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Prevention Ambassadors

Prevention Ambassadors develop and contribute to a wide range of programs, projects, and events to increase awareness about sexual and relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and gender-based discrimination.  Our programs promote healthy sexuality and relationships, dispel myths about sexual and relationship violence, examine gender roles and how they relate to sexual and relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment, provide guidance on risk reduction, advise students of resources and explore how each of us can become empowered to end sexual and relationship violence. 

Prevention Ambassadors use three dynamic approaches to violence prevention. 

Bystander Interventions: 
We center our bystander education on principles of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) curriculum. This is an international program used to address bystander interventions. MVP recognizes that we all have the ability and power to affect our environments when we are equipped to address harmful situations.  

Healthy Relationships:
We use One Love to address healthy relationships. One Love focuses on ten healthy and unhealthy relationship signs. This program allows us to create a common language for discussing relationships and uses a multi-media approach to engagement. One Love gives us tools to discuss friendships, romantic relationships, teammates, and roommates. Their free, accessible, and inclusive content is helping us elevate our conversations about healthy relationships. 

Sexual Citizenship:
We address sexual violence with the research from Sexual CitizensSexual Citizens has transformed how we understand and address sexual assault. Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan present insights that transcending current debates about consent, predators in a “hunting ground,” or the dangers of hooking up. The powerful concepts of sexual projects, sexual citizenship, and sexual geographies provide a new language for understanding the many forces that shape young people’s sexual relationships. The results have transformed our understanding of sexual assault and provides new tools to address it.


How can I support violence prevention programing on campus?

Prevention Ambassadors are looking to partner! They can come to group meetings and classes to present 30 minute to 1-hour sessions on bystander intervention, healthy relationships and prevention strategies. If you or a group you are part of is interested in partnering with Prevention Ambassadors, email Director of Prevention,

How can I join Prevention Ambassadors?

Train-the-trainer sessions are hosted multiple times a year. We also offer personalized training sessions for groups/organizations. Contact Director of Prevention,, to inquire about training.  

Report to Title IX*
Contact Drake Public Safety
Confidential Resources

*Employee reporters submitting reports through this form should follow up with the Title IX Coordinator at (515) 271-4956.

Quick contacts to reach confidential support

  • VIP student support or advocacy
    515-512-2972 (call or text)
  • Polk County Crisis and Advocacy
  • Professional advocate at the Counseling Center 
        - Thursdays 3:00-4:30 during fall & spring term