leaders, and being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities such as self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence.

Veterinary Service Corps

Army Veterinarian Officers practice in three primary areas: animal medicine, veterinary public health and research and development. Veterinarian Officers are responsible for treating government-owned animals and the valued pets of service members and their families. Army Veterinary Corps Officers are also responsible for programs ensuring the safety and security of Department of Defense food supplies, both in the United States of America and abroad.

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