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View Your Midterm and Final Grades

Instructions for Viewing Midterm and Final Grades

Grades that are entered by the instructor will not appear on a student's record until the following day, as the system posts all students' grades and recalculates their GPA's automatically overnight.

Midterm grades for the fall semester become available to students in mid-October, and midterm grades for the spring semester become available to students in mid-March.

Final grades for the fall semester become available to students on or around November 1st, and final grades for the spring semester become available to students on or around April 1st.

The Important Dates calendar outlines the midterm and final grade entry deadlines for each semester.

Students can view all their final grades from their entire history at Drake by accessing their unofficial transcript.


Q: I can access my grades for a particular semester, but it appears that at least one of my classes is missing a grade. Why is that?

A: Check the Important Dates calendar determine the faculty grade-entry deadline. If that date has passed, contact your instructor directly or notify your college/school dean's office that your grade is missing.

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025