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The research investigator is responsible for notifying the IRB that a research project has been concluded at which point the IRB will close its file. The Principal Investigator should submit a completed Continuation/Termination Form noting that the research project has been completed and should be closed.

Research data remain the property of the Principal Investigator and should be retained for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Individually identifiable data should be safeguarded by the research investigator and destroyed in the period defined under the approved protocol. Individually identifiable data will not be relinquished to any sponsor or outside entity.  Summarized research results remain the property of the research investigator.

Protocols and approved informed consent forms will be retained by the IRB in a central accessible location for at least 3 years after completion of the project. All minutes and IRB documentation of discussion will also be held for at least 3 years after project completion.

Please contact IRB staff with any questions or concerns

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