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Constitutional Law Center Resources

The Constitutional Law Center at Drake provides resources on the U.S. Constitution and areas of constitutional law.

Recent Publications

Mark Kende, Unmasking of Balancing and Proportionality Review in U.S. Constitutional Law, 25 Cardoza J. of International and Comparative Law 417 (2017).

Mark Kende, Corruption Cases and Separation of Powers in the South African Courts and U.S., 60 New York Law School Law Review 183 (2015-2016) (Symposium on the 20th Anniversary of the South African Constitution).

Mark Kende, Comparative Constitutional Law: South African Cases and Materials in a Global Context (Carolina Academic Press, 2015).

Mark Kende, Justice Thomas’s Korematsu Problem, 30 Harvard Journal of Racial and Ethic Justice 201 (2014).

Mark Kende, Enforcing the South African Constitution: The Fight for Judicial Independence and Separation of Powers, 23 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 235 (2014).

Mark Kende, Is Bakke Becoming a Super-Precedent and Does it Matter? The U.S. Supreme Court’s Updated Constitutional Approach to University Affirmative Action in Fisher, 16 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 15 (2013) (HEIGHTENED SCRUTINY online supplement).

Mark Kende, Teaching Comparative Perspectives in the Domestic Constitutional Law Class: A Step by Step Primer, 61 Journal of Legal Education 310 (2011).

Mark Kende, The U.S. Supreme Court as Fact Finder?, Constitutional Law JOTWELL (Oct. 24, 2012) (with Matthew Shimnaovsky).

Mark Kende, Constitutional Rights in Two Worlds: South Africa and the United States (Cambridge University Press, 2009).


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