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Transcript FAQ: Continuing Education & Professional Development Students

The questions and answers on this page pertain best to students who have received Drake credit through Continuing Education & Professional Development (CEPD) courses.  Some examples of CEPD courses include:

  • Video or online courses for teachers
  • Video or online courses for coaches
  • Courses delivered through Performance Learning Systems
  • Courses delivered through an Iowa Area Education Agency

Due to the nature of the delivery of the CEPD courses, registration and grade information is entered into our system differently than traditional courses. On occasion, Drake receives requests for official transcripts from students before we receive their registration and grade. As a result, we might release an incomplete transcript. To combat this, we strongly urge CEPD students to list on their transcript requests the titles of the classes that they expect to appear on their transcript.


How do I order my Drake transcript?

Follow the instructions here.  A nine-digit Drake ID number or a Social Security Number is required.

Under no circumstances will Drake will accept phone or email requests.


Is there anything special I should list on my transcript request?

  • For greatest accuracy, please list on the transcript request the course(s) that you expect to see on your Drake transcript.
  • The Office of the Registrar occasionally receives transcript requests before all coursework has been submitted to Drake. None the wiser, the Office of the Registrar may process such transcripts before all coursework has been posted to the student's record.
  • Listing the course(s) that you expect to see on your Drake transcript, as well as the dates the course was taken, will improve accuracy.


How can I determine whether all of my courses will appear on my transcript?

  • The best way to do this is to log in to our student web portal, called myDrake, and access your unofficial transcript. What appears on your unofficial transcript will appear on your official transcript. Instructions on how to access your unofficial transcript are available here.
  • You need a valid Drake ID number (a social security number will not suffice) and password to access myDrake. If you do not know your Drake ID number or have difficulty logging in to myDrake, contact Drake's Support Center for assistance.
  • If you think one or more of your courses is missing from your unofficial transcript, contact the CEPD staff.


I see the phrase "Term in Progress" on my transcript. What does that mean?

Occasionally CEPD students complete their course work and earn a final grade before the end date of the term for which they are registered. Consequently, the corresponding transcript displays the "term in progress" phrase to indicate that the transcript was printed before the end of the semester. The phrase has nothing to do with the validity of the final grade and is displayed only to indicate that it was printed before the semester's end date.


How much does it cost to order a copy of my official transcript?

  • Each requested copy costs $7.25 for standard delivery.  Payment is due at the time of the request.
  • If an unofficial copy would suffice, you can access one via our student web portal, called myDrake.  A valid Drake ID number and password is required.


How can I make my payment?

Payments must be made by credit card at the end of the online ordering process.


How long will this take?

  • Requests typically can be processed within 1-2 business days upon receipt of request. During peak times, such as at the beginning and end of a semester, please allow 3-5 business days of processing time.
  • Requests will be processed during fall and spring break; however, due to staff limitations, such requests may take 3-5 business days to process. The university typically is closed for business between the end of the fall semester and the first week of January. Check the university academic calendar for specific semester and holiday dates.


Can I request express delivery?

  • Upon request, transcripts can be sent overnight via UPS only.
  • Express delivery cannot be made to a P.O. box.
  • In addition to the transcript request fee, fees for express delivery are required to cover the cost of shipping.
    • Regular UPS overnight delivery: $25.
    • Saturday delivery: $37.50
    • Overnight delivery to non-domestic addresses: These fees vary. Consult UPS ( for more fee information.
  • Express delivery options can be made with the appropriate check box on the transcript request form.


Can my transcript be faxed?



May I pick up my transcript?

  • Upon special request, students can pick up their transcripts after 2:00 p.m. the next business day in Old Main, Room 104.
  • There is no additional charge for this service.
  • Due to federal privacy regulations, transcripts will be released only to the student to which the transcript belongs. Students who want a third party to retrieve their transcript must contact the Office of the Registrar in at the time the transcript request is made.


Can I have my unofficial transcript?

  • Drake University only issues official transcripts.
  • Current and previous students can access an unofficial copy of their transcript via the myDrake portal. Instructions on how to access your unofficial transcript are available here. A valid Drake ID number (not a social security number) is required to access myDrake.


What if my record is on hold?

  • Certain holds on students' records may restrict the release of their transcripts. Transcripts will not be released until the student has made satisfactory arrangements with the office that initiated the hold.
  • The Office of Student Accounts will notify a student if an existing hold will prevent the release of his or her transcript. The student must resolve this matter by contacting the appropriate office(s).


Can my transcript request be delayed until my semester grades or degree information has been recorded?

  • Yes. Please indicate this at the time of the request.
  • To expedite the processing and increase accuracy, note the specific semester or degree for which you are waiting.


I do not recall having requested my official transcript, but I received one in the mail anyway. Why?

For CEPD courses only, Drake automatically mails one free official transcript to the student's mailing address. Whenever a grade (or multiple grades) gets recorded, a transcript is generated and mailed automatically the following business day.


I received my complimentary copy of my transcript, but not all of my courses are listed. Why?

Whenever a grade (or multiple grades) for a CEPD course gets recorded, a transcript is generated and mailed automatically the following business day. It is possible that the transcript you received was generated when only one of your courses was graded. The likely cause of your missing courses is that Drake has not received the registration and/or grade information for the missing course(s).

If you have more questions regarding this issue, contact the CEPD staff.

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