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These are some of the awards and scholarships that are awarded yearly that provide additional recognition or financial aid for SJMC students. The SJMC dean’s office also employs students to assist with electronic media checkout, office duties, faculty research and projects, and social media work. See SJMC administrative assistant Kate Busch in Meredith Hall 118 or dean’s assistant Mallory Quinn in Mer. 110 for more information about available positions and how to apply.


Scholarships for Entering First-Year Students

To apply for the first-year scholarships see: The application deadline is Feb. 1.

Sheila A. Wolfe Scholarship
Awarded to an entering Multimedia Journalism student who is interested in print or digital news journalism and maintains a grade-point average of 3.5.

Robert D. Woodward Endowed Scholarship
The Woodward scholarship is awarded to an entering SJMC student who maintains a GPA of 3.25 and remains a Multimedia Journalism major. This scholarship honors SJMC professor emeritus Robert D. Woodward.

Katherine Futch Scholarship
This scholarship was created by a bequest from Katharine Faber Futch, Class of 1940, to recognize outstanding achievement and potential in an incoming first-year student. This renewable scholarship (students must keep a 3.25 GPA) is awarded to a student in any SJMC major who demonstrates professionalism, intelligence and integrity. 

E.T. Meredith Scholarship

This scholarship was created through the E.T. Meredith Center for Magazine and Multimedia Education in honor of E.T. Meredith and with the support of The Edwin T. Meredith Foundation. The scholarship is designed to support an entering first-year student who is pursuing a career in magazine or brand media.

The award is renewable annually for up to four years so long as the student maintains academic progress toward earning a Magazine and Brand Media major and maintains a GPA of 3.00 or higher.

The recipient of the E.T. Meredith Scholarship must be:

  • An entering first-year student at Drake University
  • A student who demonstrates academic excellence with a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
  • A Magazine and Brand Media major in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
  • A student with demonstrated financial need

Scholarships for Continuing SJMC Students

Once students are admitted to SJMC, they can apply for many discipline-related scholarships and awards. Scholarship applications are available online. Applications will be available beginning in mid-November and are due February 1. Winners will be notified late in the spring semester.

Frank Miller Scholarship
In honor of Des Moines Register Pulitzer-prize winning editorial cartoonist. Awarded to a journalism student with a successful contribution in the area of web-based graphic design. A Frank Miller Award also provides aid for student assistantships.

Karyl Van Scholarship
The recipient of this scholarship will work in the E.T. Meredith Center for Magazine Studies. Named after Karyl Van, who devoted his working life to magazine publishing.

E.T. Meredith Foundation Scholarships
The E.T. Meredith Foundation awards generous scholarships for magazine majors.

Robert D. Woodward Public Affairs Reporting Award
This annual cash award recognizes outstanding student journalism work.

Fausch Gift Awards
Cash awards to public relations students for outstanding contributions to research for the senior capstone client. Alumnus David Fausch and his wife, Doris, are the contributors.

Josephine Hosman Award
Created by Josephine and Richard Hosman to provide financial support to students who work on SJMC social and digital media projects.

John Lytle Scholarship
Awarded to a Multimedia Journalism major interested in pursuing a career in broadcast news. This scholarship honors retired broadcast teacher John Lytle, a Levitt Distinguished Professor.

Harrison Harding Scholarship
Awarded to the Times-Delphic editor-in-chief. Harrison Harding was a 1938 graduate majoring in news.

Erik Isgrig Advertising Scholarship
Honors the memory of a distinguished member of the advertising faculty in the 1960s.

Clifton Scholarship
Honors the memory of Cy Clifton, a political reporter for the Des Moines Register.

Public Relations Society of America Cash Award
Presented to the student selected as showing greatest promise for a successful career in public relations.

Beth Walters Peterson Award
An annual prize given to a Drake student for outstanding accomplishment in copywriting.

David A. Myers Writing Award 
This annual cash award recognizes a journalism major or minor who demonstrates critical thinking and creative self-expression through writing. This award honors Drake journalism alumnus David A. Myers.