We are in the midst of course registration for Spring 2025! This week many first and second year students will register for classes for the upcoming semester. Below are a few registration tips and tasks parents can reinforce with their students to ensure that course registration goes as smooth as possible:
Before Registration Day:
The Night Before Registration:
Registration Day:
After Registration:
All students have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with their Advising Specialist or Faculty Mentor prior to registration. Appointments can be scheduled via students' Starfish Success Network. Advising Specialists are also available via email each morning during registration, beginning at 7am. If students have questions or need assistance during registration, please encourage them to send their name, student ID, and details about the specific issues they are experiencing to the Advising Specialist; screen shots of error messages, conflicts, or other issues can be helpful.
Students should also spend time reading the registration how-to articles and getting familiar with the information and resources on our "registration hub."