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Leading Others

Drake's Leading Others program is an open-enrollment program designed for mid- to senior-level leaders seeking transformational and accelerated growth.

Drake's Executive Executive program understands how important it is to have practical and actionable professional development resources. Drake provides facilitators and executive coaches who are experts in their fields to work directly with program participants, helping them discover their unique strengths while creating practical strategies for leading change in the workplace. With over 100 hours of orchestrated learning, participants are paired with executive coaches maximizing learning and development opportunities while minimizing time away from the office.  Leading Others Brochure (2024)

Who Should Attend?

Leading Others has been specifically designed for leaders in mid- to senior-level leadership roles charged with creating organizational value. Alongside their executive coach, participants will develop both an actionable leadership development plan and a comprehensive business plan, leveraging tools and techniques designed to strengthen areas of opportunity and capitalize key strengths.

The Format

Leading Others is a 12-month process, where in-class learning is enhanced through collaboration with executive coaches and implemented immediately back at the office. Through a combination of individual and small group executive coaching plus three highly interactive classroom sessions, participants strategically move through the four program components: Leader Readiness, Leader Development, Organizational Performance, Leader Sustainability.


Register for Leading Others 2025- Cohort 12


Program Benefits

Program Components



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