Women’s and Gender Studies courses are cross-listed with courses from the departments and programs below.
ANTH 138: Global Reproductive Politics
ANTH 143: Transracial Adoption
ANTH 150: Constructing Normal
ANTH 158: Representing Race
ANTH 170: Global Political Violence
ANTH 175: Medical Anthropology
ANTH 176: Documenting Lives
Art & Design
ART 112: Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Islamic Art
EDUC 164: Perspectives in Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
ENG 040: Renaissance Women
ENG 042: Approaches to American Literature, Pre-1900
ENG 066: Reading Race and Ethnicity
ENG 068: Rhetoric and Pop Culture
ENG 077: Reading Gender
ENG 086: Reading & Writing About Class
ENG 112: Autobiography and Memoir
ENG 124: Topics: Victorian Secrets
ENG 125: Feminism in American Film and Fiction
ENG 129: Film Noir
ENG 135: Adolescent Literature
ENG 137: Gender and Horror
ENG 138: Argumentation and Advocacy
ENG 151: Salem Witch Trials
ENG 152: 19th Century American Lit
ENG 158: South African Literature
ENG 164: Latino/a Literature
ENG 174: Theories of Language and Discourse
HIST 099: European Women's History
HIST 115: Native America
HIST 156: Sex, Power, and War in the Aztec Empire
HIST 172: Women and Gender in Early America
HIST 173: Women and Gender in Modern America
HIST 194: History of Public Health and Medicine
HIST 194: Race, Gender, and Politics in American Sports
HONR 191: Women and Hebrew Scriptures
HONR 195: Women and the Law
Law, Politics, and Society
LPS 031: Law and the Borders of Belonging
LPS 138: Reproductive Law and Politics in the U.S.
LPS 147: Uncomfortable Transactions
PHIL 091: Contemporary Ethical Problems
POLS 112: Women in Politics
POLS 119: Gender and Sexuality in American Politics
POLS 149: Sites of Memory
POLS 154: Human Trafficking
POLS 161: Gender and International Relations
POLS 162: Gender and War
PSY 137: Psychology of Gender
SOC 050: Sociology of the Family
SOC 161: Race and Ethnicity
SOC 150: Women and Work
SOC 154: Poverty and Society
SOC 165: The Art of the Interview
SOC 174: Feminist Theories
SOC 175: Theories of Inequality
SOC 177: Gender and Violence
See the catalog listing for a complete list of courses that count toward the WGS concentration.
WGS 075: Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies, 3 credit hours
This course is designed to familiarize students with women's experiences as well as with the ways in which society shapes notions of gender. The course also provides ways to identify and analyze how a society's notions of gender shape the ways in which a society sees and organizes itself. Class members examine the construction of women's social roles and their personal experiences, discussing points of congruence and dissonance. In this interdisciplinary course, reading and discussion materials are drawn from fields such as religion, sociology, psychology, political science and literature, among others, so students may examine the views, status and contributions of women. Class sessions consist of a mixture of lectures, guest speakers, films and discussion. Frequent writing and revision. Cross-listed with ENG 075/SCSS 075.
WGS 145: Special Topics, 3 credit hours
Course focusing on special topics, concepts, themes, or issues within the field of women’s and gender studies.
WGS 191: Internship, 3 credit hours
Opportunity for practical application of theoretical and research issues in applied work situations, with faculty supervision and evaluation. Prerequisites: Nine credit hours of completed work in women's and gender studies, written consent of women's and gender studies faculty advisor, and minimum WGS grade point average of 3.0.
WGS 192: Independent Studies, 3 credit hours
Directed independent study. Prerequisites: Nine credit hours of completed work in women's and gender studies and written consent of instructor.