Drake Physics Prize

Since 1970, the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Drake University has hosted the Drake Physics Prize Examination. The Physics Prize is offered to encourage interest in physics, astronomy, and physical sciences, and to give recognition to outstanding high-school students. The Drake Physics Prize Test will cover topics in physics that would normally be studied by students during the first semester of their high-school physics course: kinematics, dynamics (Newton’s laws), circular motion, universal law of gravitation, harmonic motion (simple pendulum and mass-spring systems), impulse, linear momentum, conservation of momentum and collisions, work, energy and conservation of energy, torque, rotational kinematics, dynamics and energy, angular momentum conservation, mechanical waves, and sound.

A variety of awards are available, however the first place award is an unrestricted four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Drake University!

You can read full details about the scholarship here.


Undergraduate Scholarship Eligibility 

For students entering one of Drake’s joint undergraduate/graduate degree paths, refer to the table below to see how undergraduate awards are impacted.



Scholarship Availability

Law 3 + 3

Undergraduate awards available for 3 years or until first year of Law Program (L1).

Doctor of Pharmacy

Undergraduate awards available for 4 years or through the 2nd year of the Pharmacy Program (P2).

Masters in Athletic Training

Undergraduate awards available for 3 years or until the first year of the Athletic Training Program (AT1). There is a one-time, $5000 scholarship for AT1.

Occupational Therapy Doctorate 3+3

Undergraduate awards available for 3 years or until the first year of the OTD program (O1). There is a one-time, $5000 scholarship for O1.