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Meet the Staff

With over 35 years of combined experience in proposal development, grants management and accounting, the SPARC staff is dedicated to assisting faculty and staff through all stages of program sponsorship, from searching out funding sources to tracking program expenses for secured grant projects.

Lori Byrd, MS, Director

Overall Admin & Oversight:

  • Drake's Authorized Representative
  • Contract negotiations
  • Prep, review & approval of proposals
  • Grant contracts & agreements
  • Project extensions
  • Programmatic changes
  • Budget modifications
  • Policy development
  • Research Compliance
  • Research Integrity
  • Tech Transfer Support
  • Provost's designee to IRB and IACUC

Preston Miller, Senior Grants Specialist 

Grant Preparation and Submission:

  • Proposals Development
  • Tracking and Research
  • Preparation and Review of Materials
  • Institutional Review Board-staff
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee-staff

Brandi Herman, Senior Grants Accountant 

Grant Management for:

  • Grants Accounting
  • Budget Preparation
  • Project Extensions
  • Budget Modifications

 Suzanne StewartGrants Accountant                 515-271-3907

                                                                                Grant Management for:

  • Grants Accounting
  • Benefit Allocation
  • Expense Approvals
  • Invoicing
  • Balance Updates


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