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Graduation Application

The graduation application may be accessed via the following steps:

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Self Service, select the Student Record card, click on Student Profile
  3. Click on Apply to Graduate in the left navigation window

Undergraduate students in the Zimpleman College of Business, please note: the graduation application is separate from the graduation agreement.

There is no fee for applying.

Students who plan to graduate must complete a graduation application by a couple of months prior to the end of the semester. Check with the Office of the Registrar for specific due dates. Students must declare all degrees, majors, minors and concentrations on this form. Students earning more than one degree must indicate both degrees on the application for graduation.

Once requirements have been fulfilled and verified, the Office of the Registrar will post the degree and mail the diploma with the established graduation date of May, August or December. The student must complete, and the College Office must verify, all requirements within 45 days of the last day of finals to have the degree posted with the applied-for graduation date. Students who meet the requirements for graduation at a later point in time will have an effective graduation date of the following established graduation date in May, August or December.

The unofficial transcript in myDrake will display students' application status. Under "Degree Information", the words “Pending (application on file)” will signify that the application has been received and recorded.

Students who walk in the May ceremony should be registered in the spring or summer courses that are required for successful completion of their programs. Exceptions to this are made only by the dean of the student’s college/school.

Students are responsible for knowing their program requirements and reviewing their academic programs for completeness. Students are encouraged to review their unofficial transcripts online through myDrake to check on the accuracy and completeness of their programs. Any questions about the graduation requirements should be resolved with the students' advisor and the college/school dean's office well before commencement.

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February 20, 2025