New Crew Scholars Program Opportunities for Drake Faculty
The Office of Equity and Inclusion is thrilled to announce that the Crew Scholars Program is expanding. Beginning in the fall of 2022 the Crew program will triple in size, growing from one entering first-year cohort of 20-25 students to three EFR cohorts of 20-25 students each.
Three Drake faculty members will be competitively selected, each of whom will work with one Crew cohort for the 2022-23 academic year in partnership with the Director of Equity and Inclusion, Jazlin Coley.
Position Description
Crew Faculty will:
- serve as the instructor of record, alongside Director of Equity and Inclusion, for two one-credit Crew courses (pass/fall; no grading), taught in each of fall and spring semesters during the 22-23 academic year;
- Participate in Crew Days (pre-Welcome Week orientation): August 21-23, 2022;
- Provide consistent weekly contact hours (standing and “as needed”) for one EFR Crew cohort (20-25 students);
- Provide occasional communication to Crew Mentors, and otherwise support connection and relationship-building between Crew students and Crew Mentors (mentors trained and assigned by Director of Equity and Inclusion and Associate Provost of Campus Equity and Inclusion).
- **During the summer of 2022 a small number of communications to incoming students, as well as limited participation in summer orientation sessions will be ideal (mutually acceptable/feasible engagement will be worked out with the Director of Equity and Inclusion).
- This is a one-year appointment.
The successful candidates will have:
- served on the Drake faculty for at least three years and currently have an ongoing faculty appointment;
- a prior demonstrated commitment to the success of Drake students who are historically underrepresented, as well as an understanding of Drake’s commitment to DEIJ (diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice) and the ways the Crew Scholars Program, reflects that commitment;
- an unwavering investment in championing Drake students who both experience various barriers related to systems of inequity and injustice (especially as these correlate with racial/ethnic identities and socioeconomic experiences), but who are also ready, able, and eager to thrive and lead as members of this campus community;
- a willingness to learn, grow and collaborate with students, and equity and inclusions-committed Drake staff and faculty (especially affiliated with the Office of Equity and Inclusion), in a spirit of humility, commitment, and creativity.
Compensation and Support
- Each Crew faculty member will be compensated a total of $5,000 over the course of the academic year (this rate reflects two 1-credit courses, each of which will be taught engaging with an existing curricular plan/schedule, as well as obligations to provide contact hours and mentoring responsibilities essential to the success of Crew Scholars).
- Each faculty member will be directly supported by the Director of Equity and Inclusion who is responsible for the staff leadership of the Crew Scholars Program, as well as by the Associate Provost for Campus Equity and Inclusion under whose supervision/support the Crew Scholars Program resides.
- The Associate Provost will work with Crew Faculty to ensure all necessary documentation and communication is executed to ensure this vital institutional work is visible and counted in faculty members’ unit evaluation/promotion processes.
Application Process
Applications are due by Monday, February 14, 2022.
Please submit to the Associate Provost for Campus Equity and Inclusion,, the following materials:
- A statement of interest that
- describes applicant’s qualifications,
- articulates the applicant’s commitment to the well-being and thriving of historically underrepresented students, understanding of Drake’s approach to DEIJ as an institutional value, any prior experience with the Crew Scholars Program and/or other initiatives pertaining to student success and institutional transformation,
- and speaks to readiness and ability to incorporate the time and energy required in this role into the 22-23 workload.
- An updated c.v.
- A brief statement of support from the chair of the department or appropriate unit leadership indicates support for this overload appointment.
- Interviews will be conducted during late February with the goal of making appointments by early March 2022.