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Let's Collaborate

Drake's Violence Prevention Coordinator, Lynne Cornelius, and all of our programs and groups are interested in building partnerships on and off campus. Our Violence Prevention and Programing Office has expertise in student engagement, bystander intervention, healthy relationships, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, stalking, and harassment. If you are looking to start a new initiative, looking for a speaker or need help connecting with an advocate or want to collaborate with MVP, VIP, Positive MENtality or the HIRO, please contact or ext. 4141.


Report to Title IX*
Contact Drake Public Safety
Confidential Resources

*Employee reporters submitting reports through this form should follow up with the Title IX Coordinator at (515) 271-4956.

Quick contacts to reach confidential support

  • VIP student support or advocacy
    515-512-2972 (call or text)
  • Polk County Crisis and Advocacy
  • Professional advocate at the Counseling Center 
        - Thursdays 3:00-4:30 during fall & spring term