MS in Leadership

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The Drake Leadership Development Webinar Series

Each year, the Master of Science in Leadership Development (MSLD) organizes a series of professional development programs on leadership, education, and human resources. All programs are free and open to the public. Drake University would like to invite you to the following upcoming webinars in our Leadership Development Series.  

A High Bar: Five Predictors of Engagement

Format:  Webinar
When:  September 20, 2016 from 12-1:00 p.m. CST
Facilitator:  Dr. Cris Wildermuth

Engagement is an often misunderstood phenomenon, easily confused with employee satisfaction or work ethic.  Instead, engagement is a “high bar” – a hard to achieve connection between the person, the job, and the organization where he or she works. Learn five key predictors of engagement and the behaviors that differentiate an engaging leader. 

Note: If you have not been exposed to the Five Factor Model of Personality, view this introduction

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Fit! Career Advising and the Five Factor Model of Personality

Format:  Webinar
When:  September 28, 2016 from 12-1:00 p.m. CST
Facilitator: Dr. Cris Wildermuth

Let’s face it: Finding a career is not easy. Our students must consider their talents, interests, and values and reconcile these personal characteristics with the market reality. One critical components of career success, however, is what we call “fit” – a good match between the person and the career selected. Personality is a critical component in the analysis of someone’s “career fit.” For example, a person who is easily stressed during emergency situations may not want to be an ER nurse. A very extroverted and spontaneous person might hate working in a solitary and focused job. In this webinar, you will learn how to connect the dots between five key personality traits and various careers. Most importantly, you will learn to use personality logic as you help a student assess his or her level of “fit” to specific careers.

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First Do No Harm: Diversity Initiatives That Work 

Format:  Webinar
When:  October 25, 2016 from 12-1:00 p.m. CST
Facilitator:  Dr. Cris Wildermuth

Diversity initiatives can improve team relations and foster a positive and safe environment in your organization. Unfortunately, they can also backfire, enhancing separation between groups and reducing camaraderie.  In this webinar, Dr. Wildermuth discusses some common pitfalls and recommends possible solutions.  

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360 Degrees of Learning

Format:  Webinar
When:  November 15, 2016 from 12-1:00 p.m. CST
Facilitator:  Dr. Cris Wildermuth

Multirater (360) degree assessments can be powerful allies in leadership and self-development, reducing blind spots and potentially opening communication channels between leaders and followers. Various pitfalls, however, can hinder 360 processes and cause more harm than good. In this webinar, Dr. Wildermuth shares the dangers and best practices in the implementation of a multi-rater leadership assessment process.

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The Global Impact of You

Format:  Webinar
When:  December 6, 2016 from 12-1:00 p.m. CST
Facilitator:  Dr. Cris Wildermuth

A better understanding of the impact of culture is critical to organizational leaders in various fields. In particular, higher education and human resource leaders must be willing to continuously learn how to become a more effective cross-cultural communicator. In this webinar, Dr. Wildermuth introduces the various dimensions differentiating cultures, offers three critical capabilities for global leaders, and discusses the role of personality in cultural relations.  

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