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Study Spaces & Rooms

The Law Library offers numerous areas for study and work.

Carrels and Tables

The library offers over 200 study carrels that current Drake law students may reserve for the academic year or the summer term. Assigned carrels are labeled with the student’s name.

For more information about reserving a carrel, visit Carrel Reservations or stop by the Information Desk.

Non-assigned carrels and tables are open for the use of all library patrons. The lights attached to the carrels and tables do not automatically turn off. Please switch these off when you are done.

Study Rooms

The Law Library offers 20 small, locked study rooms to provide law students an option for a secure and semi-private study space.

Conference/Seminar Rooms

A variety of conference rooms and study lounges are available for study and collaboration. All rooms are kept unlocked.

If a room is not reserved, patrons may walk in and use the room on a modified first-come, first-served basis, with law students having priority over other patrons. 

Visit Library Room Reservations to check availability, and Group Rooms for details about seating capacity and amenities.

Other Rooms

Read more about other rooms in the library:

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Law School News