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Dean's Office

Whatever your passion, whatever your plan: we're here to help you find your way.

The Arts & Sciences Student Support Team is here to be your point of contact for all matters Drake. We will work with you from your entrance to graduation, helping you make curricular maps and meet all graduation requirements. We are delighted to guide you toward academic success resources on campus, ranging from tutoring to career services to Study Abroad and more. The following chart shows the advisor assignments for students who have entered Drake 2023 and later.


Katie Evenson


Alina Grimm 


Amari Love. 


Mary Beth Holtey 



Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology (BCMB) 

Math/Math Ed/AI/Data Analytics/Computer Sci/ 

Quantitative Economics 

Anthropology & Sociology/Sociology 

All Art Majors 

All Music Majors 

All Theatre Majors 





English, Writing, Rhetoric & Media Studies 


American Politics,  

Intl Relations, Politics 

Law, Politics & Society 

Env Sci, Env Sci/Sust/Res  

Zoo Conservation 

Psychology and Neuroscience 


3+3 Law Program Interests 

STEM-Leaning Open Students 

Pre-Dental, Pre-Med or Pre-Vet Interests 

Non-STEM-Leaning Open Students 

Philosophy, Spanish 

If you entered before 2023, please contact

Dr. Lisa West, Associate Dean for Student Affairs,, is the contact person for grade appeals, student-faculty conflict, re-enrollment after a leave of absence, and other policy issues. 

Don't know who to contact? We also have a general information email:

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

A&S Calendar 
A&S News