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Administrative Procedures Handbook (for Faculty)


The goal of academic advising in the College of Arts and Sciences is to provide an ongoing and dynamic relationship between each student and advisor, to facilitate the student's adjustment to and development within the academic environment. Responsibility for the administration of advising is placed in the office of the Dean. The Dean's Office is responsible for ensuring a) that all students know who their advisors are, b) that faculty know the identity of their advisees, and c) that both advisors and advisees have the information they need for effective advising relationships. The Dean's Office also gives attention to students with special needs. The Dean's Office is "primary care providers" for all A&S students. This administrative arrangement is designed to provide support for the faculty, with whom rests the essential responsibility for academic advising.

Good advising is characterized by four understandings:

  • Because advising is usually done with an intended result in mind, it is important to establish early in each conversation with advisees the result desired. The intent might range from determining whether a given course should be added or dropped, to agreeing upon the course schedule for a subsequent semester, to selecting a major, to considering career options.
  • Advising sessions have a larger purpose than making out the next semester's schedule, important though that task is. They provide opportunities for faculty members to help students integrate their intellectual or artistic development with their social development and their academic goals with their larger purposes in life.
  • To be effective, each faculty advisor must: a) master program peculiarities, university procedures, and degree requirements; b) determine the interests and abilities of students; and c) demonstrate to students that their well-being is a matter of genuine concern. Students have little difficulty in discerning whether the necessary efforts have been expended, and the results almost always reflect the advisor's investment in sound advising. The most frequent complaints about advisors are that they were not sufficiently familiar with requirements to advise effectively. The frequent complaint of advisors, in turn, is that advisees too often expect the advisor to do their thinking for them.
  • An important function of advising is to refer students to the services available to them across the University. A copy of the "Faculty and Student Guide to Selected Drake Resources" is printed below.

1.1 Advising Athletes 

In advising athletes, faculty advisors may consult with the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs and Academic Enhancement. While accepting his/her assistance, advisors should bear in mind a) that responsibility for advising belongs to the faculty and that their interaction with students should not be ceded to others; and b) that all academic requirements are applicable to athletes on the same terms as to non-athletes. Some students seek a coaching endorsement. Advisees seeking such an endorsement should contact the School of Education.

1.2 Advising Open-enrolled Students

Students enrolled in A&S are not required to select a major until well into their second year, although it must be recognized that in the sciences and the fine arts it is typically impossible to wait that long. Students not yet committed to a major are referred to as "open enrolled." Most such students will be assigned to advisors who are specially qualified to work with them.

1.3 Advising Students with Special Needs

Advisors of students having special needs will be so informed. Efforts to work in extraordinary ways with these students often bring good results. Faculty assigned advisees with needs so extraordinary that they cannot accommodate them should refer these advisees to the Dean's Office.

1.4 Advising Teacher Education Students

Students pursuing teacher certification at the elementary and secondary levels present special needs in advising. All advising concerning certification is done in the School of Education. Students aspiring to careers in secondary education are encouraged to pursue degrees in academic majors, with the certification as a corollary program available in the School of Education.

1.5 Changing Advisors/Advisees

It happens occasionally that the fit between an advisor and an advisee is not a good one. Typically the reason lies in a change of interest by the student, but personality conflicts sometimes come into play. When the fit is not right, the student should be directed to the A&S Dean's Office to request a change.

1.6 Forms Concerning Students

The forms listed below for dealing with student requests and changes in students' academic circumstances are available in the Dean's Office. Copies may be requested as needed.

  • Application for Graduation:
    For use by students to petition for graduation. Should be completed electronically in MyDrake. This is to be completed the first 2 weeks of the last semester before graduation.
  • Business Studies or Marketing Minor Petition:
    Requires advisor recommendation and approval of the Assistant Dean in the College of Business and Public Administration.
  • Degree or Program Change Designation:
    For use by students for Change of Major, Change of Advisor, Double Major, Designation of Major, Declaration of Concentration, and Double Degree Declaration. Accuracy in completing this form facilitates good record keeping.
  • Drop/Add:
    Students are required to validate their enrollment by attending the first class meeting for each course on there schedule. Failure to attend the first class or make prior arrangements with the professor will results in student being dropped from that course.

Please note that an undergraduate student may add a course through the first five days of the course. (In the case of a short course, they may add before the second class meeting of the course.) Students may drop a course until the midpoint of the semester (short courses, the midpoint of the class). However, after the first 10 days of the semester a grade of "W" will be recorded. For various reasons, it is important that this form be filled out completely and with care. Comments from advisors or instructors are very helpful in making decisions on approving or disapproving the drop/add requests. Please don't just scribble your signature on a form without looking at it. Some of our most touchy problems develop from such scribbles.

  • In-semester Low Grade Reports:
    It may be puzzling to discover that students do not know how they are doing in a course, but the fact is that many of them do not, and most who do not are the ones who are not doing well. Use of this form often has the effect of improving performance later in the semester; if it does not accomplish that, it at least protects the professor against being faulted for failure to give warnings. The use of midterm grade reports for all first-year students has reduced the importance of this report, but there remain situations in which using it is advisable.
  • Intra-University Transfer:
    Used in the Dean's Office. Does not require advisor's signature.
  • Report on Incomplete Grade:
    The terms for removing the Incomplete must be stated specifically. It is essential to establish firm due dates and make clear specific tasks that remain to be done. (See the General Catalog for University policy regarding grades of Incomplete.)
  • Recommendation for Change of Grade:
    The basis and procedures for assigning and changing grades are specified in Section 2.175 and 2.176 of the Faculty Manual of Drake University. Grades may not be changed as a result of the acceptance of work submitted or requirements satisfied after the final grade report is submitted to the Registrar. If later work is anticipated, an Incomplete should be awarded.
  • Petition for a waiver of specific requirements for graduation, such as the requirement that the last 30 hours for a degree be taken at Drake. Careful attention by advisors to providing complete details on this form can make it more useful to the Associate Dean; the abolition of the Academic Policies Committee in 1992-93 places a greater responsibility on the advisor and the Associate Dean.

Drake Curriculum Requirements
The Drake University faculty voted to adopt the Drake Curriculum during the fall semester of 1998 and approved revision in 2002 and 2006. The approved Areas of Inquiry Curriculum is used for all students. The web site: contains the latest information and should be consulted for answers to questions regarding Drake Curriculum Areas of Inquiry. Refer to this often.

1.7 Faculty and Student Guide to Selected Drake Resources

  • Arts and Sciences Dean's Office 268A Harmon Fine Arts Center 271-3939
    Information regarding change of major, drop/adds, change of advisor, and individualized major are available in the Deaní Office. Will also provide advising services for unclassified students.
  • Professional & Career Development & Academic Achievement Services 271-3752
    Resources include: a large career library, career interest inventories, help with resumes and interviewing skills, campus work, internships, career decision-making workshops.
  • Counseling Center 32nd and Carpenter 271-3864
    Counseling Center will focus resources on short-term problems, dealing with emotional and psychological issues, and provide referrals for students needing ongoing counseling.
  • Disability Resource Center 1st Floor Old Main 271-1835
    The office of Student Disability Services assists Drake students with any type of disability including (but not limited to): learning disabilities; attention disorders; chronic healther problems, psychiatric disabilities; visual, speech, or hearing disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the office as early as possible if they're interested in receiving services.
  • Health Center 32nd and Carpenter 271-3731
    Medical consultations are available here as well as allergy shots and some immunizations.
  • International Center The Point 271-2084
    Provides information, assistance and coordination for those students planning to study abroad and orientation and non-academic advising for international students.
  • Math Labs Rooms 236 and 237 Meredith 271-4022
    Several labs at different levels of proficiency are maintained by the Math Department. Please check with the Math Department for exact time and place of lab for your Math class.
  • Student Records 1st Floor, Old Main 271-3901
    Provides transcripts, verification of enrollment for insurance companies, student records information, graduation applications.
  • Student Accounts 1st Floor, Old Main 271-2151
    Provides assistance with billing questions and purchase of parking stickers.
  • Financial Aid Office 1st Floor, Carnegie Hall 271-2905
    Provides assistance to families regarding loans, scholarships, grants, part-time employment, payment options and other services related to financing a Drake education.
  • Writing Workshop Room 227 Howard Hall 271-2729
    A service of the English Department. Students may consult on their writing projects on a one-on-one basis.

1.8 Advising FAQ

The following questions and answers provide specific information on advising procedures in the College. Where practices differ for liberal arts and fine arts students, such differences are noted.

  1. How are students assigned to advisors?
    Students are assigned an advisor by the Associate Dean in consultation with department chairs. Care is taken to make good matches based on major field of study or interest and to ensure that individual faculty members do not have excessive numbers of advisees.

    Initial advising takes place for in-coming students during summer orientation and in July and August for students who did not participate in summer orientation. Assignment of advisors takes place before "Welcome Weekend" when students are notified via brochure or email who their advisor is.

    Students who change major fields or who change from "open program" status, request new advisors by completing the appropriate form (see the section of Forms, below). There are no open program students in fine arts.
  2. What are the roles of the Dean's Office in managing the advising procedures, once students are assigned to advisors?
    1. To send advisors copies of letters to students who receive in-semester low grade reports.
    2. To handle cases of students who seek the waiver of specific requirements for graduation (such as the one requiring the last 30 hours to be earned at Drake); these cases are to be dealt with according to agreed upon guidelines and referred to the Dean's Office for final disposition.
    Waiver of the requirement that the last 30 hours be earned at Drake depends on such things as: the proportion of the total degree requirements satisfied by courses taken at Drake (e.g., a student who has taken almost all of the required 124 hours at Drake is likely to be granted a waiver, while one who transfers in up to half of these hours is not); a waiver is more likely to be granted if elective credits rather than those required for a major or general education purposes are to be earned in another accredited institution; a high GPA is helpful, while a low one is not.

    Please note the following below:

    1. Advisor approval of study abroad at a Drake affiliated program will automatically be accepted as part of the last 30 hours of credit.
    2. After 94 credits of earned undergraduate hours, anyone attempting to transfer in courses must take those credits from a 4-year university. After 94 credits do not attempt to transfer in credits from a community college. They will not be approved.
    3. The maximum number of credits allowed in a semester is 18. An additional fee will be charged for each additional credit over 18. Advisors need to consider these overload charges carefully when advising students.
    4. To remind advisors that they should review their advisees' completion of requirements for the major, once the student has petitioned for graduation. This petition is usually filed at the beginning of the semester in which the student considers the final one before graduation.
    5. To monitor or process drop/add forms, recommendations for changes of grades, and requests for independent study.
    6. To maintain the academic files of all students.
    7. To give special attention to students with extraordinary needs and to provide assistance to their advisors, which may involve phone calls, letters, or memos to the students.
  3. Under what circumstances should students get in touch with the Dean's Office?
    1. When there is a problem of compatibility between the advisor and the advisee or when schedule conflicts make meetings between advisors and advisees impossible.
    2. When there is a question about degree requirements or any other matter that the advisor cannot answer.
    3. When there are concerns regarding faculty, academic matters, or other students that have not been addressed satisfactorily at the department level or which cross department lines.
    4. When a student has reason to get a message to all of his or her instructors (because of an extended absence, for example).
    5. When a student is invited to do so by a letter informing him or her of probation, suspension, or some other academic problem.
  4. What should students expect of advising?
    1. Accurate academic information and advice.
    2. Correct interpretation of requirements as stated in published materials.
    3. Proper advice regarding the use of forms and the following of procedures.
    4. Confidentiality.
    5. Opportunities to discuss options within and between academic programs.
    6. Willingness to listen to student concerns and to convey a sense of understanding.
    7. Reference to help on non-academic matters, such as financial aid and career planning.
    8. Counsel and letters of recommendation for graduate study and, if the advisor is competent to provide it, career planning.
    9. Fair, prompt, and courteous treatment.
  5. What should students not expect of advising?
    1. That advisors will provide psychological or psychiatric counseling or therapy (the advisor might suggest it or help to arrange it, but he or she should not attempt to provide it).
    2. That advisors will tell them only what they want to hear.
    3. That advisors will be available at all hours.
    4. That advisors will have expertise or knowledge on matters far beyond their disciplines.
    5. That advisors will initiate the first contact with a new advisee or be responsible for staying in touch with advisees; in special circumstances, however, advisors may initiate contacts with students if in the advisor's judgment it is necessary to do so.
    6. Infallibility.
  6. What should students expect of the Dean's Office?
    That all of the services enumerated under #2 above will be offered promptly, efficiently, and courteously.
  7. What should students not expect of the Dean's Office?
    1. That standards will be disregarded, rules waived, or documents improperly altered.
    2. Infallibility.


Academic and Intellectual Honesty
Academic dishonesty is an issue that requires faculty attention. The problem is pervasive. While faculty often may not wish to deal directly with the problem, it is essential that we do so. Among the actions that can be taken to help address the problem are the following:

  • Make your policy clear: State your academic honesty policy on every syllabus or hand-out that may differ from the policy. You should state that intellectual honesty is expected and outline the consequences of cheating. This might be something like the following:
      1. State your expectations.
        For example:
        • you are responsible for becoming familiar with university policies and definitions related to cheating and plagiarism.
        • academic and intellectual honesty are expected in this class.
      2. Define dishonesty. Make the definitions explicit and be sure that issues unique to your discipline or pedagogy are identified.
        For example:
        • any use of other people’s work without attribution of credit, handing in work done by others under your own name, copying from work done by others…constitutes academic dishonesty. Included in academic dishonesty is copying any materials from the web without identifying the sources from which they were obtained.
      3. Identify penalties. Faculty should note that failing grades and possible suspension from the University are permissible consequences.
        • The Arts and Sciences Policies handbook states that it is the prerogative of the instructor to assign the appropriate penalty for academic dishonesty in a course. Included among the possible penalties which may be imposed by the instructor are: a reprimand, grade reduction (including assignment of a failing grade), or dismissal from the course with a failing grade. Probation, suspension or dismissal from the University may be imposed by the Dean.
      4. Measures to limit dishonesty: It makes sense to employ such measures as:
        • require that draft copies of all papers be submitted along with the final version, showing editing and rewrites (granted, this is harder to do with revising typically done on word processors, but it can be done);
        • require that research materials, such as note cards, be submitted along with the papers;
        • let students know that you will be alert for por­tions of papers that are inconsistent in style with other portions;
        • prepare different versions of tests and let it be known when the tests are distributed that there are different versions;
        • vary assignments from semester to semester, thus making archives useless; and
        • be watchful during exams. If students are copying from others or using notes, pick up their papers.
      5. Deal promptly and severely with academic dishonesty when it is detected:
        Faculty must deal promptly and severely with academic dishonesty when detected. Students should have the sense that this is a serious matter. In 1991-92, the College adopted a comprehensive policy and accompanying procedures on academic integrity. See sections 2.2 and 4.6 in the Faculty Policies Handbook for definitions of academic honesty and procedures for deal­ing with dishonesty.

Note that all instances of academic dishonesty and the actions taken by faculty members must be reported to the Department Chair and the Associate Dean.

Add/Drop Policies
Students are required to validate their enrollment by attending the first class meeting for each course on their schedule. Failure to attend the first class or make prior arrangements with the professor will result in student being dropped from that course.

Please note that an undergraduate student may add a course through the first five days of the course. (In the case of a short course, students may add before the second class meeting of the course.) Students may drop a course until the midpoint of the semester (short courses, the midpoint of the class). However, after the first 10 days of the semester a grade of "W" will be recorded.

For various reasons, it is important that this form be filled out completely and with care. Comments from advisors or in-structors are very helpful in making decisions on approving or disapproving the drop/add requests. Please don't just scribble your signature on a form without looking at it. Some of our most touchy problems develop from such scribbles. Please keep accurate records of the students you add or drop from a class.

Class Meeting Responsibilities and Final Exams
Classes are to meet on all days for which they are scheduled. The last meeting for each class should be the final exam. If the exam is given earlier, or if no final exam is given, the time reserved for the final may be used to return papers or for a general wrap-up. Whatever the case, classes must meet at the time and place assigned for the final exam.

Computers are provided to all faculty members. Acceptance of the computer indicates a willingness to integrate the use of computer-based instructional methods to enhance the undergraduate educational experience at Drake University.

When a faculty member leaves Drake, the computer that has been assigned to him or her is returned to the Dean's Office for reassignment. It should not be assumed that reassignment to the individual appointed to succeed the departing faculty member or to someone else in the department will be automatic.

Grades and Incompletes
Grading procedures are described in the catalog. Among the options is the grade of Incomplete. An Incomplete (I) should be assigned only when illness or other circumstances considered legitimate by the instructor has prevented a student from completing course requirements. Faculty are urged to resist the temptation to assign an “I” when a student simply has not carried through on his or her responsibilities. It might seem that giving such a grade is doing the student a favor, but typically it is not. Complications for students, faculty, and the Dean’s Office deriving from excessive use of Incomplete grades are considerable. All grades of incomplete must be completed within one year. Faculty must complete appropriate forms available in all department offices.

Change-of-grade forms are available from the departments’ secretaries, from the Dean’s Office, or from Student Records. These forms are not to be given to students. The basis and procedures for assigning and changing grades are specified in Sections 2.175 and 2.176 of the Faculty Manual of Drake University.

In order to facilitate easy contact through phone mail, every faculty and staff member must appropriately program their phones. When setting personal greetings, please considered the following recommendations:

  1. Program your Phonemail with a personal greeting. This makes it possible for your callers to be certain that their messages will reach you, while at the same time securing the messages against retrieval by others.
  2. Do your callers a favor by making your greeting as crisp and to-the-point as possible. You don't need to explain to your callers that you are unable to answer the phone at that moment or that you are out of the office or away from the phone; they will probably figure that out without your assistance. Make it simple, something like this: "This is Jane Doe. You may leave a recorded message at the tone, or you may reach me through the secretary of the department by calling 271-xxxx."

When calling others, do not leave messages other than "please call back" when Ms. Phonemail answers calls with the generic greeting. Read instructions to learn how to use some of the features on your phone such as transferring and forwarding calls and checking your phonemail from home.

Sabbatical Leaves
Guidelines for applying for leaves are given in detail in section 3.2 in the Arts and Sciences Policies Handbook. The narrative application must be accompanied by the cover sheet (available in the Dean's Office), which gives an outline of the application. Department chairs have copies of the College-wide eligibility list. Applications are due in the Dean's Office by October 1.

Sabbatical Report Guidelines

  1. The Sabbatical Leave Report is due to the Dean one month after the start of the academic semester following the completion of the sabbatical leave. (September 30 for Academic Year, January 31 for Calendar Year).
  2. The Sabbatical Leave Report will become a permanent part of the faculty member's file and will be considered at the time of future applications for sabbatical leave.
  3. Consistent with sabbatical leave approval criteria (Section 3.2.3), the Sabbatical Leave Report:
    1. must provide a summary of activities and accomplishments during the sabbatical leave, including a discussion of writings or creative work completed, reports of manuscripts or artistic work submitted for publice or review, and any other personal and professional goals that were part of the proposal.
    2. the benefits that the individual believes will accrue to the University/College now that the leave is completed.
    3. the benefits that were derived by the individual as a result of the sabbatical.

Office and Class Schedule (OCS)
These reports are submitted to the Dean's office by all faculty members no later than 2 weeks after the start of the semester. Please indicate your teaching schedule, office hours (at least five per week for full-time faculty) and times available for meetings.


Faculty Evaluations and Reappointments

Professional Activities Record/Professional Activities Highlights (PARs and PAHEs)
Each year faculty members submit a written record of their activities and accomplishments. The Professional Activities Record is required annually for all tenure-track faculty and every three years for all tenured faculty. (A-H January, 2010 for 2009; I-P January, 2011 for 2010; and Q-Z January, 2009 for 2008. Please note that the report due in January covers the previous calendar year.) In non-PAR years, tenured faculty use the Professional Activities Highlights form, summarizing the most important accomplishments of the year; a c.v. may be appended. Both the Professional Activities Record and the Professional Activities Highlights forms are available from department secretaries. Use of the PAR by visiting and part-time faculty is at the discretion of the departments in which they teach.

Professional Activities Evaluation
The Professional Activities Evaluation form (PAE) is completed by the department chair to evaluate each faculty member. Information provided in the Professional Activities Record should be used as the basis for the evaluation. The Professional Activities Highlights form provides space for chairs to make brief evaluative comments on the highlights recorded. Evaluations in all instances are to be consistent with the guidelines on evaluation that appear in the Faculty Policies Handbook, section 4.7.

Standards to be applied in the evaluation of all faculty are stated in detail in the Arts and Sciences Faculty Policies Handbook, 3.1.31; 3.1.32; and 3.1.33. To address differences between departments as they pertain to teaching, scholarship/creative activity, service and advising, each department develops statements on criteria and procedures for faculty evaluation, in compliance with the provisions in the concluding paragraphs of each of the Handbook sections. These statements are reviewed for approval by the Dean as revisions are proposed, with College-wide review of all statements occurring at least once within each five-year period.

Initial responsibility for evaluation of the performance of faculty members rests with the department chairs; however, departments are expected to establish peer review procedures. College policies require that student opinions be taken into account in the evaluation process. Research concerning such opinions suggests that students are typically generous and rather uncritical in their assessments, which should be taken into account in their use. Notwithstanding this tendency, research also shows that student evaluations are valid measurements of teaching performance.

College procedures call for the chair to discuss the evaluations with the faculty member, to request the faculty member to sign the forms, and to invite the faculty member to file a response if they wish to elaborate on or take issue with any point made in the evaluation. In turn, the Dean reviews the evaluations in conferences with the department chair. Following these conferences, the Dean may, at his or her discretion, record brief notes on the forms before signing them and returning copies to the chair for forwarding to the faculty members.

The evaluations by chairs, accompanied by the Professional Activities Records or the Professional Activities Highlights and Evaluation form are to be submitted to the Dean by February 15. The conferences of department chairs with the Dean will typically occur in the next six weeks, although that depends on the schedules of both the chairs and the dean.

Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty
Recommendations for reappointment or non-reappointment of tenure-track faculty are made each year by all tenured faculty in each department. All tenured faculty members, except those on leave, are required to participate in the evaluation.

The following procedures are recommended for review of tenure-track faculty:

  1. The faculty members should complete a PAR and provide that with any other evidence of performance to the department chair by a specified date.
  2. The materials submitted should be review by all tenured faculty members in the department.
  3. The chair, or another faculty member specified by the department, must write a memorandum recommending reappointment or non-reappointment of the tenured-track faculty member. This letter should provide thorough comments evaluating teaching, scholarship, service and advising.
  4. The evaluative memorandum presenting the recommendation to the Dean should record who participated in making the recommendation, and the recommendation should be signed by all tenured faculty (person on sabbatical or other leaves of absence may be excused).
  5. Second-year faculty should submit their PARs to chairs by November 1; other faculty should submit them by January 15.

Evaluation of Chairs
Evaluation of the performance of department chairs follows procedures like those outlined above, except the Dean does the evaluation.

PAR/PAHE/PAE Timetable
Professional Activities Records of all tenured faculty and third-, fourth-, and fifth-year tenure-track faculty are to be presented to department chairs by January 15 (chairs' records should be given to the dean by this date). PARs are not required of candidates for tenure in the year in which tenure review occurs (typically the sixth year in the tenure track). First-year faculty should give PAR's to chairs by January 15; second-year faculty by November 1.

Reappointment of Tenure-Track Faculty
First year faculty members who will not be recommended for reappointment are to be so notified, by AAUP standards, as early in the academic year as possible. At Drake, we have established March 1 as the target date.

  • Recommendations concerning first-year faculty must therefore reach the Dean no later than February 15 to allow time for consultation and counseling.

Second year faculty members, according to AAUP guidelines, if the are not being reappointed, must be notified by December 1.

  • Recommendations regarding reappointment or non-reappointment of first-year faculty must be made by the department chair, in accordance with established department procedures, and submitted to the Dean no later than November 15, again, to allow time for consultation and counseling.

Third-, fourth-, and fifth-year faculty members must be submitted by February 15. Recommendations of third-year faculty are regarded as particularly critical. Persons for whom the eventual attainment of tenure is regarded as at all problematical should not be recommended for reappointment at any stage, but particularly not at this time.

Recommendations concerning candidates for tenure in the year of mandatory review are due in the Dean's office October 1. This means that department review processes must be completed by this time.

Criteria and Procedures for Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty
Recommendations for reappointment or non-reappointment of tenure-track faculty are made each year by all tenured faculty in each department.


  1. The faculty members should complete a PAR and provide that and any other evidence of performance to the department chair by a specified date.
  2. The materials submitted should be reviewed by all tenured faculty members in the department.
  3. The chair, or another faculty members specified by the department, must write a memorandum recommending reappointment or non-reappointment of the tenure-track faculty member. This letter should provide thorough comments evaluating teaching, scholarship, service and advising.
  4. The evaluative memorandum presenting the recommendation to the Dean should record who participated in making the recommendation, and the recommendation must be signed by all tenured faculty (persons on sabbatical or other leaves of absence may be excused). Note: All tenured faculty members, except those on leave, are required to participate in the evaluation.
  5. Questions that are likely to arise from the recommendation should be the subject of a discussion between the department chair and the Dean at least several weeks before the recommendation is formally submitted. A conference between the Dean and the department chair about the recommendation regarding third-year and fifth-year faculty members is required, and it is preferred in all instances.


  1. Each year the evaluation of tenure-track faculty should assess teaching, scholarship, service and advising. These should be discussed using the same criteria that are to be addressed in the tenure document should be used. These are detailed in the Faculty Policies Handbook, Section 3.1.3 Criteria for the Review of Faculty Performance.
  2. In the evaluation leading to the recommendation at every stage, chairs and departments address both the strengths and the weaknesses of the faculty member in the areas of teaching, scholar-ship/creative activity, service and advising.
  3. The evaluation must reflect the agreed-upon standards of the department as required by the College tenure policy as stated in the College handbook. The document should indicate the (a) strength of the recommendation, (b) whether positive or negative, and (c) the degree of involvement of members of the department in arriving at the recommendation.

Arts and Sciences Committees

Committees in the College of Arts and Sciences shall be established according to the following procedures:

  1. Standing committees of the College of Arts and Sciences are established by the Arts and Sciences Council and their composition proposed by the Faculty Cabinet.
  2. Ad hoc committees may be established by the Arts and Sciences Council or the Faculty Cabinet and the members shall be appointed by the Faculty Cabinet.
  3. All standing committees of the Arts and Sciences College and all ad hoc committees of the Arts and Sciences Council shall report to the Council at least once during the academic year.
  4. Every academic division and school in the College of Arts and Sciences must be represented on all committees, unless specified otherwise.
  5. No faculty member may serve on more than one Arts and Sciences standing committee at any given time, except for the Chair of the Arts and Sciences Council, who serves on the Faculty Cabinet. When conducting elections for the Promotion and Tenure Committee, all eligible members even if serving on other committees, shall be listed on the ballot. If a faculty member serving on some other standing committee is elected to the Promotion and Tenure Committee, they would be removed from that other standing committee.
  6. Ad hoc committees of the office of the Dean may be appointed by the Dean to aid in performing the administrative functions of that office.
  7. The Dean shall report to the Faculty Cabinet at its next regularly scheduled meeting the establishment of any ad hoc committee of the Office of the Dean.

2.1 Faculty Cabinet

2.1.1 Composition
The Faculty Cabinet shall consist of four faculty members, ordinarily elected for two-year staggered terms, one from each school or academic division, and the Chair of the Council, who shall be a voting member and Chair of the Cabinet. The Dean of the College is an ex officio non-voting member. No department chair may serve on the Faculty Cabinet (except that if a chair is elected to serve as Chair of the Council, he or she may serve), and no one may serve consecutive terms. The election of the Cabinet shall be held in the Spring in accordance with Arts and Sciences election procedures. Probationary faculty members are ineligible for election to Cabinet prior to their third year review. The Cabinet shall elect a secretary from its membership, and the secretary shall present reports of the Cabinet to the Council.

2.1.2 Election
The members are elected by the College faculty for two-year terms, two being elected each year; one member from each school or academic division shall be elected by the College faculty. The election of the committee shall be held in the spring in accordance with Arts and Sciences election procedures. The Chair of the Council and Cabinet is elected by the Council (see 1.4.3).

2.1.3 Responsibilities

The Cabinet shall:

  1. Set the agenda of the Arts and Sciences Council and Arts and Sciences faculty meetings.
  2. Establish operational procedures for the orderly conduct of the Council's business and ascertain whether there is compliance with the organizational structure and functions of the Council and whether the Council's decisions have been implemented.
  3. Appoint members of all standing and ad hoc committees of the Arts and Sciences Council, except where the membership of a committee is otherwise specified. Note: the Faculty Cabinet may appoint its own ad hoc committees to assist with especially burdensome assignments. A Faculty Cabinet member shall chair any such committee.
  4. Designate members to serve as liaison with all standing and ad hoc committees of the College.
  5. Designate a member to confer with the associate dean on particularly difficult decisions involving such things as waiver of the requirement that the last 30 hours must be taken at Drake. Consultation with advisors and other appropriate parties will typically precede the discussion between the Cabinet liaison and the Associate Dean.
  6. Advise the Dean on curricular and academic issues arising during the summer. Note: All available members comprise the Cabinet during the summer.
  7. Advise and consult with the Dean on such other matters as the Dean or the Cabinet shall request.
  8. In consultation with the Curriculum Committee, ensure the maintenance of high academic standards.
    Toward this end, it is expected to establish and coordinate a systematic review of majors and interdisciplinary programs, with a cycle for review designed to ensure periodic review when timely reviews are not proposed by departments and programs; the committee may propose recommendations to be presented to departments and programs regarding requirements for majors, minors, and concentrations.
  9. Present recommendations to the Dean and the Arts and Sciences Council, through the Faculty Cabinet, for:
    1. timely introduction of new programs;
    2. consolidation, reduction, or modification of existing programs and structures;
    3. reallocation of resources within the College;
    4. termination of programs which are no longer justifiable for the College.
  10. Advise and consult with the Dean on such other matters as the Dean or the Cabinet shall request.

2.1.4 Organization and Operations

  1. The Committee must be provided with information, on a confidential basis if necessary, that it considers necessary to assist in the review process, including gross salary and budget information.
  2. The Committee must make every effort to ensure that all parties to a review-such as departments, interdisciplinary programs, the Curriculum Committee, and students-be given an opportunity to present information in support of cases they wish to make.
  3. In considering discontinuance of a program, the Faculty Cabinet must act in accord with Article 10, Section A of the Drake University Academic Charter. The decision to discontinue a college, school, program, or department of instruction will be based solely upon educational considerations as determined by the faculty, administration and governing board of the University. "Educational considerations" do not include cyclical or temporary variations in enrollment. They must reflect long-range judgments that the educational mission of the institution will be enhanced by the discontinuance. Degree programs may be terminated by the concurrent agreement of the faculty concerned, the President of the University and the Board of Governors or by the concurrent agreement of the Faculty Senate, the President of the University and the Board of Governors.
    A program is defined as any curricular activity which has a significant degree of identity and which has traditionally been recognized as a unit within the College or a department of the College.
  4. A suitable record of the Committee's proceedings must be maintained.
  5. Each month the Faculty Cabinet shall report its actions to the Arts and Sciences Council. All actions and recommendations involving College policy must be approved by the Council.

2.2 Academic Integrity Committee

This committee is charged with these responsibilities: a) proposing to the Council policies and procedures for dealing with problems of plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty and ensuring that these policies and procedures are consistent with University policies and procedures; b) implementing College and University policies and procedures for dealing with plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty; and c) reviewing appeals of academic evaluations associated with plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty. The committee shall also be charged with; d) reviewing appeals in which a student charges a faculty member with capricious or arbitrary grading practices which constitute an abuse of professorial discretion.

Membership shall include one tenured faculty member from each division and school in the College, nominated by the Faculty Cabinet and appointed by the Council. Faculty members will be appointed to staggered two-year terms. In addition, there will be one student representing each division and school, nominated by the Arts and Sciences representatives to the Student Senate and appointed by the Council; the Faculty Cabinet shall designate the Chair. The Faculty Cabinet shall be authorized to determine if conflicts of interest exist as cases arise (e.g., a member may not serve in instances involving appeals concerning the actions of faculty members in his or her department) and to appoint an alternate for the member excused from service. The appointment shall be made from a roster of alternates nominated by the Cabinet and appointed by the Council at the same time that the standing members of the Committee are nominated and appointed.

When the committee engages in fact-finding under responsibility "c" (above), the faculty member serving in the division or school in which the case under consideration is lodged shall be disqualified from participating; the committee shall then consist of four students and three faculty members. When the committee discharges its responsibility under "d," the student member pursuing a major in the division or school in which the case under consideration is lodged shall be disqualified from participating; the committee shall then consist of four faculty members and three students.

(Procedures for dealing with appeals of academic evaluations are in section 4.6.)

2.3 Curriculum Committee

2.3.1 Responsibilities

This committee is charged with the following responsibility:

to evaluate in light of the educational goals of the College of Arts and Sciences proposals for course changes, deletions and modifications presented by departments and programs, and make recommendations to the Arts and Sciences Council on these proposals. Committee reports and recommendations must be presented to the council by the Chair of the Committee.

2.3.2 Membership

The Curriculum Committee consists of one representative from each division and school in the College, each appointed for a 3-year term. Appointments are staggered such that one new member is appointed each year. One individual serving in his/her third year shall be Chair. Members are appointed by the Arts and Science Council upon the recommendation of the Faculty Cabinet. The Council, at its spring organizational meeting, shall designate the Chair.

Arts and Sciences New Course Proposal Form

University Course Change Form

2.4 Diversity Committee

2.4.1 Responsibilities

The Diversity Committee is a standing committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, effective fall, 2005. The Diversity committee will meet monthly during the academic year. Its tasks include:

  1. Reviewing progress toward increasing diversity in the college, including conducting audits on the status of diversity within the College on a regular basis;
  2. Proposing initiatives designed to promote diversity in the College as a whole or units within the College;
  3. Recommending specific goals and strategies for the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and students; as well as on developing best practices in College business operations.
  4. Coordinating diversity initiatives and research on diversity with the University Diversity Committee;
  5. Overseeing monies budgeted toward College diversity efforts such as faculty development seminars;
  6. Monitoring efforts toward increasing diversity in higher education generally for how such efforts might be applied within the college;
  7. Providing advice to the College on strategic planning on diversity issues and generally serving as a resource for the College, and for the University when appropriate, on issues of diversity.

2.4.2 Membership

The Committee will consist of six faculty members; normally one from each of the four divisions (Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Science and Social Science) and two at-large, two Arts and Sciences staff members, two Arts and Sciences students and the Dean of the College (ex-officio). The term of service is two years and terms are staggered. The Chair of the Committee is selected from among the faculty and staff members and also will serve as one of the College's members on the University Diversity Committee.

2.4.3 Selection

Committee members shall be nominated by the Faculty Cabinet and appointed by the Arts and Sciences Council. Staff members will be appointed by the Dean in consultation with the Committee. Student members will be appointed by the Dean on recommendation of the Arts and Sciences and Fine Arts Student Senators.

2.5 Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee

2.5.1 Membership

The Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee is made up of six tenured faculty holding the rank of professor or associate professor; at least three members shall be at the rank of professor, and the associate professors must have been at that rank for at least four years by the time of their service on the committee begins, and at Drake for at least six years. Department chairs may not serve on the Promotion and Tenure Committee. Faculty members who commit to presenting their case for promotion are ineligible to serve on the Committee. Only one faculty member from a single department and only two faculty members from a single division or school may serve at any one time on the Promotion and Tenure Committee.

2.5.2 Elections

Members are elected for two-year terms. Each of the three academic units -- the combined divisions of Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and the School of Fine Arts -- is represented by two faculty members each. All committee members are elected by the whole faculty. After serving one two-year term, a faculty member may be re-elected to the Committee only after the lapse of one year.

It shall be required that for all elections to the Promotion and Tenure Committee, the names of at least two persons eligible to be elected to a given position on the Committee shall appear on the ballot. To satisfy this requirement, the Faculty Cabinet is authorized to waive the requirement that a faculty member "may be re-elected to the Committee only after the lapse of one year," allowing for the election to a one-year term of a person whose two-year term has expired.

The election of Promotion and Tenure Committee members is held each Spring in accordance with the College's election procedures. At its organizational meeting in the subsequent Fall, convened by the Dean of the College, a faculty member shall be elected by the Committee to chair the Promotion and Tenure Committee for that academic year.

2.6 Technology Planning Committee

2.6.1 Responsibilities

The Arts and Sciences Technology Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences on issues related to technology planning and implementation in the College. The Committee is responsible for working with the Dean to establish and annually updating a technology plan that sets forth general goals for technology development and support in the College. The Committee provides advice to the Dean concerning implementation of the plan and allocation of computers and other technology equipment. The Committee is responsible for oversight and administration of the Student Technology Fees distributed to the College of Arts and Sciences. The Committee also advises the Dean concerning prioritization of Capital Equipment requests, and faculty computer upgrades.

In relation to Student Technology Fees, the committee will review the criterion and guidelines each fall and update as needed. The Committee will receive applications, according to the schedule established in the Student Technology Fees Guidelines and will make recommendations to the Dean concerning allocation of Student Technology Fees.

2.6.2 Membership

The Technology Committee consists of four faculty members, each appointed for a three-year term. One member each is from the School of Fine Arts, the Natural Sciences division, the Social Sciences division, and the Humanities division. Appointments are staggered such that one new member is appointed each year. The individual serving in his/her third year shall be Chair. The Dean, or his or her designee, serves ex-officio. The Educational Technologist also serves ex-officio. The members are appointed using the standard procedures for appointment of standing committees.

2.6.3 Student Technology Fees Allocations

The criteria for expenditure of funds as establish in the Provost's Guidelines, state: "All expenditures must enhance or maintain the fundamental core business of the University, student learning. Accordingly, all expenditures must be approved by the Provost and/or the Deans' Council. Each College and the University Library will submit an annual program plan indicating how expenditures will be directed."

Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Any funded proposal must demonstrated clearly how it will enhance teaching and learning.
  • Projects that will provide for the needs of large numbers of students will be viewed favorably.
  • High priority will be accorded to projects that seek to maintain and/or upgrade technology that already has been implemented in the College.
  • Collaborative projects involving more than one program will be view favorably.
  • To the extent appropriate, the committee will address needs in a balanced way across the College.

2.6.31 Proposal Timelines and Procedures

Each semester the Dean will issue a call for proposals for Student Technology Funds. The dates and specifications for proposals are outlines in the Arts and Sciences Administrative Procedures Handbook: Part I. All proposals submitted to the Technology Committee must be approved by the Department or Program chair.


Faculty Office Computers

The College of Arts and Sciences purchases and maintains computers for use in faculty offices. These machines are purchased and assigned differently based on the status of the faculty member.

Tenured and tenure-track faculty members will be provided new computers by the Arts and Sciences Dean’s office when they are hired to serve as a primary office computer. A replacement computer will be offered when the primary office computer has been in use four years or longer. A faculty member will be contacted by e-mail when they are eligible for computer replacement, and will need to respond within the allotted time to receive a replacement in that update cycle. When the replacement computer is installed and the user’s data transferred, the older machine will be reclaimed by the College to have the data erased and the computer reassigned for use elsewhere.

For tenure and tenure-track computer updates, qualified individuals will be given several standard computer configurations from which to choose. These configurations are selected to be able to execute a variety of tasks quickly and efficiently, and should be more than adequate for the majority of faculty members. However, where there is need, a different configuration may be requested. These requests must be approved by the faculty member’s department, and will be evaluated based on need and available funding. If available, another funding source such as departmental funds or grant money may be named in the request to cover costs beyond the standard configuration. While requests that name another funding sources will always be granted, it must be noted that machines partially paid from other funding sources must still be returned to the College for reassignment when replaced.

Visiting faculty members will be assigned computers from the pool created by the machines removed from tenured and tenure-track faculty offices. These machines will be updated as available equipment allows.

Office computers for adjunct faculty cannot be guaranteed by the College, and will not be supplied automatically. However, requests for computers for adjunct use will granted by the College as available equipment allows.

The College of Arts and Sciences will only provide and maintain a single machine to any faculty member for office use. Also, the College will not be responsible for the purchase of peripherals or upgrades, such as third-party input devices or additional monitors. Any additional needs must be met from another funding source.

Student Technology Fee Purchases

The process for obtaining a tech fee grant is covered in depth in the faculty handbook and will not be covered here. Once the grant is obtained, purchase of computer equipment should be coordinated with the Educational Technologist, as grant items can often be combined for greater discounts.

Reassignment of computer equipment purchased with Student Tech Fee grants must be coordinated with the Educational Technologist. This is done to ensure that technology utilization across the college is consistent and current.

Departmental or Grant Purchases of Computer Technology

It is highly recommended that computer equipment purchased with departmental funds or grants be coordinated with the Educational Technologist to ensure that the technology purchased will meet the needs of the purchaser, that the optimal pricing is obtained, and that the equipment purchased is properly inventoried.

Equipment purchased in this way may be reassigned according to the needs of the purchaser, however, it is useful to let the Dean’s Office know when this equipment moves for the purposes of keeping an accurate inventory.

Any single piece of equipment with a cost greater than $499.00 must be obtained via purchase order.

Requests for Replacement/Additional Computer Equipment

Requests for replacement or additional computer equipment may be directed to the dean’s office and will be evaluated based on available budget and equipment.

Computer Usage

Usage of computers provided by the College of Arts and Sciences must comply with the university acceptable use policy.

Computer usage is not monitored, and restrictions are not placed on usage. University support personnel will not be expected to support computer usage that is not directly related to the user’s job functions. This may include damage to machines taken off campus for non-University related purposes. Users may be held liable for such damage.

Also, any central network services or peer to peer services that are enabled on office computers will not be supported. This includes, but is not limited to, web services, file sharing, database sharing, or peer-to-peer networks. These functions should always be moved to dedicated servers. Arts and Sciences and OIT maintain several servers for this purpose.

Creation of New Computing Facilities

When creating new computing facilities, which may be planning a computer lab or a new faculty office, it must be coordinated with the Educational Technologist. If there is any expectation of funding via student technology fees, the planning must also be coordinated with the Faculty Technology Committee.

Computing facilities must contain adequate power, networking, and space before computer technology may be committed for use by that facility.

Planning for any computer lab with greater than 9 stations and a creation date later than May 31, 2009, must include plans for open student hours that equate to at least 20% of the lab’s overall scheduled time.

Required Technology for Planned Curriculum

Software and hardware that will be required for upcoming curricula must be submitted to the Educational Technologist no later than the beginning of the semester prior to implementation. This is only required if the software or hardware has any expectation of financial or technical support at the college or university level.

If student access to particular technological resources is required, access must be provided or arranged by the academic unit making the requirement. Students may not be required by academic units to obtain by their own means equipment or software without the review and approval of the Faculty Technology Committee. A list of approved items will be maintained by the Educational Technologist.

Computer Disposal

When computers are disposed via e-waste collection or other means, the serial numbers of the equipment being disposed should be sent to the Educational Technologist for removal from inventory.

Administrator Access and User Privacy

In order to ensure proper functioning of computer equipment and the security of the Drake Network as a whole, computer administrators must have complete access to machines that they support. While private data (documents, pictures, email, etc.) on Drake University computers is only accessible by the data’s owner, administrators, by necessity, also have access to this data. This includes remote access to settings and files stored on office computers.

Non-private files, such as system and configuration files, are routinely accessed by computer administrators both directly and remotely for the purposes of maintenance. This may include virus or other security updates, installs necessary for University services, or repair of reported user issues.

Maintenance or other work that is done by The College of Arts and Sciences on university machines assigned to individuals that may require a computer administrator to access personal data will not be done without prior disclosure. Furthermore, computer usage will not be monitored by The College of Arts and Sciences for any reason on computers that are assigned to individual users without prior disclosure.

Computer administrators may be compelled by legal means to access private files in the course of a criminal investigation.

Approved by A&S Council 03/24/2010

Travel Grants And Travel Expenditure Vouchers

Guidelines for travel grants are printed on the reverse side of the application form. The guidelines may be adapted each year to accommodate the volume of requests received in relation to the funds available for granting. Thus, they are simply guidelines, not guarantees.

The travel expense voucher must be submitted immediately upon return to campus. All original receipts (photocopies are not acceptable) must accompany the voucher, taped to an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and properly identified. If traveling internationally all receipts must have the exchange rate indicated. Other materials specified in the guidelines also must accompany the voucher.

Travel Grant Allocation Guidelines

Requests for travel assistance always exceed available funds. The guidelines used in past years have proven workable, but they are modified each year to reflect the size of the College's travel budget. The guidelines stated here will provide the starting point for the allocations this year, but they will be adjusted as circumstances require. In other words, at this point there are no guarantees that the amounts indicated will be possible.

To give a scholarly presentation or an artistic performance at a professional meeting:

  1. First Grant: maximum $950
         AA. Second Grant: maximum of $800

To participate in a scholarly conference as critic or discussant:

  1. First Grant: maximum of $800
    BB. Second Grant: maximum of $650

To participate in a scholarly conference as a session organizer/chair of a session:

  1. First Grant: maximum of $700
    CC. Second Grant: maximum of $600
  2. To participate in a scholarly conference in a leadership role: maximum of $700 (one only)
  3. To attend a scholarly meeting (none of the above categories applicable): up to $650 (one only)
  4. To attend pedagogical workshop or conference: maximum of $700. In addition, may apply for faculty development funds
  5. To undertake scholarly research: up to $700 (one only)
  6. To serve in an official role as representative for the University (in most instances, funds for this purpose come from an administrative travel account)

These considerations are also part of the allocation process:

  1. If more than one application is submitted, the applicant MUST indicate the priority ranking of each one. In the absence of such rankings, it will be assumed that the priority is in chronological order of the events for which funding is sought.
  2. Allocations ordinarily are not made for travel to another institution to act in a capacity for which reimbursement should come from that institution.
  3. The amounts allocated are "up to" amounts. If actual expenditures are lower, the guidelines will apply to the amount expended.
  4. Low airfares should be sought. Adjustments in estimates may be made by the Dean.
  5. Requests to use funds that have been allocated for a purpose other than the one indicated on the form must be made in writing and before the date on which the funded activity was to occur. Unclaimed funds are not held in the name of the intended recipient; rather, after revision they are put back to reallocate for later requests.
  6. Nearly 100% of the dollars in the account are committed by late September. Later requests will be funded, insofar as they can be, by unspent allocations made in the initial round. But don't count on the availability of funds.

* Travel vouchers must be submitted as soon as possible after the travel occurs, ordinarily within a week (see note below). Those not submitted within three weeks may run the risk of having the committed funds reallocated for other purposes.
* Travel vouchers for funds allocated in category A must be accompanied by a copy of the presentation. Vouchers in categories B, C, and D must be accompanied by photocopied pages from conference programs showing the session in which the presentation occurred.
* Requests for converting an allocation from E to A, B, or C must include the appropriate letter of notification.
* Applications for travel grants should estimate the full costs of the travel, not simply the amount requested from the University.
* Except in unusual circumstances, visiting faculty are eligible for a single grant of up to $600.

Important Notice from the Controller: An IRS regulation, effective July 1, 1990, requires the University to tax recipients of travel advances for FICA and federal income tax on the amount of the entire advance ONLY if the vouchers and excess advance are not returned in a timely fashion. Drake University policy requires submitting an approved travel voucher and return of excess advance within one week of the trip. Please be aware of this requirement so that you can avoid additional and unnecessary taxation.

Also: The "Expense Reimbursement Policy of Drake University" must be honored The latest version of the reimbursement policy and form are available online at: Policy and Form

Instructions for Completing Travel Expense Voucher

Instructions for completing the Travel Expense Voucher are detailed on the back of the voucher. Note that the per diem in this instance means actual meal costs. Original receipts must be attached for ALL expenditures - except for meals UNLESS the meal is: a. $25 or more or b. for more than one person. In both instances, (a. and b.) a receipt is ALWAYS necessary. Hotel receipts must be itemized. The quick check-out receipts that do not itemize charges are not acceptable. Original receipts for hotel, registration for meetings, public transportation and any meals when other than the claimant are served must be attached to the Travel Expense Voucher. The IRS requires that each single expense item of $25 or more be accompanied by an original receipt.

Those individuals with University corporate credit cards need to complete a Travel Voucher form detailing the expenditures that were charged to the corporate card. Receipts must be attached to the Travel Voucher.

When individuals other than the claimant are served meals, the names of those individuals should be listed. If receipts are not attached, the claim for reimbursement will not be allowable.

It is important that all amounts expended on a trip be reported on the Travel Expense Voucher, even though the reimbursable amount is exceeded. This information will provide needed verification for the claimant as a deduction for tax purposes and will aid the University in assessing needs for travel.

The traveler should always keep a copy of the travel voucher and a copy of the documentation for her/his records.

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